
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
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44 Chs

Trying Again to Seduce Wife to Make Children


The question surprised Kirana. she thought for a moment before answering the question. The green light flashed, then Rafael drove his car. He was still waiting for an answer from Kirana.

"Why are you silent? Can't you answer my question?" said Raphael. "Or really, you just don't want it," he continued.

"No, Raphael. That's not the story, please don't accuse me like that," Kirana pleaded.

"Then? What is your reason?"

"I'm on my period. Understood," said Kirana, firmly.

"Okay. I'm waiting for you to finish your period. When? What day?" said Rafael enthusiastically.

"Five more days to finish," replied Kirana.

After that, Raphael fell silent. He didn't want to comment anymore. But in his heart, he grumbled. He didn't want to miss this opportunity.

"Okay, I'll wait. I don't want any more excuses." Raphael spoke firmly.

Kirana is very worried about Rafael's threat. He had to think again to find the right reason later. sHe did not want to have a husband and wife relationship with Rafael. Although she is attracted to the man, she is not Rafael's real wife.

She was determined to force Keysa to come back and take her place. He couldn't go on like this. sHe didn't want to continue lying and hiding his identity. sHe was tired of acting in front of the Haditama family.

"Grandma, that's really sad."

"Her family is really cruel to let old granny on the streets. They have no heart at all," said Rafael, commenting.

"They are not grateful. Too bad."

Kirana had tears in her eyes watching the old grandmother's suffering. sHe is kind and wants to help. But Rafael forbade it.

Moments later, they arrived at the house. Arriving in the room, Kirana looked at Rafael who was next to her. It seemed that he was already very fragile. He needs backup right now. He suddenly remembered his grandmother who had died.

"What's wrong with you?" asked Rafael, looking at the woman's soft face.

The woman was silent, then she cried aloud. He couldn't contain his sadness. However, it just made Rafael confused.

"What's wrong with you? Did I hurt you? Did I hurt your feelings?" said Rafael.

Kira shook her head. He still didn't make a sound. But his cries grew louder and louder.

"What's the matter? Why are you really here?" asked Raphael, annoyed.

Kirana raised her voice louder than before. Hearing this, Rafael was even more confused by Kirana's behavior, who was crying louder. He was confused about what to do because he did not feel guilty.

Rafael once again asked the woman. "Tell me, what's your problem?"

"I was sad to see my grandmother earlier. It's a pity that he lives alone in his old age," Kirana whispered, then burst into tears.

"Well, just because of that. Are you crying this loud?"

"Is it wrong?" Kirana asked back.

"It sucks," Rafael complained.

They both sat on the edge of the bed. They both fell silent for a moment. He seemed at a loss for words now.

Rafael glanced at Kirana who looked at him.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Satisfied crying?" Raphael frowned. "Don't make me dizzy with your crying. Stop crying!" he ordered.


Kira was still crying. sHe couldn't stop it.

"You are insensitive. You don't know how I feel seeing that grandma. You really don't have a heart," Kirana accused.

"Well, why should you be sad. You have a grandmother, you call her, or you meet her. Is not it?" suggested Raphael. "You don't have to take care of other people, just take care of your grandmother," he continued.

Kirana was silent, she did not comment anymore. Rafael does not know that his grandmother is dead. But right now, she was being Keysa. Of course, her would act as if she had not lost his grandmother.

The woman was still crying, quietly. Raphael was annoyed to see her.

"Come on, stop crying. I want to sleep," said Rafael.

"Yes yes."

Kirana wipes her tears. sHe really couldn't deny that she missed his grandmother who had passed away. sHe lay down beside Raphael. She tried to calm himself down.

Raphael's hand suddenly hugged him. He was immediately shocked and nervous. He turned his back to Raphael. He tried to avoid the temptation of Rafael who began to seduce him.

"Ehm," Kirana cleared her throat, slowly.

Rafael's hand then left his body. Kirana smiled, because of Rafael's adorable behavior.

"He's so funny. I can't let my guard down, he can just take a chance in a pinch," he mumbled, then chuckled softly.


The next day. Rafael and Kirana have arrived at his office. He still couldn't believe that his wife made him move.

"Women out there lining up for me. Why did he arbitrarily refuse my wishes? Just watch, you'll regret ignoring my wishes," Rafael muttered.

He approached his wife who was busy at her desk.

"You'll just have lunch by yourself," said Rafael, with a flat look.

"Yes. I can do it myself." Kirana replied casually.

"Okay, continue your work," said Kirana.


In the afternoon, Rafael deliberately went down to the lobby for lunch. After that, Kirana just followed. Unbeknownst to Rafael, the man was secretly waiting for Kirana because he wanted to follow where his wife was going for lunch.

Even though he wanted to have lunch together, he was proud if he seemed too enthusiastic about the woman.

Arriving at the cafe for Raya. Fino also just arrived from behind. Sometime later, Kirana arrived at a cafe. Unexpectedly, Fino was at the cafe for lunch as well. Of course, that made Kirana uncomfortable.

From a distance, Rafael was still looking at the man. He didn't get out of the car on purpose. He saw Fino approaching Kirana, and talking. They didn't know he was there.

"What are people doing here? Did she make an appointment with that guy?" mumbled Raphael.

Meanwhile, Kirana is still trying to free herself from Fino. But unfortunately, the man continued to chase her into the cafe.

"Isn't it clear what I said yesterday?" asked Kira.

Finn just smiled. "If not, why? Is there a problem with you?"

"Yeah, because I'm sick of your behavior. I told you, I'm not Kirana. Understand!" Kira said.

"I can't believe what you're saying," said Fino, smiling haughtily.

Fino didn't believe Kirana's words at all. He was still sure that the woman in front of him was Kirana.

"Please! Give me a chance to come into your heart again. Help!"

"Enough, you've gone mad!" despicable Kira. "Don't spoil my lunch mood. You better get out of my sight," Kirana ordered.

She tried to fortify herself to be able to maintain the trust of her husband. Even though he knew that she was just a substitute wife, he didn't want to give Fino the slightest chance.

"Come on, Kirana," Fino pleaded, pleading.

"Please don't be stupid. I don't want my husband to misunderstand when he sees us. So, please get out of my sight," Kirana ordered, firmly.

He didn't want to fall into the same hole. He still remembered what Fino had done to him in the past.

"I'm already very hungry. Get out of my sight, or I'll go," said Kirana. Because Fino didn't want to go, Kirana got up and took another table.

He chose a table far enough from where Fino was. He was fed up with Fino's always annoying attitude. Fino did not give up, he still followed Kirana again.

"What are people and my wife doing," annoyed Rafael, who looked at them from afar. He rose from his seat.

Then he walked slowly, his emotions overflowing. He approached Kirana's place to eat.
