
The Box Office King of Hollywood

Knock! Dang! Knock--   A sharp knock on the door suddenly rang in his ears, followed by a man's urgent voice coming through the door, "Matthew, why did you kick the makeup artist out? The director and the female lead are already in place, the entire crew is waiting for you, the male lead, you still have fifteen minutes!" ----------------------- It's 1 chapter per day at 1 p.m. (Arizona) in every novel I upload. 3 daily chapters in each novel on patreon! p@treon.com/INNIT ----------------------- DISCLAIMER The story belongs entirely to the original author.

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Chapter 97: Three New Films (Edited)

"Have you read today's newspaper?"

In the office, Helen Herrmann spoke to Matthew, who was sitting in the chair across from her, "Gladiator made over 34 million dollars in North America on its opening weekend, which is pretty good."

Matthew shrugged, "Does it help me?"

"A little," Helen Herrmann said truthfully, "but not significantly."

"Let's talk about new work," Matthew was more concerned about that.

Changing the topic, Helen Herrmann said, "Hollywood has many films greenlit every month, most of which are casting actors, and there are not a few roles suitable for you." She pulled out a document from her drawer and pushed it towards Matthew, "This was specially collected by the company, including commercial films and independent productions."

Matthew understood her implication, "You don't have connections in these production teams?"

"Mostly no…" Helen Herrmann frowned slightly, then said seriously, "Even if there are, they can't be used casually. Some favors, once used, are gone and must be reserved for critical moments."

Matthew, not a newcomer to society, understood her words.

Helen Herrmann continued, "I will try my best to get you work, but you also need to do your best in auditions and other stages."

She couldn't solve every role using her father's connections. While many Hollywood production teams were murky with various dealings, auditions and actor performances were also key factors in deciding roles.

"Let's talk about the upcoming work," Helen Herrmann got straight to the point, "Among the production teams currently casting, I've selected three for you: DreamWorks' Almost Famous, Universal Pictures' The Mummy Returns, and The Fast and the Furious."

Matthew hadn't heard of the first film, but he knew the latter two. Having seen the earlier Mummy movies and several of The Fast and the Furious films, he remembered they were quite successful at the box office, especially The Fast and the Furious 7, which heavily promoted the death of its lead actor.

He had no recollection of DreamWorks' Almost Famous.

Landing a major role in The Mummy Returns or The Fast and the Furious would surely make him a star!

Sensing what Matthew was thinking, Helen Herrmann added, "A leading role is out of the question. We're aiming for a significant supporting role."

Seeing Matthew nod, she explained, "Based on the difficulty of securing a role and its potential impact on your future, DreamWorks' Almost Famous is our top priority."

This was unexpected for Matthew, who asked, "Why not The Mummy Returns or The Fast and the Furious?"

"The Mummy Returns is a sequel to the highly successful The Mummy, and even a supporting role is highly competitive," Helen Herrmann had clearly done her research, "The Fast and the Furious is a niche street racing film. A supporting role in such a film won't do much for your career; it's merely an alternative."

She further explained, "Almost Famous was supposed to start filming last year but was delayed due to financial issues. DreamWorks is hoping the film can make it to the next awards season, allocating a budget of 60 million dollars for production. The film, involving a band and rock music, naturally attracts industry attention."

Helen Herrmann coughed softly, "The production company is DreamWorks, and according to feedback from Eric Bork, your professional and diligent performance in Band of Brothers has been unanimously recognized by the production team, which will benefit your audition for Almost Famous!"

"Additionally," she pointed out Matthew's flaws, "you also need a role to hone your acting skills. I'm not expecting excellence, but it can't be too poor!"

"Then…" Matthew was still hopeful, "What about The Mummy Returns and The Fast and the Furious?"

"I've prepared three sets of materials for you, besides Almost Famous, I will also submit your profile to The Mummy Returns and The Fast and the Furious," Helen Herrmann wasn't opposed to Matthew participating in these films, as they also represented opportunities, "If you can pass the auditions for all three production teams and there are no scheduling conflicts, you can definitely participate in filming these two movies."

She raised a finger, "However, from now on, you should prioritize preparing for the audition for Almost Famous. The male supporting role we're targeting is the most likely for us to secure. My efforts will also focus on negotiations with this production team, while the other two will only have your information submitted."

Matthew knew well that Helen Herrmann was not one to mince words. Her extensive explanation was to emphasize that the male supporting role in Almost Famous was their best chance.

The other two production teams seemed appealing, but Matthew knew that if he couldn't secure a role, even those films wouldn't be as valuable to him as Witchcraft Girl had been.

Now, it was the production teams picking him, not him picking the production teams.

"Your audition role..." Helen Herrmann pointed to the documents in front of Matthew, "is all in here. Take a good look when you get back."

After discussing work for a while longer, Matthew picked up the documents provided by Helen Herrmann and said, "Is there anything else? If not, I'll be going."

"Hold on," Helen Herrmann adjusted her glasses, "I've had someone collect information on Almost Famous and related roles, which will be back this afternoon. Wait for it before you leave."

The phone rang at that moment, and after a brief conversation, Helen Herrmann said, "Alright, I understand."

Putting down the phone, she informed Matthew, "Your last payment of twenty thousand dollars has been processed. Go to finance to sign off."

After signing the documents in finance and directing them to withhold his agent's commission and the breach of contract fee for The Tarot of Forbidden Spells, Matthew had the remaining eight thousand dollars transferred to his account.

It was just past ten in the morning. Not wanting to wait idly in the office, Matthew decided to visit a used car market. He was in luck; the used Ford he had eyed before was still there. After some bargaining, he bought the white Ford for four thousand five hundred dollars.

Having worked as an apprentice mechanic, Matthew had a fair understanding of cars. Although the model was a bit outdated, it was generally in good condition and worth the price.

After completing the purchase and having lunch, Matthew drove his first car back to Angel Talent Agency. While in the rest area, he browsed the internet news, which was filled with stories of the stock market crash, countless bankruptcies, and not a few suicides, indicating a severe economic crisis in the United States.

Unfamiliar with the stock market and its indices, Matthew took it as mere spectacle, though the stories did alarm him with the high risks involved in stocks.

Shaking his head, he turned off the web page and checked entertainment news, where the hot topic was the divorce battle between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Once a loving couple, they now seemed like enemies.

"This is Hollywood..." he sighed.

To him, enduring marriages seemed a luxury in Hollywood, where most celebrity relationships appeared fast-paced and fleeting.

Matthew didn't dwell on it, lacking experience in this area, but he understood one principle—cherish the present.

As for the future, who can predict?

After browsing the news a bit more, Matthew remembered his earlier plan and registered a blog. Just as he was about to start writing, someone informed him that the person collecting the information had returned.

Matthew collected a thick stack of documents, greeted Helen Herrmann, and drove back to his apartment in Westwood. Once home, he immediately began reviewing the documents given by Helen Herrmann.

At the top of the stack was information about Almost Famous, including details about the production team and character descriptions, highlighting a male supporting role named Russell Hammond, which Matthew was aiming for.

The role involved a band's guitarist entangled in a complicated relationship with the band's lead singer and a female assistant, indicating a bisexual character.

According to Hollywood's mainstream tastes, portraying such a character indeed required considerable acting skills.

The documents also mentioned that two actors were already confirmed: Kate Hudson as the female lead and Jason Lee as the band's lead singer. Helen Herrmann had even noted under Kate Hudson's name that she was the daughter of veteran Hollywood actress Goldie Hawn.

Contemplating the role, Matthew felt it posed a significant challenge for him.

He set aside the Almost Famous documents and picked up those for The Mummy Returns, curious about which supporting role Helen Herrmann envisioned him pursuing.


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