
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
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44 Chs

Rafael's Jealousy Grows

"Don't touch my wife!" Rafael exclaimed sternly, his face showing anger. He clenched his fists and intended to beat the man. But Kira held him back.

Rafael looked surprised to hear his wife defending the man. He had to obey Kirana's request.

"Get lost!" Raphael ordered.

He then walked away from the man with an arrogant look. He invited Kirana to sit on the sofa, a place only used by special guests.

Arriving at the sofa, his emotions have not subsided. His face stiffened, his gaze glaring sharply in a different direction from Kirana's position in front of him. The woman understood that her husband was angry.

"Sorry to bother you again," said Kirana regretfully.

"Just forget it. Not your fault." Rafael replied still in a cold manner. It made the atmosphere in the place awkward. "You just order food," he asked.


The waiter came over to them, then Kirana ordered the food. After that, the servant left. They were silent again. It's like running out of words to talk about.

Kirana didn't dare to ask Rafael anything this time. Moreover, he saw the man put on an angry face. The waiter came to take his drink order. He immediately took a sip of the red wine in front of him.

"You know why I brought you here?" asked Raphael.

"So what?"

"Grandma always asks how you are doing. Are you pregnant yet? Have you loved each other yet? Already this and that ..." said Rafael annoyed.

Kira smiled inwardly. Because it was Rafael who looked very cute when he said the sentence just now.

She didn't think that her husband, who was cold and arrogant, could look funny when he complained about something. He deliberately did not comment on Rafael's words, he was still waiting for the man to continue his speech.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Want to make fun of me? So?"

"Not. I just heard. Go ahead." Kirana argued.

"Watch out if you dare to mock me."

Kirana is getting irritated with Rafael's attitude. But sadly, Rafael's attitude still sucks. Makes Kirana lazy to comment, because she is afraid that Rafael will speak harshly to her

"Eh, you think we are the victims, right?" asked Rafael trying to find Kirana's opinion.

"Who knows. I am also confused. On the one hand, I feel this is a disaster. On the other hand, I consider it a virtue. Moreover, Sophia's grandmother loves me very much, do I still deserve to think of myself as a victim? Of course not, right?"

Kirana gave her opinion, even though she knew it would be the answer Rafael wanted.

"Oh, so that's what you thought."

"Well, that is just it is. That's how it is."

Raphael looked out of the corner of his eye, a sinister smile on his face. Make Kirana a little sick.

"What about our relationship? Don't you think our relationship is just a joke?" asked Rafael, then chuckled. "I was right?"

Kirana immediately fell silent with that sentence. Want any kind of relationship, Kirana doesn't care.

After all, she is also not the real bride. He was not too bothered by the situation. He only cared about his fate in five days. He was confused about having to find an excuse, let alone to avoid his first night with Rafael.

"You're right. So, why are we dizzy. We don't love each other either. What do you want?" Kirana asked, small talk.

"Child… That's what they want. We have to give it to them."

"Yeah, fine."

Kira smiled. Although she never thought of having children from that man. But he still worries if Keysa doesn't come home soon. Because his fate depends on Keysa's return to Indonesia.

Sometime later, Rafael felt quite in that place. He then took his wife home because it was late.

Along the way, the two of them enjoyed the night in the city of Jakarta, as well as the music that was pleasant to hear playing on the car radio. Shortly after, they arrived at his house. They went straight to his room.

"Take it easy. Tomorrow we will work," said Rafael.


"Don't think about me. I'll sleep after I'm sleepy," replied Rafael, curtly.


Kirana doesn't want to bother with her husband's attitude. He was too lazy to argue with the man. Because it would just be a waste of time.

"You arrogant man. Do you have to answer me angrily? What can not with gentle words? I hate him more and more," she grumbled, to herself.

Rafael was already sitting on the couch enjoying his favorite television show. He doesn't usually sleep late like this. He feels that since Kirana's presence, his life has changed and he is not excited.

"I don't know, I've been devastated since that woman came to this house," Rafael muttered. "Moreover, grandmother loves you more, she must be getting stubborn. I'm sure he must have the upper hand. You two-faced woman," Rafael grumbled, in his heart.

Sometime later, Rafael was sleepy. He got up and walked over to his wife on the bed.

"Look Her, sleep like a child. Can't her put a blanket on before going to bed?" he grumbled.

He then pulled the blanket and covered Kirana's body, which looked cold from the burst of air conditioning. After that, he climbed into bed and slept beside his wife.


The next day. Rafael is having a meeting with investors from France in a cafe. After one hour of meeting, the event was over. Rafael intends to return to his office.

In the restaurant lobby, he sees Kirana with another man. The man embraced Kirana and looked very affectionate. He rushed over to the couple. But unfortunately, their car had already left the place.

"Is he cheating? So that's what he is. You cheap woman!" annoyed Raphael.

He immediately took his cell phone and called his wife. Unfortunately, the call went unanswered. This made Rafael even more annoyed.

"She's outrageous, she doesn't know herself. Unlucky!" he complained.

He intended to chase the car. But the French investor had a problem with his car, so he asked Rafael to drive it back to his apartment. Rafael could not refuse it, he was forced to give up his intention to chase the woman.

After dropping off the investor, he rushed back to his house. Along the way, he felt annoyed and emotional. He pounded the steering wheel because of his annoyance.

"Everything mom said is true, she's an asshole. She is a bitch!"

The incident was still ringing in Raphael's mind. He couldn't wait to get home soon. He wanted to ask his wife for an explanation.

"Damn it! Arrrgg!"

Again he pounded the steering wheel while screaming to his heart's content. Thirty minutes later, he arrived at his house. He immediately got out of his car. He was already very emotional, and ready to hit his wife.

However, when we got to the family room. The woman was having fun with Sophia's grandmother. The old woman was very happy with her wife. He finally gave up on asking his wife. He didn't want to make the laughter disappear from his grandmother's face.

"Okay, I'll wait for the right time. I have to make calculations with him," muttered, Rafael. He walked over to his grandmother and hugged the old woman.

Grandma Sophia is happy with her granddaughter's return. Unknowingly, Sofia's grandmother loves her granddaughter very much, even though she seems harsh to Rafael. But her heart cares about her beloved grandson.

Rafael and Kirana stepped into her room. Raphael went straight to the bathroom. He was already feeling hot. He tried to refresh his emotional head.

He just turned on the shower and dripped water from the end of the shower. Rafael felt the freshness as the water hit his head. He then put on the shampoo and enjoyed the freshness.

"Hey, why is the water dead? Why won't it flow?" Rafael complained as he tried to turn it on again.

The shampoo water hit his eyes. He had no other way but to ask his wife for help.

He opened the bathroom door and shouted, "Kirana, please Bring me water here!"

Kirana who heard the scream was surprised. He went straight to Raphael. She was afraid that something would happen to her husband.

"What is it?"

"Hurry up and get some water in the fridge. My eyes are sore, hurry up!" said Rafael while holding back the pain in his eyes.

"Y-yes, wait."

Kirana immediately ran to the kitchen to get water. Not long after, she returned with a glass teapot filled with cold water.

Raphael grabbed it, then closed the bathroom door. Kirana was still standing in front of the door.

"No thanks at all. Is he a human or an alien? I don't have a heart, it sucks."

Kirana returned to the sofa, then sat down. Suddenly her husband came out of the bathroom. The man looked at Kirana with annoying glare. She didn't like it, but she didn't care about the arrogant man's attitude.

"How are your eyes, still sore?"

Rafael turned to Kirana, then smiled sarcastically.

"What do you care? What's important?" Raphael snapped.

"What's wrong with you? Very sensitive and fierce. Did I do something wrong?" asked Kirana, curious.

Rafael smiled back cynically, very unsightly.

"Does an ignorant woman like you have no self-respect?"
