
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

We Are Over

"Don't expect me to love you!"

Kirana didn't really take it personal. She knew that she was just a surrogate bride. She obviously knew that she was in the Haditama family only for a few months before the real bride returned.

Kirana just watched at man's steps pass from in front of her. She still had doubts this second. However, the letter has been agreed.

Kirana laid her tired body on the bed. Her mind was still focus on the grandmother's figure that was still lying in the hospital.

"God, please save my grandmother. I beg you," Kirana pleaded.

All of sudden, her tears fell again intentionally. She really wasn't ready to lose her grandmother at the moment. She had no one but the old woman who loved her very much.

She walked over to the sink and stare at herown face in the mirror. She tried to reflect on all the problems of life that she had gone through alone.

"Why did I accept this fate. The people I love are leaving one by one. I don't want to lose my grandma. I don't want it to happen," she complained.

Suddenly her cell phone rang. She directly took her bag and looked for the phone. Once the phone found, she immediately looked at the phone screen. Ensuring who is contacting her.

"Why did he call me? Isn't it clear that I've broken up with him," she mumbled.

She ignored the call. She just looked at the call, without the slightest intention of accepting it.

But the number kept calling her. Kirana looked sick and annoyed. Until she finallyreceived the call.

"What now?" asked Kiranacurtly.

"I want to meet you, Ana. Help. Give me a chance to explain," pleaded her ex-boyfriend named Fino.

"What's more to explain? It means nothing. We're done," said Kirana.

"Please, Ana!"

"That's enough, Fino!" Kirana said.

She closed the call. She felt so sad every time Fino called her. However, an embarrassing incident a few days ago, made her even more fed up to Fino. She kept convincing herself that letting Fino go was the right decision. She didn't want to be entangled in a playboy's love like Fino.

"Not a second time. Never" Kirana said to herself.

She really wouldn't give him another chance to touch her heart. Although in the past, she had loved Fino very much. But that doesn't mean you have to sacrifice your pride for love.

She put the phone back beside him. Then she closed her eyes, trying to forget all past memories that kept haunting his head.

Just as she closed her eyes, her phone rang again. This time from Keysa, she rarely accepted the call. She put the rectangular object to her ear.

"Hello, Keys. Why?"

"You and that man will be married soon. So please, do everything well. Oh yeah, your grandma will start surgery tomorrow. So pray that your grandmother will be alright," Keysa pleaded.

"Thank you."

The woman closed the phone without giving any further comment. Kirana seemed relieve to know the information. But she was still worried before getting good news regarding the surgery.

She prayed again. Unknowingly, tears continued to roll down her cheeks. She felt very sad remembering her grandmother's condition in the hospital. After that, she tried to think positively. Slowly she fell asleep because she was very tired today.


The next day, Sopia asked her granddaughter to pick up Kirana at the apartment. She wanted Rafael to take Kirana to have a lunch with Haditama's family.

No need to ask how Rafael's attitude was when Sopia asked him to pick her up. Rafael was completely annoyed, lazy and fed up. Causehe had to deal with his future wife.

"Why does Grandma love that girl so much? What's good from her?" Rafael muttered on the way to Kirana'sapartment. "She's just bothering me," he complained.

He never agreed to this arrangement. Didn't know why his grandmother chose that woman to be his future wife. A woman that didn't fit Rafael's criteria at all.

"I wonder, isn't there any other better and more beautiful woman? Why it has to be that woman? This is so annoying," Rafael grumbled while having wrinkled face.

Not long after, he arrived at the apartment where Kirana staying at. He felt lazy to approach Kirana to her room. Then he took his cell phone, and called Kirana. She accepted the call.

"Hello, I'm waiting in the parking lot," said Rafael curtly.

"What are you doing?"

"Don't talk too much. You don't have to mess around a lot. Come on down, wear neat clothes. You were invited to lunch at home, got it?!"

"Yeah, I'll be preparing."

Rafael hung up the phone unilaterally. His face remained with annoyed expression. Even though he knew she would be his wife soon. But he had no respect for her at all. There is only hatred. Incidentally, he had a bad impression with the woman.

Fifteen minutes passed, Kirana had not yet come down from her apartment. This irritated Raphael even more. He called again, but Kirana didn't pick up. Suddenly from the exit appeared Kirana with a very charming appearance.

Instantly made Rafael's heart beat and admire the beauty of Kirana who looks like an angel descending from the sky. However, Rafael's prestige is too high to admit her beauty.

"Why it takes so long" despicable Raphael.

"It's only fifteen minutes anyway"

"Oh, come on. You always give unnecessary comment," said Rafael.

He started the car and drove the car to his house. On their way home, Rafael occasionally glanced at Kirana, and occasionally focused on driving.

Kiranastill fed up with the haughty and arrogant attitude that Rafael showed her. Luckily, she doesn't have feelings for Rafael, so it doesn't hurt him too much.

"Arrogant and dictator, what kind of a man is he? very annoying," Kirana muttered to herself.

There was no further talk along the way. They prefer to remain silent rather than speak. After all, their conversation will only cause unrest.

A few oments later, they arrived at Haditama's residence. Both of them got out of the sports car. Inside the house, his extended family was waiting. Kirana looked awkward and afraid to meet Rafael's parents.

"Keys, come here. We've been waiting for you," said Sophia in a friendly manner.

Keysa was a little relieved when she received a pleasant welcome from her grandmother. Even from a distance, both of Rafael's parents looked at her sharply and uncomfortably. Kirana tried to relax and did not want to pay attention of her prospective in-laws.

Sophia took the first step into the dining room whileKirana and Helena went together. She used it to humiliate Kirana.

"Don't you expect to be accepted into this family!" Helena said.

