
Chapter 1- Teen Money Crisis

In the hills of Bearsville lived a group of teenagers. In the house at the moment there were only 2 of them. The 2 boys' names were Aiden and Jacob. 

Aiden was a 16 year old, born on December 31 2026. He was born as a human devil hybrid, but his parents were both human.. Any human devil hybrid is born with black diamonds on both of their cheeks and a streak or full head of white hair. Aiden has the spirit of a young girl that he's friends with. The girl's name was Adenzia. Adenzia was born on the day that Aiden was born, 20 years earlier. Adenzia died in 2016 to a rampaging beast terrorising her hometown of Peersdale. Aiden met her on a walk in the now abandoned Peersdale. They instantly bonded and became partners in hunting. Aiden is also the smartest in their group. 

Jacob was born in Bearsville. He was a very shy kid, until he decided to get some friends. He met Aiden and another member of their friend group. Jacob found a lot of fun in video games, he's gotten Aiden to make gadgets and weapons from some of his favourite games. Aiden doesn't mind, he'd find any excuse to be able to use his lab. Aiden made Jacob a robot butler, they both named it B.O.B, Big Operating Buddy.

They sat in the living room looking at a bunch of bills.

"Jacob, where did all our money go?" Aiden said.

"I don't know. Why are you asking me?" Jacob responded with a question.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you have a habit of using the Bouncy Squad card for your games. In fact, WHERE IS THE CARD!" 

An elevator dinged. A boy and a girl came out of the elevator with a few boxes of pizza and a few dishes of spaghetti.

The boy's name was Arron. He was the newest member to the group. When he joined it, it was officially given a name, The Bouncy Squad. Why is it named that? The first mission Arron joined in on, they met a sentient teddy bear named Bouncy, the group bonded with Bouncy over pizza, the pizza was bought by Arron. Arron is a nice guy, everytime the Bouncy Squad meets a new paranormal monster, he tries to befriend it, only to lead them into a worse situation than what they signed up for. Arron was a voice of reason to Aiden and Jacob, but he still joined in on all the tomfoolery Aiden and Jacob got themselves into. 

The girl's name was Dani. She was the real voice of reason in the group, she'd get the boys out of trouble whenever they got into it. They'd try to lie to her about them not starting it, but she knew very well that they started it. Dani was born with pink hair. Dani is really close with Bouncy and Adenzia. Dani doesn't ask Aiden to make her anything because Dani can try and make it herself, sometimes it almost sets the house on fire, so she doesn't do it often. She often scolds Jacob for the amount he spends on his games with the Bouncy Squad card.

"Hey guys, we're back with pizza!" Arron said.


"Oh boy pizza!" Aiden said, running to get a slice. "Anyways.. You guys know what happened to our money?"

Arron and Dani were acting like nothing happened, scratching their heads like they weren't the ones who just spent the last bit of money. Despite Aiden being smart, his mind just likes to turn off sometimes, and that's what it just did.

"Well, I guess I have to tell Gloria we'll be late with rent this month." Aiden said.

"Well how 'bout we do something to get that money back." Jacob said.

"Well, when me and Dani were walking back, we found a paranormal battle tournament, and well, Aiden you have Adenzia, she's helped you fight in the past, so why not. The winning prize is just over our rent." Arron said.

"Eh, I don't know. Adenzia is pretty tired right now, I'm not sure she'll be able to fight." Aiden said.

"Did I hear something about fighting!?!?" Adenzia said, showing up out of nowhere. Everyone in the room screamed when she showed up.

"Well… I guess she isn't tired now… TO THE BOUNCY MOBILE!!!" Aiden said.

The Bouncy Mobile was just a normal van that was modified by Aiden. The modifications were, rocket boosters, a pc to track paranormal activity, and better tires. There was also a cabinet on the inside for files on paranormal activity, but the cabinet has slowly been getting filled with speeding tickets because of Aiden and Jacob's reckless driving. Thankfully, Dani was driving today. Arron went over to the mini fridge in the van, to get a slice of pizza. A teddy bear jumped out of the fridge and jumped on his face. That teddy bear's name was Bouncy, the group's mascot.

Bouncy is a sentient teddy bear the group met on a mission. They all bonded over pizza. Him and Aiden bonded together the most, because Aiden was the only spirit controller he met, who didn't try to control and get rid of him. Bouncy likes to cause troubles in the house and prank the group. Everyone but Jacob is okay with the pranks. To be fair, Bouncy does go a bit crazy with the pranks on Jacob. Bouncy seems to not prank Dani. 


"Aw, dammit, you aren't Jacob." Bouncy said.

"You were planning to prank me!??! AGAIN!?!?!" Jacob said.

"Ya, who else would he prank?" Dani said. 

The squad continued driving, while Jacob and Bouncy were arguing in the back. They were only a few minutes away from their destination and then the van broke down. Everyone stepped out of the van. Jacob sat on the curb looking disappointed.

"And you call yourself the smartest in the group, can't even modify a van, fuckin' sad," Jacob said. 

Aiden and Bouncy both bitch slapped Jacob on each of his cheeks. 

"You do know I built both yours and Arron's weapons, they don't seem to break. I made B.O.B, he works most of the time." Aiden said.

"Well those are different." Jacob said.

"How are they different?" Aiden said.

"Uhm guys." Dani tried to get their attention.

"Because I said they were different!" Jacob yelled

"No, I want an actual example on how they're different." Aiden said. 

"GUYS!!" Dani said even louder, still trying to get their attention.

"You don't need o-" Jacob interrupted.

Dani pinched both Aiden and Jacob's ears. She then pointed at a girl in a yellow dress struggling because someone was trying to stuff her in their car.

"We need to go stop that guy, we need to save the girl!" Dani said. 

"Alright then, let's go save that girl. BOUNCY SQUAD ROLL OUT…. I still need a better catchphrase, can't steal things from already popular media." Aiden said. 

"I really hope that girl can pay us, we still need money." Jacob said.

Arron slapped him. 

"Quiet, idiot, we're saving a girl, we don't need money from her." Arron said.

The squad chased after the vehicle on foot. They chased it for at least 10 minutes. It led them to a warehouse. They watched from afar. They watched the guy pull the now unconscious girl out of his van. Aiden stood completely still looking at the man, like the man had done something personal to him. 

"Arron, take the shot." Aiden demanded. 

Arron pulled out a sword and pushed a button on it. The sword turned into a sniper.

Aiden created unique weapons for the boys in the group, Dani didn't want a weapon because she was taught by nuns on how to use white magic. Aiden created a sword that can turn into a sniper, for Arron. It can sometimes even set the target on fire. Aiden created a gun for Jacob. The gun can be charged up, and when released shoots out a large blast of electricity that can connect with multiple targets, but Jacob is too lazy to use his gun properly, so he forced Aiden to mod B.O.B with a machine gun in his arm. Aiden made a special weapon for himself. A small capsule that holds holy water. Any weapon that Aiden thinks of while holding the capsule, the holy water comes out and forms that weapon. Aiden has been extremely creative with how he uses it. 

Arron took the shot, purposely missing, because he knew what Aiden meant by "take the shot". Aiden always means it as "take a warning shot". After Arron shot, the guy started running with the girl. The squad chased after him again. 

The warehouse was empty and quiet, too quiet. Adenzia decided to come out. 

"What are you doing out, you'll give us away." Aiden said.

"It's not like you didn't do that already with the gunshot," Adenzia said "Also, look behind you." 

A creature jumped out at them. Dani pulled out her star wand and evaporated the creature. 

"Thanks for the warning, Adenzia." Dani said, with a big smile on her face. 

"This place isn't as empty as we thought it was." Arron said.

"Should I call B.O.B?" Jacob asked. 

"Ya, we could use the help." Aiden said.

Jacob pulled out a remote from his pocket, and started spamming buttons.

"Do you not know how to work your own remote, you're that stupid?" Adenzia asked.

"Shut up, I just forgot how to work it. Aiden, how do I work this again." Jacob said.

"Don't know how many times I've told you this, but, hold this button, and call for B.O.B. Alright, now try." Aiden said.

Jacob took a deep breath, then held down the button. 

"B.O.B!!! DO SOMETHING!!!" Jacob screamed.

"Okay now we have all the attention on us." Arron said. 

The warehouse walls started to rumble, then came B.O.B charging through the wall. 

"Good to see you buddy. We need your help." Jacob said.

B.O.B nodded, and his arm turned into a machine gun. Demons started surrounding the squad.

"Well, hope you and B.O.B are good here. Everyone split up and look for the girl." Aiden said. 

Everyone ran off in their own separate paths. B.O.B started unloading thousands of bullets into the demons, while Jacob was slowly shooting at them from a piece of cover. Aiden turned the capsule into a pair of roller blades to cover ground faster.

"You know, you impress me sometimes." Adenzia said.

"How so?" Aiden said.

"When we first met, I never thought of you as someone with friends, but then I saw you grow and get these amazing friends. You're committed to helping people at all costs, you never used to be like that before, if you had to save someone from another person, and you killed that other person, it was only because you hated them."

"It's called change Adenzia. This girl is young, she reminds me of another young girl I saved." 

"Aw she reminds you of me."

"Yes, kids have a long life ahead of them, it was a shame yours was taken so soon, I wasn't gonna let your spirit life get taken too." 


A demon jumped out at Aiden. He slid under it, and then did a roundhouse kick while still wearing the skates. 

"Thanks for the warning." Aiden said.

Aiden reverted the skates back into the capsule. They found the room with the girl. The girl was strapped to the wall, surrounded with a bunch of tech. Dani entered the room too, Aiden and her made eye contact and nodded to each other while staying behind cover. 

"You're perfect, finally I found the right one, boss will be so happy with me." The man said. 

"LET ME GO YOU CREEP, I WANNA LEAVE!!!" The girl cried. 

Aiden looked up at the ceiling, and saw a fiery glow coming from it. He smiled and gave a thumbs up. Arron dropped from the ceiling cutting the girl out of her binds with his sword. Jacob enters the room and misses his shot on the guy. Aiden jumps over his cover and so does Dani. Aiden turns the capsule into a gun and points it at the guy.

"Kid, come to us, she'll protect you. Now other than that, how 'bout you surrender, we've got you cornered." Aiden said, with the girl running behind him to Dani. 

"Don't you watch movies, the villain is never cornered." The guy said.

"Why did you kidnap the girl?" Aiden said.

"Simple, I needed her for something big. She's a special one. Boss would love to get his hands on her." The guy said.

"Now you're just being a perv." Arron said. 

"Oh no, not like that. She's an angel." the guy said. 

"Okay we sure this guy isn't just a fucking pedo." Jacob said.

"No you dumbasses, she's an angel, a heaven spawn, blessed with the abilities to hold the highest demon in hell down. My boss wants her to free that very demon, but for fucks sake, you all have to get in my way. I'll be leaving now." The guy said, pressing a button, causing the whole building to shake. The guy ran away but dropped something. 

Demons started busting through the walls. The little girl started to get terrified.

"Dani, Jacob, take the girl away from here, Adenzia you go with them, me and Arron will stay back and fight these guys off." Aiden said, turning the capsule into a sword.

They all nodded and ran off to the exit. Aiden and Arron both started killing the horde of demons. Aiden started to notice things about these demons, but he couldn't think right until they were all dead. Dani and the others got out of the warehouse. Jacob saw this as a perfect opportunity. He pulled out a spray-can and spray painted their logo on the ground, Bouncy's face. Then something small jumped out from the bushes, it was Bouncy. Bouncy jumped on Jacob and started slapping him repeatedly. The little girl couldn't stop laughing.


"I was in the bushes waiting for you guys. OH I see we have a new friend. Hiya, I'm Bouncy, the namesake of this amazing group except Jacob." Bouncy said. 

"Asshole…" Jacob muttered under his breath.

"Ha ha, my names Shiri. Your friends here saved me from some guy. I appreciate them for that." The girl said.

"Shiri, may I ask how old you are, and if you have anyone to go back to?" Dani said.

"I'm 10, and I have no family to go back to, I guess that's why I was so vulnerable, because no one would've missed me if I was gone." Shiri said. 

Aiden and Arron finished with the demons. Aiden took a better look at the bodies. They're children, children turned into demons. He must've failed with other kids, Aiden thought. He walked over to the thing the guy dropped. A name tag, guy's name was Goya. Aiden and Arron met the others outside.

"AIDEN! You're okay!" Bouncy and Adenzia said, running up to Aiden to hug him.

"Of course I'm okay, do you know who I am? I'm your leader, I'll never die, because then Jacob would think he's the leader." Aiden joked. 

Bouncy had fixed the van while they were all inside the warehouse, so they drove home. When they got home, Dani had a talk with Aiden.

"Aiden, I found out more about the girl." Dani said.

"Ya, and that is?" Aiden said.

"The girl's name is Shiri, no last name, she doesn't have any family or anyone to go to, and she's only 10. After everything the guy said, I think we should protect her."

"That's what I was thinking, Adenzia has basically been keeping her company since we got back, they seem to like each other."

"Ya. Can't believe we went out for money and we came back with a girl and no money." Dani joked. Aiden laughed.

A few hours had passed. It was now dark and raining. Goya got to his home safe and untouched, but there was something following him.

"Mary, Honey, it was unsuccessful, I found the right one, but she was taken by some stupid fucking kids, Imma go watch TV now." Goya said, sitting on his couch.

"Uhm… Honey…. Someone is outside." Mary said. 

Goya rushed to his wife who was at the front window by the door. There was a tall man standing by a tree. It was hard to tell what he was wearing because of how dark it was, but he was wearing a black trench coat, a black brimmed hat, white hair, and glowing purple eyes.

"Oh shit, what is he doing here? Honey call the cops we need all the back up we can get. I'll be right back." Goya said running off to get a weapon. 

Mary picked up her phone and dialled 911.

"Hi, yes there's a man outside my house." Mary said. 

"And what is the man doing?" The operator said. 

"He's just standing there. My husband is worried he's going to do something to us. Please we need help."

"Don't worry ma'am, we are tracking the call and will be there shor-" The operator was cut off.

"I suggest you hang up the call, no one will be coming to help you." A man said. The man's voice was rough and raspy.

The phone started to glow purple and burn up. The phone then blew up on Mary's face, blowing off half of Mary's face. Mary screamed in agonising pain, then died. Goya came up into the kitchen to find his wife dead on the floor. His front door slowly opened. In stepped a dark brown dress shoe. It was the man in the black coat. Goya started to back off reaching for a kitchen knife. The man pointed at Goya's hand and lifted his finger up. Goya's hand went flying off the knife. The knife fell right into his shoulder. 

"I know who you are. You're… You're… The Ghoul Greaver." Goya said.

"Right you are, and you know why I am here." Ghoul Greaver said. "I know what you've been doing, I've been watching you from afar." 

"I needed to do it, or else I'd be killed." 

"And you'll now be killed no matter what."

Ghoul Greaver slowly walked to Goya. Goya quickly pulled a gun out of his pocket and shot him. Ghoul Greaver simply faded away to dodge the bullet, and then faded back to finish his job. He stomped on Goya's legs, breaking them. He put his gloved hand over Goya's head. His soul, now being drained. All Goya could see was the man's face. The man's bright purple eyes, and the diamonds on his cheeks. Goya realised more of who he was, but it was too late for him. 

Police sirens rang outside. The Ghoul Greaver stepped outside with his hands up, but a few fingers on the brim of his hat. The police had their guns trained on him. He smirked, and threw his hat at a cop car. The car exploded into purple flames. The hat was just levitating in the air. Ghoul Greaver started waving his finger around like a conductor. The hat flew through all the officers, cutting their bodies into pieces. The hat flew back to Ghoul Greaver. The cops were all dead. He fell to the ground with a nose bleed. 

"I thought I told you, you shouldn't do this anymore." A female voice said.

Ghoul Greaver changed his appearance because he was so weak.

"Come on, Aiden, you should know better, being The Ghoul Greaver hurts you." Adenzia said. 

"I thought I told you to stay home and watch Shiri. I didn't want you to come with me because it hurts you too." Aiden said. 

"Shiri is fast asleep, and so are the others. I came with you because I keep you alive. I don't want you to die, or else who would protect me then." 

"Look, I don't wanna keep doing this and hurting you, but I had to do this, to make sure this man wouldn't go after Shiri again."

"I know there's another reason. Tell me what it is."

"ALRIGHT FINE! I was kidnapped and used for my powers when I was younger. You wouldn't remember because you were still a bit rogue and not fully connected with me." 


"We don't need to talk about this now, let's go home"