
The botanical

“We are imperfectly perfect for each other. As the sky is for the clouds. And the moon is for the stars ” Question marks can be commas. An essential imbalance. But, chance can sometimes be sweet and smooth, showing how life has unusual ways of flowering the misfortunes and encounters of everyday life. Hinata is a dreamy, fun and docile painter and art curator. You have a fetish for getting in trouble. Not very adept at rules and conventions, hates cycles, loves sunflowers and is deliciously fickle. Just like the waves of the sea. After an outbreak, with your beliefs and emotions destabilized. She is faced with a big dilemma and decides to drive aimlessly and ends up in an unknown village, but a paradise hidden on the map. She just didn't count that in the middle of this uncalculated escape, she would end up meeting Naruto Uzumaki: a redneck, mysterious, extremely debauched and individualistic botanist. The previously obscured truths, flowering the same melody of feelings kept at the core of the soul. With inner demons, clandestine wounds, insanity hidden by the naked eye and an intriguing mystery, they can find themselves, without even waiting, at their side. Being love, the driving force to heal all the stigmas of the past and present.

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25 Chs


Sai and Ino walked in silence, side by side down the street. The blonde felt uncomfortable, due to the fact that she had to absorb so many dubious news in a space of time, Sai couldn't bear to cancel his feelings for his friend, however, he was afraid of losing all the good intimacy they had. Arriving at the building, Ino cleared his throat, looking for the key in his pocket - being prevented by a quick movement of the brunette, in his arm.

- Hm, I need to tell you something - Sai said uncertainly and Ino gave a weak laugh, putting a blonde streak behind her ear - Stop making fun, seriously.

- I am not mocking, is that ... you were acting strange and without talking to me. Something happened?

"Yes, it did," he said at last, hating himself for being extremely anxious in situations like this. The moon was lush in the firmament and the sounds of human life were as shallow, as the safety of Sai being sincere about his feelings - I think I like you.

Ino raised her eyebrow doubtfully and after a few seconds, gave a deep laugh.

- Get out, 'Are you kidding me? - he said laughing and cleared his throat, trying to regain seriousness - I know that Mei's death left us ... shaken. But, it is not so much. I think you're mixing things up, besides, we're almost like brothers, you know? There is a deep intimacy between us that I don't want to lose.

She was lost in words and was already suspicious of the brunette's longings for her, but she couldn't continue that. She was stuck with her own perplexities.

- Fuck, Ino - he shouted, taking a deep breath - You can't take anything seriously?

- No, isn't that obvious? - Ino shrugged, her voice wavering, trying to equip herself with false courage - There is no way to take life seriously, you know?

- Not all men are like Sabaku ...

- Ah, you know I hate generalizations, however, it's not that easy - Ino said mysteriously and Sai rolled his eyes, annoyed by his own stupidity. The blonde gave a quiet smile - Let's forget about it, I don't want the atmosphere between us to be ... like this.

- That shit must have been brainwashed so fucked up in your head that you don't see things - he shot out, anxious - Wake up to life, Ino.

- I still love him, is that what you wanted to hear? - she said, nervous and realized how Sai seemed to have wavered, in a blush all over his face. Ino mentally cursed herself for saying that.

Sai hesitated several speeches and his head always returned to the hollow side of his mind.

- Do you love him? Sai smirked, nodding his head. He swallowed hard, before he said some irrecoverable shit - Hm, fine.

- It's all right?

- Yes, Ino. It's all right. I don't want to mix things up like you said ... - he countered naturally and it was almost funny how he managed to camouflage his feelings and act with false resilience. Both exchanged dubious looks and Ino was startled to see the redhead, a little away, propped on the wall.

"I'm sorry I overheard the conversation," Gaara said calmly, approaching. He looked at Sai with fervor, watching from his haughtiness in the words; found it comical. Ino looked dumbfounded and in a sudden, her face took on a purple tone - I was waiting for you, Yamanaka.

Sai had so many questions to be answered, but none of them would be enough to be disappointed the way he had been disappointed. It all made perfect sense. Sai always accompanied her everywhere, however, for some days, she had been preventing him from accompanying her: the two were together, again ...

- Hm, I'm going - Sai said in a small smile, putting on the enormous desire he had to break the redhead in the blow. However, he knew better than anyone that the heart is no man's land - See you tomorrow - he said goodbye, in that staged animation as if the words he had said, seconds ago, were not mere conjectures. Disappearing through the lonely streets of Tokyo.


The dawn seemed tender, although for Sakura, her heart was full of doubts. Mei was the only remnant of a biological family that he had left. Knowing that I would not have her company was something that hurt her, however, I felt something dubious about her. He knew how Mei was in love with Madara and that they had an affair and nothing came out of her head with pink locks, that the man would be involved in her death. The cousin has always been mysterious in her way and with remarkable strategic intelligence, Haruno knew that. When her parents died, Mei was an extremely important figure for her development, although life has distanced them both; that affection remained there.

It was terrifying to think about those issues; with intrusive daydreams completely disrupting your reasoning. He turned, watching as he seemed to snore quietly; he admired the details of the brunette's face that was so intimate and so incognito at the same time.

Sakura began to question the truth of their relationship

o with the man, who rarely commented on his past, family or anything that indicated he had ties. He was shocked to learn that Sasuke was a friend of Naruto, visualizing a divine joke of fate.

I wanted to know the story behind that friendship and all the incomprehensible things that surrounded those connections. For a moment, he wondered if Sasuke was really who he said he was or if he was just another trick that life played on him. Everything about that brunette was emblematic and he only knew basic information about himself, because they were nothing more than casual. However, Sakura felt betrayed by her own feelings.

He snorted, swallowing hard, seeing that onyx look against his greenish ones, as if reading his thoughts.

- Are you alright? - he said robotically, affected by sleep lethargy. Sakura nodded quickly, breathing hard. And he can see that something wasn't right - I know you're not well. I know you well enough to see that you're upset about something.

Sakura blushed and felt like an idiot for showing how his words had an effect on her. The woman hesitated, running her hands through her hair.

- I'm in a dilemma - Sakura said frankly - I really like you Sasuke, but, I feel I can't trust you. This is conflicting for me, because I feel that you hide many things ...

Sasuke snorted, uncomfortable with the direction of the conversation. It was difficult to act with sincerity when, for a long time, it was omitted.

- If it's about Naruto, I already explained ...

- It's not that explanation - Sakura countered - Actually, it's not about Naruto. I know you are longtime friends, who grew up together and everything. I just don't understand why they were separated all this time; this your connection with Madara; this dodge to talk about your past and you. How can I trust, if I feel you lie to me. I know we don't have anything so serious, but, I'm insecure.

"I don't know if I should tell you," Sasuke said cautiously; avoided as much as possible touching on these matters. However, seeing Sakura open her heart with such sincerity, warmed a corner of her spirit that was numb - But, I don't think it's fair that you stay in the dark.

Sakura took a deep breath, doubtful.

- I know it doesn't have much to do with what's happening at the moment - Sakura said, looking back at Sasuke - On the day I met you, you were at that Mangekyō party and someone attacked me, you strangely appeared in mine way and helped me. It may seem like a coincidence, but, I think I'm not sure about that anymore.

Sasuke took a deep breath, raising the change.

- Everything was a coincidence - Sasuke said - That day I went to the party, I had a goal and I couldn't achieve it, because I met you. And in a way, I don't know if I want to achieve that goal - he confessed, crestfallen. Sakura shook her head, tense.

- What purpose was that?

- Murder my brother. That was the point - she said at last and Sakura laughed nervously, not believing it. However, he did not smile. It was real and tactile. Sakura swallowed, alarmed.

- Don't joke, Sasuke. For all that is sacred to you, don't make jokes.

- I'm not - he said seriously, slightly annoyed by the way she looked at him - I know how scared you are, but, I can explain everything calmly.

Sakura calculated all the variables. She was startled by the words he had said, however, she couldn't seem to be afraid of him, in theory. However, it was as if he was walking blindfolded between variables and speculations, nothing concrete.

- I may be committing madness - he said rhetorically, running his hands through his rosy hair, in dread - How reckless I am, to trust you ....

- First of all. Mei is not who you think you are, or who you thought ... - Sasuke countered, anxious - Her cousin was a double agent and I'm quite sure that Madara killed her for personal reasons.

Sakura choked on her saliva, in a horrified look. Was Mei an agent? How could that be real?

- Agent? Same? - He countered - Mei barely knew how to kill an insect, that's impossible.

Sasuke laughed weakly, seeing how the woman really was trapped in the dark.

- Mei was a great diplomat and applicator of poisons - Sasuke replied - She who has been watching me all this time after I left jail and then wanted to recruit me for Anbu.

- Jail? Anbu? - The rose would freak out at any time with the level of information it heard. I couldn't believe you were having a relationship with a dangerous man like that - Did you get arrested for killing someone, by any chance?

- No - Sasuke swallowed, with memories returning to his mind - I was arrested because of an ambush by Madara, all because of my brother's betrayal ...

"I had an ordinary life, like anyone. I had finished my PhD in Artificial Intelligence and was starting a research in the Nanotechnology area. Naruto was research director at Mangekyō and my best to

migo, since I understand myself by people. We lived close to each other. Since we do the same cycle of friendships. Madara is my uncle; Obito my cousin; Naruto's mother is Hashirama's daughter and he is Senju's grandson. "

Sakura's eyes widened, but no words came to her. It was all too surreal for her. The connections between them were thought provoking and unreal.

- Madara is your uncle?

- Technically, yes - Sasuke replied - He is my mother's adopted brother, Mikoto Uchiha. My grandparents adopted him when he was thirteen.

With each revelation, Sakura ran out of breath.

- As you know, Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha created Mangekyō together, however, Hashirama was the de facto owner. They grew up together in the same orphanage and had a very strong connection. Hashirama was adopted before by the Senju family and three years later Madara was adopted by the Uchihas.

- Hm, I'm starting to understand ... but, what I don't understand is why he set you up? It doesn't make any sense - Sakura said in astonishment and Sasuke smirked.

- Madara has always been extremely narcissistic, capricious and ambitious. That's the problem. Hashirama was already more kind and malleable. They started to differ in ideas, especially when Hashirama said that he would not stay in the presidency for long and that he would leave everything in Naruto's hand. Madara freaked out about it, he didn't want to "divide" that whole empire. In fact, he was jealous of Uzumaki, because of the platonic love he had for Senju that was never reciprocated. Madara did a lot of dirty things behind the scenes. Naruto and I found out and tried to report him, until Madara took his last call.

Sasuke felt a sneaky sadness, take over his thoughts and I took a deep breath.

- Madara did what?

- Um, Naruto had a family. A wife and daughter he loved very much - Sasuke said, with a lump forming in his throat. He hated that kind of subject and how vulnerable he was about those memories.

Sakura nodded, anxious. The idea of ​​a married Naruto with a daughter was far beyond his conception, and he wondered if Hinata knew all that.

- Madara knew that that was his weak point and ended up killing both of them, in retaliation, because, he was acting lightly with the research and stealing from Mangekyō. He blamed Naruto for this and he was arrested as a traitor to Mangekyō and murderer of his daughter and wife. After all this happened, things got mixed up. My brother started acting weird and I was suspicious that he was in league with my uncle. I gathered all the evidence that would incriminate Madara and Obito, but when I was about to avenge Uzumaki, I ended up being arrested for illegal interception and theft of sensitive data. Of course, that was all a set-up to keep my mouth shut.

It was too disturbing for Sakura to understand. I sensed something bad coming from Madara Uchiha, but I couldn't imagine that he was a psychopath at that level. He sniffed, holding back the tears of nervousness.

- I think it's too much information for you, I'll-

- Go on - Sakura demanded, in a choked voice - I want you to tell me everything.

Sasuke swallowed, doubtful.

- Assurance?

- Absolute - retorted decidedly; keeping alive with that onyx gaze and his mind went on to be saddened by all those terrible things that had happened to him. I could not imagine how much Naruto could have suffered or how Sasuke suffered in silence, with that disinterest stance camouflaging a torn soul - Where does your brother go in this story?

- Um, well, as I said ... he was in league with Madara. He put me in jail, and not satisfied with that, he killed our parents - Sasuke said and it was like he was experiencing the sour taste of longing, sparkling in every corner of the brain. He felt the body of the rose, tied to his in a comforting embrace. It was strange that feeling ... of opening up to someone and feeling the whole body pumping up from all the confused emotions that were invoked in a hurry. Slowly, he felt himself succumb and for the first time, in so long, tears fell from his arid eyes.


Hinata had woken up extremely early that day. In fact, he couldn't sleep his eyes with all the things he painted in that chaotic life - where surprises, seemed like something ordinary, in his life that used to be quiet and dull. He had gone back to work and could not deny how much he loved it and even missed the harassment of Shion - who was on indefinite leave.

Hyūga imagined how difficult it must have been for her; tried to get in touch so that both could talk, but Shion seemed to have disappeared from the map and with some research from Sai, they found out that she was spending time in Osaka with her great aunt. He had talked to Naruto about all the things that were doubtful: about the supposed pen; the Mangekyō files that had their

name; about his position as a shareholder in the company and all the complications with Hyūgas land. Hinata painted the worst scenario for that: an irremediable fight with the blond, however, he seemed to digest things carefully, saying that he would think about all that and when he was sure of what he would do, he would communicate it about his opinion. So far, he hadn't said anything and Hinata knew how he wanted to avoid thinking about it and let the matter die between them.

I was grateful that I had no more news from Toneri, Madara and Kaguya. He could fantasize that things were going smoothly. The days had passed and living with Uzumaki was almost a dream. He spent time with her and then returned to Konohagakure. Dating from a distance was an interesting experience for both of them. They loved to spend hours on the phone talking; plan dates and digress about life.

He reached the administration hall with a frown of dismay. The sleepless nights were ending Hyūga. If she felt extremely terrible and weak. Maybe he was trying too hard with the demands of organizing the exhibition, or maybe it was the anxiety to meet his mother-in-law. Hinata wanted everything to work out and didn't want to have a bad experience, just like she had with Kaguya. He wanted everything to be perfect and that was a recurring reverie in his thoughts.

- Friend, are you okay? - Sakura asked, approaching, seeing a somewhat flustered face on the part of the brunette - Hinata, are you pale, are you sure you don't want to go to the infirmary? - Sakura insisted, seeing how her bleached face and shaky hands indicated that she was not well. Hinata took a deep breath, holding on tightly to her arm, watching everything around her spin. Her cheeks burned, just as she felt a prickling latent in her lower hip.

- Saky, shit ... - she said slowly, while trying to catch her breath - I'm not okay ... - Sai approached, with a worried face, looking astonished at Sakura.

- What happened?

- Let's take Hinata to the infirmary. Sai, go and call Ino - without blinking, Sai ran to the file room, on the third floor behind the blonde. Sakura walked with Hinata to the door of the infirmary, which was not that far from the hall.

Matsuri - the nurse with short brown hair and eyes so small and sweet - seemed distracted updating the medical records of the employees, she was agitated when she saw Sakura enter Hinata through that vast room, placing her sitting on the stretcher.

- Matsuri, please help me - Sakura asked, with a distressed tone and promptly Matsuri stood up, taking Hinata's hands that were cold and damp.

- Hinata - she said sweetly, placing her right hand on her lower back, seeing that her senses were altered - Sakura, close the door, please - asked, seeing the young man running quickly to close the door. Hinata watched everything go by in slow-motion, feeling everything around her fade, passing out in a rush. Seeing nothing but vast darkness.


Gradually, Hinata tried to remember where she was; blinking several times, trying to adapt to the sunlight that shyly entered through the glass windows. The delicate smell of mint gave him a comfortable feeling, as well as the delicate white walls with fine details, drawn on them.

- Oh, you woke up dear! How nice! - Matsuri said, smiling, seeing Hinata slowly rise from the stretcher, with her hands on the back of her neck.

- Did I feel bad? She asked, still lethargic from the effect of the medicine. Matsuri nodded, pulling out the blue chair, sitting across from him, clipboard in hand.

- Yes. You had a pressure drop. I did the routine procedures and as a precaution I did a blood test to check if everything was fine with you - Hinata realized that the smile on Matsuri's face was pleasant, while she frantically wrote on the sheet.

- What happened on the blood test? Something serious?

Matsuri swallowed, leaving the clipboard on the armchair, getting up, taking the girl's warm hands.

- Your friends are outside, do you want me to call one of them to stay with you inside? - Asked and Hinata felt her heart heaving, with the premonition about what Matsuri would say.

- I can do it alone, can you honestly tell me what happened on the blood test?

- I don't know if this news will be good or bad for you, but in your blood test, it gave a high concentration of hcg, 100 mUI / mL, to be exact - Hinata felt that cold in her spine even more accentuated, with the circumspectly that Matsuri was talking, despite not understanding what she meant. The nurse looked both ways, approaching her face - Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, better known as HCG; which is a pregnancy hormone! You're going to be a mom ... - Matsuri smiled excitedly, whispering, seeing a discredited feature color her lips

of the young girl.

Pregnant? It couldn't be real .... He felt such uncertainty, perpetuating his senses.

She couldn't even measure what it meant to her, she just knew that at that moment, she was feeling mixed feelings.

- But, I remember menstruating weeks ago, it was little blood, but I did. Besides, I got colic and everything ... - Hinata said in astonishment, seeing Matsuri's smile take on a patient, even maternal, face.

- Honey, is that many women have bleeding in early pregnancy that can look a lot like a normal menstruation. This type of bleeding is known as escape bleeding - she said seriously, seeing how Hinata looked both dazzled and attentive to her words - Bleeding in early pregnancy is quite common, although it is not exactly "normal". It is more frequent in the first three months of pregnancy, and most of the time it is caused by something unimportant. The best thing is to see a gynecologist to try to find the cause of the bleeding. Do it fast.

Hinata nodded, and suddenly she couldn't help the tears, which were flowing gracefully from her eyes. He caressed his belly, and for the first time he felt that bitter feeling of fear paint every part of his body. Matsuri, perplexed, stroked her thigh, seeing how desperate she felt about her future.

- I know dear, it must be extremely difficult to assimilate something like that from one moment to the next - Matsuri sighed, walking over to the table and pouring some water into the glass - Do you already know how you will tell the baby's father? I mean, you can't take it alone, my dear. "He walked over to her, placing the glass of water in her hands that were shaking, amidst vigorous sobs.

- Of all my concerns, this is the one that worries me least ... - Hinata took a deep breath, trying to assimilate all that for herself. I was afraid of not being able to keep the baby; to delude yourself again; of how pregnancy would be the perfect fuse for that to be your weakness.

- My angel, go home and rest, and think how calm you are about to carry this pregnancy, huh? - Matsuri said with a friendly smile. The young girl, smiled shyly, wiping her tears, rising cautiously, leaving the door with her heart in a mixture of joy and fear.


After the strange events that had taken place in the infirmary, Hinata felt that she needed to be really sure what was going on. She spoke briefly with her friends, who seemed reluctant to let her go alone, taking into account the pale and feverish state she was in, however, Hinata said vehemently that she was fine and that she just needed a good, long rest. Overall, I wasn't lying.

"You need to tell him, first of all ...".

The voice inside screamed, although deep down, Hinata was afraid that it was all a bitter nightmare. It forced an almost exaggerated positivism on its part, although the thought flows seemed nihilistic. When he got home, he thought about it for a long time. After a while, he saw the kitnet bell ring incessantly. He went to the door to answer it and found Sakura, Ino and Sai walking in the door, in visible concern.

- Damn, we are 'worried - Ino raged with her hands on her hips - Matsuri said that there was something in the blood test, that you were distressed by the news and now we are worried.

- Yes, spill your grease - Sai dictated, angry with a frown of concern. Hinata took a deep breath, seeing how distressed they looked. Sakura sat next to you, touching your hand - We left work, sneaking around just to see how you were ...

"Whatever it is, we'll be there to support you," Sakura said sweetly, stroking her friend's hair. Her eyes seemed fixed, on the young girl's pursed and drawn lips, which seemed to hesitate, each time the same pearly eyes felt a pain as purple as her cheeks, which were affected by an unusual blush.

"I feel so weird to tell you," he said, almost on a string, clasping his hands together. The friends' impatient and anxious looks seemed more vivid than the hopes, which once lost was the minute she realized she would be a mother - The reason I passed out ...

- Hinata, you're making me terrified - Sai said, receiving a disapproving look from Ino and Sakura, so that he would shut up.

- I'm pregnant - Hinata said almost in a whisper, which was slightly muffled by her shy tears - And I have no idea what I'm going to do ...

They looked at each other anxiously at each other, having no idea what they would say. That was very good news, but, they knew that for Hinata the feeling was different ....

- Fuck! I'm going to be a godmother - Ino explained excitedly, throwing herself into Hyūga's arms for a tight and tasty hug. So, everyone gets

anointing in a group hug, filling Hinata with affection.

- I don't even know how to say it, but I only know that I'm going to be a better godmother than Ino, for sure - Sai stepped forward, and Hinata couldn't help smiling, even if she was shy. She felt safe and welcomed, as if in the presence of her friends, she felt only peace and warmth.

Hinata recovered from the crying crisis, wiping tears away, trying to put a smile on the corner of her lips.

- How did you find that out - said Sakura - I mean, was that why you fainted? - Hinata nodded, and soon saw Sai appear, with a relaxed face and a glass of water, placing it in his hands.

"I had been feeling sick for a few weeks, but I didn't think it was that serious," he sipped the water, taking a deep breath.

- I do not believe that Hinata will be a mother before me - scolded Ino and Sai rolled his eyes, while Sakura and Hinata laughed.

Everyone there seemed somewhat nostalgic, although they were, at one time or another, concerned about how she would handle it, however, they were willing not to make her uncomfortable.

- It seems that nobody wants to ask - began Sai, swallowing hard, while the girls seemed excited, indicating female names, taken by the fantasies that they would be a girl's godmothers - Have you had this conversation ... about babies, with Naruto?

- Yes.

- What's his position? - Sai wanted to know, curious - If that bastard comes with a little chat about not being prepared to be a father, I pay him a visit myself.

Hinata laughed, gesturing with her hand.

- No, no - Hinata asked - Naruto wants to be a father. Perhaps, he will be happier than I was ... - he confessed, in discomfort.

- Hina, I don't want to play the idiot, but, your negativity is bad for the baby - Ino said, a little annoyed to have to say that - Let's think positive. Will be all right. It is not because you lost the other babies that it was your fault. Maybe it was a whole set of things that were making you feel bad.

- Ino! Sai protested, with a serious face. - You are not being the least bit delicate, dear. Hinata need not be more nervous than she already is.

- Sai are right - added Sakura stiffly - Ino I love you, but, you were just impolite.

- I don't believe it - Ino, chuckled - So it means that you won't want to be honest? Not for a second? It is obvious that the whole issue of Kaguya made Hinata nervous and I am not saying that it was the main reason, but it may have been harmful to her pregnancies.

They seemed to look at each other dangerously and Hinata was already mentally questioning whether the decision to tell them had been wise or not.

- Please, I don't want us to fight over this ... - Hinata thought for long seconds. I had to be more positive about it and not base my fear on assumptions. - I understand what you mean, and thank you for being my support. I'm just wondering if I'm going to be able to move on with this.

- You're not thinking about ... - Sakura seemed more scared than she, while her shaky words seemed vehemently distressed by her best friend.

- I'm going to have this baby, it's not like I didn't want to be a mother. I want a lot - Hinata stated, decided - I just want to be careful not to get too emotional and disappoint myself ...

- Whatever it is, we will be here for you.


Izuna could say that she felt overwhelming relief. He well knew that the boy had not reported him in good faith, however, he had to play all the cards on the table and move the game around. After hours of waiting for legal confirmation, he finally got the call for an investigation. Kakashi seemed euphoric at his side, as they entered the main door of Mangekyō alongside some police and detectives from the department. He knew Madara so well that he was even comical. Two sides of the coin of life that repel each other by the divergence of thought. Since he agreed to work at Anbu alongside Namikaze, there was only one desire: to destroy Madara Uchiha, completely.

- Do you think this will end here? - Kakashi said, breathless - This time, there is no way he could deny the request. It's an official warrant - Izuna perished a satisfying smile, coloring her lips red.

Some security guards entered in front of them, trying to stop them from proceeding. The people walking through the hall seemed to be whispering among themselves and turning all their attention to these men, in standard garments.

- Tell your CEO that he has to come personally to receive this investigation warrant - Izuna said authoritatively, and I saw the security guards hide a rude answer. In a quick step, Izuna passed under the barrier they were doing, going nimbly up the stairs, facing Madara slightly irritated, accompanied by two people at her side; possibly your consultants.

- You again? He snarled, almost in a disturbed tone. It was a fact,

that your fear had a name and surname: Izuna - With what authority do you come to my company, like this?

- Did you really think that if you bribed, the judicial wing would make me forget the trash that you are? - replied jokingly. Madara swallowed hard, in an outbreak. The security guards returned again, standing in front of him, and he could see that the unrest at the scene had been further moved. There were bailiffs on his side and on his side; some security guards preventing you from keeping in touch; around, euphoric people, with their cell phones recording every instant of that installed situation.

- You are nothing to summon me that way ...

Izuna smiled, sideways, pointing the warrant sheet in his direction.

- You, Madara Uchiha, CEO of Mangekyō, are being summoned to investigate the murder of Obito Uchiha and Mei Terumi in the second Tokyo police district.


"The famous and respectable CEO of the biotechnology company Mangekyō Inc, is being officially investigated as the main suspect in the murder of Obito Uchiha and Mei Terumi, both collaborators of the company. Izuna Hōchū, responsible for investigating the charges against the person under investigation, has just opened a case against him, saying with certainty that he has sufficient evidence, and that the truth will be discovered in court. The investigation follows a secret of justice "

"The trial has already been scheduled for three months, and Madara Uchiha's lawyers say:" Another failed attempt to try to tarnish the incorruptible image of our beloved and transparent CEO. " The defendant's lawyer, Tekka Uchiha, refers directly to the solicitor of the investigation: Izuna Hōchū.


Madara looked tense, sitting in that black chair with a tightened face, as he tapped his long, thin fingers quickly on the gray table, now and then, huffing across the glass with a bitter grimace, in too much disdain, on each millimeter of his face of contemptuous expressions.

Sasuke watched him while Kakashi made the necessary statement, analyzing each of his facial expressions carefully.

- Mister Uchiha, can we start the questions?

He swallowed, giving a wry smile at the way Kakashi made him look controversial.

- I will only answer in the presence of my lawyer.

He said coldly, crossing his arms again negatively, he was restricting body movements, it was easy to see how uncomfortable he was, an obvious sign of lying, or denial. Hatake took a deep breath, placing the photos of Mei in front of him. He did not even seem to look properly at the photos, even with a certain contempt, relaxing his shoulders, fixing the suit that had a classic cut to his slim, tall body.

- Mei was last seen at your residence, before it happened, correct?

- I will only answer in the presence of my lawyer. Besides, this question is too evasive, as if you wanted to blame me for something I don't know.

His empty and arrogant expression made Hatake angry.

- You were already married, correct?

Kakashi tried a new approach, realizing that the inducing questions would not be his main flaws.

- I don't know what this statement will make a difference in this whole situation, but yes, I was already married.

Madara was canny and cunning. Through the acoustic glass that separated them; Sasuke could feel his eyes directly on him, as if he knew exactly that I was back there.

- Talking to some witnesses, one of them stated that you have a somewhat aggressive and persecuting temperament with your employees, does this happen?

Madara gave a sarcastic smile, biting her lip, absolutely irritated.

"I will not answer any questions without my lawyer present, as I have said, thousands of times," he said, nodding his head in an aggressive tone.

- Lord Uchiha ....

- Bring whoever I want to speak with in person here, and maybe I can answer the questions you want to hear, and clear up all this disturbance that you are causing me - he said wryly, fixing his eyes on the window - Come here, Sasuke, I think we we have to have a little conversation, "he retorted in a sick smile.

Sasuke reasoned quickly, before exchanging mixed looks with Izuna who with a simple nod, indicated him to go and talk to him. Sasuke opened the door, watching Kakashi get up and shrug to the door.

- Sit down, my dear nephew ...

He motioned for him to sit down, with a smile pasted on the corner of his mouth. Sasuke did so, disconnecting the microphone from the table, maintaining direct contact with his eyes.

- I was extremely offended, with the reception I had here in the department, just me, who am a darling of that continent. I thought he would treat me politely, because ... we are family.

He explained with a scintillated scorn in a bland elegance, running the indicated finger

over the lower lip. Sasuke smiled for a long time with his apparent cynicism.

- You don't really fool me. You will wish you were never born, you son of a bitch and I will try to screw you in an unforgettable way - she said, and saw him yawn, disdainfully. Madara approached slowly, biting her lips defiantly.

- That's what we'll see, Sasuke ....

Good morning, bad afternoon and good insomnia !

_Hllocreators' thoughts