
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
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44 Chs

Failed on the First Night

"Wait, wait a minute," kirana refused.

"What else?"

Rafael was curious. He stopped his intention to touch the woman who had legally become his wife. He had been lying inKirana's body, now came down and looked at Kirana curiously.

"I... I..."

"What? Say it clearly!" said Rafael.

Kirana seemed embarrassed to tell the reason. She felt guilty with Rafael. But she also has to say it now, because she can't have intimate relationship because of her agreement with Keysa.

"I... got a period," Kirana said as she bit her lower lip.

She wished Rafael had believed her words. She had never lied before, but this time she had to because she's not a real wife. She also didn't know when she would become Rafael's fake wife.

She saw Rafael's face seemed disappointed knowing his wife was on a period. That meant, Rafael had to hold it for a while.

"Oh. Well. I have to hold it up," Rafael said with a disappointed face.

Kirana couldn't do anything either. That's all she could do to protect herself from trouble.

Both of them went quite, Rafael was disappointedand decided to leave the place. He chose to vent his disappointment by going to the bar. He directlycalled Mr. Teo to accompany him.

Mr. Teo had been loyal to him for so long time. No matter what problems faced by Rafael, Mr. Teo is always there to help to solve. Their ages are not in a high gap. But Mr. Teo has huge amount of respect roRafael as his boss. But Rafael already considered him as a friend, even more like a brother.

"Hello, Teo. Where are you? Can you get me to the bar?"

"Sure, I can. Which bar?"

"As usual place."


Mr. Teo already knew the place that Rafael meant. After that, Rafael prepared. Before leaving, Kirana called him. Rafael, of course, stopped and looked at her.

"What's wrong?" asked Rafael.

"Where are you going?"

"It's none of your business!" replied Rafael loudly.


The speech immediately made Kirana pound. She really didn't think Rafael would say that. Kirana fell quite for a moment then spoke up.

"What if grandma asks you?"

"I said I was sleeping. Don't act like you are an innocent. Just say like that, grandma won't say much either. Please cooperate. Don't you report all simple things to her, it sucks," Rafael said judging his wife.

For a moment Kirana was being quite again after hearing it. She's confused what to say now although she did not accept Rafael's attitude that was selfish and rude to her. She remained patient and held back her emotions.

"Yes, I want to leave. Don't wait for me," Rafael added.

"It's takes long time for you to back home?" Kirana tried to find out.

"Yes. And that's none of your business," Rafael said. He intends to leave that place. Before went out of her room. He stopped. "Remember, if she's looking for me. Just say I'm sleeping. Understand?"

"Yes, i-I understand."

"Good. You have to understand and obey me," rafael stressed.

After that, Rafael rushed away from that place. While Kirana just silently let her husband go on their first night.

She couldn't do anything but accept all the decisions made by Rafael. She realized that even if she fought back, it will be useless because she's never going to win arguing to Rafael.

"I do understand whyKeysa doesn't want to marry him. He's so annoying, I really want to strangle him. Uhhg!" annoyed Kirana as she squeezed her pillow.

Moments later, her phone rang. A call came in from Keysa. She then received her call quickly.

"How?" asked Keysa.

"Already, I made a reason that I am in my period so that he doesn't touch me. But I don't know when this excuse will last. There's only seven days for me to avoid Rafael, when will you come back to replace me?"

"Just wait," Keysa replied. "Anyway, you have to keep everything for notto happen. No matter what it costs, you should be able to find many ways and reasons. Until I come back and take your place. Understand?"

"Yeah. I understand."

"Well then. Good luck."


Keysa then hung up her phone call. While Kirana can only be silent, and think of the next reason if her period is finished.

She felt unsettled. She was also afraid that she would reach Rafael and she would do what he did.

"What am I supposed to do?" muttered Kirana. "Do I have to say I'm having trouble in the womb? Ah, this is very excessive," she added.

She wished Rafael could believe it later. She doubted using such excuse, whether it could be accepted by Rafael or not. However, she desperately hoped that all her suffer would end quickly.

Meanwhile, Rafael had just arrived at the bar. Mr. Teo had also just arrived at that place. He approached Rafael who was sitting in front of the bartender.

"Sorry," said Teo.

"Relax. You've come, I'm happy."

"What happened with your first night? All went smooth?" asked Teo curiously.

He really didn't know what had happened to Rafael and his wife. He wished Rafael had told him about it.

"What's smooth? She even got a period, how am I supposed to touch her? After all, I'm not interested to touch her either. If it wasn't for grandma, I wouldn't have done it," Rafael said.

"Seriously? Are you sure you're not interested to that beautiful woman?" asked Teo mockingly.

"Don't sneer, although she is beautiful, if my heart doesn't feel any sense. I am still not interested. You think I need to force my feelings? No right?"

Mr. Teo immediately laughed at Rafael's words. He found his best friend very funny. Of course the laughter made Rafael curious and confused. He stared to Mr. Teo who had not finished laughing.

"What's wrong, Teo?"

"You are so funny"


Mr. Teo immediately stopped laughing. He looked intently at Rafael who was still looking at him.

"Don't hate your wife too much. I'm afraid you will be fall in love so deep to her. It's like the experience of other friends. So I advise, don't hate her too much," said Mr. Teo.

"Will never. You can hold my word. If I like her, I'll buy you a European vacation ticket. Keep my word," Rafael said confidently.

"All right, we'll see," mr.Teo said.

They spent a lot of time at the bar late at night. Mr. Teo then took Rafael home. He didn't want to get Rafael into trouble because he was drinking too much tonight.

"No, we're going home. I don't want you to get too drunk," asked Mr. Teo.

"I want five more bottles, please!"

"No, Rafael. It's dangerous to drive yourself. We go home now," said Mr. Teo firmly. He insisted on taking Rafael home.

A short time later, Rafael arrived at his apartment. He was a little drunk, making his head dizzy. He stepped onto the bed and saw his wife lying down.

He hugged Kirana. As if, his consciousness was left a bit. Kirana was silent, feeling Rafael's hand touch his body.

"Do your duty as my wife," said Rafael in a faint tone.

