
The Heart Wants What It Wants...(Ahaana)

There was nothing else that I could do after confessing my feelings for him.

I bent down to press my lips against his.

After that there was nothing that mattered to me. Just the two of us and our lips moving in a synchronized manner.

It was like our lips were meant for each other.

We were meant for each other!

But suddenly Neel pushed me aside.

Then I looked up and realised that my mom was standing at the entrance.

Her surprised and suspicious filled eyes stared back at me.

I just didn't understand what should I do. I quietly looked down and kept staring down for the next ten odd seconds.

There was a dangerous silence among the three of us.

Ipeeked a glance at Neel. He too was red with embarrassment.

I was full of disbelief. How could mother possibly enter when I locked it?

My mother broke the 'weird' silence and spoke with authority "What were you both up to? Ahaana, what do you think were you doing? Neel, how could you be so irresponsible? Do you both realize that you could have gone too far lest I had not interrupted?"

Her words shocked me to my core. What did she think we were doing! Did she think that we were about to.... Oh no!

"Mother, it's not what you think it is. Let us explain ourselves."

Her stare silenced me.

"What proof do I need to believe that what I saw wasn't true." Mother replied.

I noticed that now her anger had reduced.

Neel spoke in a godly voice, "Aunt Susan, actually Ahaana accidentally fell on me. After that I kissed her out of curiousity. It wasn't her fault."

"You kissed her out of curiosity?" Mother asked in disbelief.

His reply left me in laughter. "The heart wants what it wants."

He then apologised to mom in a very convincing manner and asked to leave first.

However, mother agreed to let him go but she asked him to visit her later to talk about some 'issues'.

I was surprised that mother could let him go so easily.

I imagined the police coming to our house and arresting Neel but the way Mom reacted was very unusual and unexpected.

After Neel left, there was nothing left but Mom, the perpetual silence and I...

"Mom, I'm sorry! Will you forgive me?"

Her reply made me feel like I was in a different world.

"So, how was your first kiss? Was it exciting? I'm sorry that I interrupted but you should have locked the room properly. And avoid doing it at home."

Was this my mother or some alien??