
The Boundless Horizon

spring_caliste · Fantasy
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2 Chs


*tap tap tap*

I tapped my pen on my desk. And I started writing.

'Dear Mom and Dad,

I miss you both. I hope you both had a smooth journey in the afterlife. Me and elder brother are doing well. Uncle is teaching us swordfighting. He's definitely a weird bloke, but I'm not complaining. Me and brother are enjoying his lessons. He took us in his orphanage. Its full of weird children. They kept looking at us strangely at first, but they're fine. And I had my first and only friend, Nijin. He is the weirdest of the bunch, and I don't even know why I became friends with him, but he is kind. He loves to crossdress, and when he does, he actually looks better than me. My letter ends here. Wherever both of you are, I know you are both guiding me and brother. I love you mom and dad.


Fuyume and Jitsume'

"Meow," my cat purred. I only took her in a while ago. A stray black cat, with blue and yellow eyes, heterochromatic eyes. I stroked her smooth fur. Then she pointed at the window.

My twin brother was there, clinging to the window sills. Mind you, my bedroom is at the third floor.

"Sisterrrrr its time. Ahhh!" He managed to tell me before he fell.

" Brother, you should train more before you pull on stupid stunts!" I hollered at the window.

" I'm okay. Thanks sister." He muttered under his breath. Somehow, he managed to cushion his fall by landing on uncle.

" You brat! You could've just warned your sister properly! You couldn't even levitate properly!" My uncle scolded.

" I'm sorry uncle. I'll train properly so I can do it properly next time." I heard my brother's stupid apology.

'Pffft.' I snickered.

"You brat! Very good. Train more okay?" My uncle's stupider reply rang out.

I rolled my eyes. 'I live with two idiots.' I thought as I ran downstairs.

" Hey Fuyume! Out for your first mission?" A seemingly petite and attractive 'girl' asked.

"Oh. Nijin. Yeah. You look...good." I replied.

That 'girl' is not a girl. Its my friend Nijin, a boy that likes crossdressing. A peculiar but enjoyable hobby for pastime, he said.

Oh well, its hilarious to see him attracting boys and breaking their hearts after the truth was revealed.

"I'm off." I said.

"Yeah. Sure. Take care and goodluck!" My friend replied.

I grinned. I arrived downstairs and went to the backyard, where my brother fell on top of my uncle. He seems fine.

" Hey brother, let's go kill the a**hole."

"Yup, I'm all riled up. There's a beast lurking up the corner on that street. Let's go." My brother replied.

" Goodluck on your first mission kids. I'll be observing you both, so don't be nervous." My uncle reassured us.

'Hah. Nervous? Us? Not even a little bit, uncle.' I thought, which me and my brother agreed very much on. We were not even hesitating to kill a beast. We are, in fact, maybe even excited.

We summoned our swords and looked for the beast.


A head rolled to our direction. The beast was near.

The next second, the beast's head was the next one to roll down the street.

Our first mission, done.