
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
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44 Chs

The Importance of Kirana To Rafael

"You mean?" asked Keysa. She seemed curious about the statement that had just been delivered by Senopati.

The man smiled at her. A smile is full of pride and arrogance. He was not at all afraid of the threats made by Rafael to him.

"You should know, Meysa has heart disease. If Rafael tells his aunt about this incident, the woman will die," said Senopati.

Finally, Keysa understood it. She smiled happily at the answer. sHe was sure Rafael would not dare to do that. Except she doesn't love his aunt.

"Besides, even though he told his family. Maybe his family won't believe him. I've also taken control of Sophie's grandmother. He loves me and trusts me very much. So, Rafael will not be able to move, "said Keysa.

"You are a great woman. I want you more and more," said Senopati.

They then resumed the activities that had been postponed. The two of them were completely carried away by the desire and immediately vented it.

Meanwhile, Rafael is on his way to his house. He was thinking about many things. In his mind, he felt confused and indecisive. He was still silent in the back seat of the taxi he was riding. His gaze turned to the outside, trying to calm himself.

"I should how? I can't possibly tell this to Aunt Meysa. I might kill him. Unlucky! I am stuck."

Rafael is stuck in a situation he doesn't want to be in. He was in a dilemma and confused about what to do now. The incident was still vivid in his mind. He ruffled his hair that didn't itch, it was obvious that he was very frustrated.

Arriving at the room, Rafael went into his grandmother's room. He feels sorry for his grandmother for marrying the wrong woman.


He opened the door slowly. He hoped she wasn't asleep. But it turned out that his prediction was wrong, the old woman was fast asleep.

Rafael was happy because he could see his grandmother sleeping soundly. He didn't want to disturb her, so he decided to leave the room. Just as he was about to leave, his eyes were caught by the rectangular container on the table.

"What's this?"

Raphael sniffed. He was surprised to find that the container contained alcoholic beverages.

"Who gave grandma a drink like this. God, this is killing him slowly," he grumbled, annoyed.

He then took the container, because there was still a quarter of the side. He was very upset and emotional.

"It must be that woman, I'm sure. He gave this to Grandma. Damn it!" annoyed Raphael.

He returned to his room. Then wait for his wife to come home. Several hours passed, the woman still had not returned. He didn't want to call that damn woman.

The next morning, Rafael returns to his routine at the office. He felt unmotivated with his work. Last night's events continued to infuriate him. But he could not vent his frustration.

Unexpectedly, his wife entered his room. Rafael was surprised by the woman's arrival. His gaze shone sharply at the woman.

"Hei you want to go to the office. It's not that you're lazy," Rafael quipped.

"Who's lazy. Am I not often in the office?" The woman looked confused by her husband's statement. She finally realized that the person who had been with Rafael this week was Keysa, not him. "Oh, I mean, I'm excited right now," he continued.

Rafael began to feel something different from the woman in front of him. Her speech was quite different from the previous woman's. He then glanced at the woman's left hand.

"Owh you wear the bracelet. Guess I don't want to use it anymore," Rafael quipped again.

"I always use it every day."

"You mean? I saw you wearing it. What do you mean to wear it every day? Are you dreaming?" said Raphael.

Again Kirana stuck with that question. sHe had to carefully answer Rafael's question. Kira was silent.

"Is it because you have satisfied yourself with that man, that you forget the previous events," Rafael mocked again. His tone was very harsh.

Kirana, who felt that she had not done that, immediately did not accept the accusation.

"Don't insult me ​​like that. I'm not that low. Please respect me!"

"Appreciate you? Do I deserve to do it, while you are having an affair with my uncle? It's a sad life for you. You've sinned, but you seem to have forgotten that you've done something despicable, it's sad," Rafael mocked.

"Watch your words. Don't look down on me!" Kira shouted.

Raphael just smirked.

"Are you angry?" asked Raphael.

"Well, why?"

"Okay. Over there is the exit. Please please get out of my room. I'm sick of seeing your despicable face," said Rafael, annoyed.

"You… You can't do this to me!"

"Whatever, I'm your boss at the office. Go out!" Raphael said, pointing at the door to his room.

"You suck!"

Kirana immediately stepped to the door with annoyance. He opened the door of the room, and before he closed it again. Kira turned to the man.

"I hate you so much," she said with a disappointed face.

Kirana is already in the cafeteria. She was still very upset with her husband's attitude that underestimated her as a woman.

"He thought he could go around with me. I'll tell grandma. Let him know the taste," she complained.

Unexpectedly, it turns out that Teo is there. Unexpectedly, he saw a gold bracelet on the woman's left hand.

"That bracelet means this woman is Rafael's wife," he muttered. He continued to pay attention to Kirana's behavior who was ordering food in the canteen.

The woman's behavior and way of communicating were very different from the previous woman. Even Kirana looks very polite towards other people. Teo approached the cafeteria lady to pay for his coffee.

"Sorry, Mr. Theo. Who is that? New employee?" asked the cafeteria lady.

"Oh, I don't know him yet. She's Pak Rafael's wife," answered Teo.

"Wife?" The woman's eyes widened.

"Yes, ma'am."

"I was surprised, Mr. Teo. I didn't expect the big boss's wife to eat in this simple canteen. He is indeed different," said the cafeteria lady.

"He is very good indeed, ma'am."

"Masha Allah, very lucky Mr. Rafael."

"Yes, ma'am."

Teo then left the place. He went to Raphael's room. He was curious about the woman.

Arriving at Rafael's room, the man looked frustrated. He held his aching head.

"Teo, it's good that you came. I want your opinion."


"My wife. How is he doing today? Is there anything strange?"

Theo nodded.

"Yes, different from the previous woman. I also saw the gold bracelet he was wearing. I think she is indeed your wife, sir."

"Who knows. I'm still sick of him."

Raphael took a deep breath. He was completely confused by the situation he was in right now. That woman had ruined his life.

In the afternoon, Kirana intends to go home from her office. He then went into Rafael's room, to say goodbye before going home. He accidentally saw Rafael's burly body who had just taken off his clothes, because he was about to be replaced with a t-shirt.

"Oh my God, his body is so strong," Kirana muttered, admiring the figure.

Raphael suddenly looked at him.

"Why? What do you see? What are you doing here?" said Rafael, sarcastically.

"There's nothing. I only..."

"I know," said Rafael. "You're attracted to my muscles aren't you," he added confidently.


Kirana immediately left the room with an embarrassed face. He rushed to the parking lot. On the way, Kirana sees someone following her since she left her office.

"Who's he?" Kirana muttered while driving her car faster.

The car continued to follow him. Kirana panicked a little because she saw the car very close. He then stepped on the gas and accelerated the car.

He wanted to take his cell phone and tell Rafael. However, he had a hard time because his cell phone was in his bag. And in the next seat.

"Who are they really?" he muttered. "What do they want?"

Kirana drove the car fast. There was a chase in the streets. She did not want to lose when the car began to approach. She drove the car quickly.

However, the black sedan also managed to level with him. The car is attached to Kirana's car. He tried to avoid contact with the car. However, the car continued to attack him by pushing Kirana's car into the road divider.

"Unlucky. What are they doing," said Kirana.

Moments later, the black sedan managed to crash into Kirana's car. Until Kirana's car bounced and overturned.

A few seconds later, someone got out of the black sedan. He looked at Kirana who was helpless in his car. Blood dripped from his forehead. Kirana tried to survive, even though she was not strong anymore.

"Rafael, please help me," Kirana said quietly.
