
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
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44 Chs

Should I Give Up My Virgin?

"What should I do? Am I releasing my virgin tonight?" mumbled Kira.

She was unable to contain the overwhelming desire. However, her head was trying to stay aware that she couldn't do that.

"What is wrong with me? What about my feelings?" she thought.

Kirana continues to think of ways to avoid their hot actions that almost happened.

sHe held Rafael's hand that was about to touch her sensitive part. It made Rafael react, and think of something.

"Why is she holding her back? Can't I do it?" he thought.

He immediately got up. Feeling disappointed, because of the rejection. He didn't say anything. Meanwhile, Kirana is still uncomfortable. He had no other choice but to refuse.

"I'm sorry," Kirana regretted, in her heart.

sHe looked at Raphael who left in front of him. As usual, she would always leave his room when she was feeling down.

For the umpteenth time, Rafael is disappointed by Kirana. He doesn't know the reason, why Kirana always refuses to be touched. He stepped into his car and drove his car quickly from there.

"I have to find out. Why is he like that? Doesn't he want to have children? Or maybe he doesn't want to have children from me?" he grumbled, annoyed.

He pounded on the steering wheel to vent his frustration. Arriving at the bar, he immediately ordered red wine.

A few moments later, Teo appeared at the place. Raphael had been in touch with him a long time ago. Teo sat next to Rafael.

"What now? Is your face so wrinkled? Still annoyed?" said Theo. He felt Raphael was having a problem.

"Yeah, I'm annoyed with my wife."

"What else is there with him?"

"I'm just surprised, he always refuses to touch me. After all, I am her husband. What do I think happened?" asked Raphael.

Theo thought for a moment. He also felt strange with Rafael's story. Because if you look at his face, maybe no woman on this earth would reject Rafael. Of course, something strange if the woman refused.

Teo kept thinking, looking for the right reason for him to explain to Rafael.

"From my analysis yes. Your wife is weird. You are handsome, rich, and have everything. All women must be falling in love with you. Even queuing up to get your touch. But your wife refuses. Of course, it's not something natural, right?" Theo expressed his opinion.

Raphael realized that too. He also thought the same thing as said by Teo. He began to think and remember the days he spent with his wife.

"You're right, Theo. That's something weird. sHe seemed to be hiding something. I once got a mysterious call from someone. And the person didn't say anything. But, I looked at her call history, my wife often communicated with that person. But, she didn't even admit it," said Rafael.

They became more and more curious about the woman. They began to relate events that had happened before.

"Is the person with you Kirana?" guessed Theo.

Raphael was taken aback by the question. He immediately responded to the response from Theo.

"It could be. Is that why he rejected me? Doesn't she want to get pregnant?"

"Possible. If she is Keysa, she will want to have children with you. You are husband and wife. But if it's Kirana, of course, she will refuse, because she can't possibly want to get pregnant with your child," said Teo.

"Then?" Rafael still hasn't found a solution.

"The problem now is how do we tell which one is Keysa and which one is Kirana. Because they are the same," said Teo.

Both of them were getting confused. Rafael also didn't know what to do now. The mystery about his wife confused him even more.

"Come on, I don't want to think too much. You take care of everything. Find out more details. Investigate my wife secretly. You will be with him a lot in the office. You know what you have to do, right?"

"Yes, I know. I will do my job."

"Good. You are reliable."

Both agreed not to discuss it again. They chose to enjoy the evening with a drink.

The night went on, didn't realize Rafael had finished up a few glasses of wine. However, he had not yet reached the level of drunkenness. Teo had warned Rafael not to get drunk.

"See you tomorrow, I'll take it off first."

Rafael immediately drove his car to his house. Do not in his hand shows 2 in the morning.

Not long after, he arrived at his house. He walked straight to his room. He saw that the woman had not slept. Surprise him.

"Why are you still standing there? Don't you know what time it is?" asked Rafael, his tone quite firm.

"It is okay."

"It's already 2 o'clock. What happened? Do I have to go out before you want to sleep?"

"No need," said Kirana. "I just have a lot on my mind," she said.

Rafael even laughed at Kirana's words just now. He looked at Kira with an arrogant look.

"A lot of things in mind?" Raphael chuckles. "No excuses."

"Why don't you believe it?"

"Up to me. I don't believe in you," said Rafael, suppressing his sentence. With a glaring gaze at Kirana.

He then climbed into bed. Then pull the blanket. He didn't care about the woman who was still standing looking at the sky.

"You arrogant man. Doesn't he know I'm worried about him? He went home without feeling guilty. I hope he doesn't have a bad dream, amen."

She then slowly stepped from the left side of the bed. She then pulled the blanket, then tried to close her eyes.


In the morning, the morning sun had just emerged from its bed. Rafael has been up since 6 in the morning. He couldn't pass the sunrise every morning. He had also taken a shower when he woke up. After that, he took a cup of coffee that was already available. His maid always prepared it every morning, so he just had to pick it up.

Rafael was sitting on the sofa enjoying the sun that was starting to appear. Together with a cup of coffee in front of him adds to the spirit of this sunny morning.

He looked at Kirana who was still hugging his bolster. That face still looks beautiful in the morning. Even more graceful than the sun that will soon emerge from her bed.

Raphael walked over to the bed. Then he watched her for a moment.

"Hey, wake up! It's already noon!" Raphael ordered. He was still not gentle with his wife. Even to wake his wife, he couldn't be gentle.

"I made you coffee, just once you want to enjoy the sunrise that will soon be seen," he added.

"Yeah, I'm awake," Kirana said, annoyed.

sHe got up with an uncomfortable expression. sHe kept grumbling to the bathroom. sHe was fed up with Rafael's attitude that was never sweet to her.

Not long after, Kirana came out of the bathroom. And walked over to Rafael who was already in front of the window. sHe was enjoying the sunrise slowly rising.

"Oh my God, the sun is so beautiful," said Kirana who had just arrived next to Rafael.

Rafael was stunned to see Kirana. Not because of the beauty of her face exposed to the sun. Not because the smile that was plastered on his face was very sweet, but it seemed that something was missing from Kirana's clothes this morning.

"Where are your pants?" Raphael asked, and chuckled softly.

Kirana immediately realized that she forgot to put her pants back on. She immediately screamed hysterically.

"Raphael! What a freaking brain!" annoyed.

Kirana then slapped Rafael's arm. However, Rafael continued to avoid it. So that Kirana fell in his arms, precisely on the sofa.

Kirana just looked at Rafael, and vice versa. Without being able to hold back. Rafael hugged Kirana tighter. They were already on the sofa in the soothing morning sun.

Raphael slowly approached his face closer to Kirana. The woman just swallowed her saliva when she saw that gaze. A look that made Kirana unable to resist the invitation.

"What's this? Why have I been stuck in this situation again? Why is he so tempting," Kirana muttered.

Both of them gasped for breath as they both released themselves. But still, Rafael's arms tightened around Kirana's body. He immediately landed his lips on Kirana's lips. Then play wild.

