
The Boss & Twins Bride

Kirana Maheswari, an innocent poor girl got broken when her grandmother, had to undergo a surgery immediately. She accidentally met Keysa, someone that has similar look like her. Then Keysa gave an offer to replace her as a bride. In addition, Keysa asked one particular condition that Kirana was not allowed to fall in love with the man who will become her husband. There was no any other choice for Kirana to refuse the offer, because she had to save her grandmother as soon as it could be. The deal was made, Kirana married a man named Rafael, the sole heir of the Haditama Group, one of the five largest companies in Asia. Rafael, who did not accept the matchmaking initially remained cold and ignorant to Kirana, the women he considered to be Keysa. Until one night, they did their duty as husband and wife that made Kirana feel sad. What will happen next? Will Rafael be able to love Kirana? And what will happen to Kirana after Keysa took her position again?

Laurenlance · Urban
Not enough ratings
44 Chs

A Secret About Kirana


Rafael's loud voice was enough to scare Kirana. Instantly he fell silent, not even daring to look at Rafael's face full of emotion.

He looked down, saddened. Because only now did he receive such treatment from his family. He looked at the sadness, without daring to comment.

"Sorry," she whispered.

"Never mind. You always apologize. But tomorrow, again. Try, you realize a little of your obligations as a wife. You really can't be controlled," annoyed Rafael.

"I already apologized. Why are you so sensitive to me? Can't you treat me like a wife? Why do you always blame me?" Kira protested.

"You are indeed wrong, why would I spoil you. I have the right to scold you because I am your husband. Object?"

"But not in a harsh way. You can do it by…"

"Talk too much. I'm getting sick of being here. I want to go," he said.

"Where to?"

"Up to me!"

Raphael immediately left the room. The fight made him even more uncomfortable in his room. Meanwhile, Kirana was confused. She could not understand the attitude of her husband who always scolded her.

He felt his mistake was not a big problem. Things that might be resolved by apologizing. But Rafael instead made a small problem into a big one.

"Don't worry, I'm just thinking about that. At least I'll come back when I'm bored outside," he muttered.

He cleaned his face, then replaced his clothes with nightclothes. He did not want to drag on thinking about Rafael's problem. He chose to sleep.

A few moments later, it turns out that he still can't sleep. Then he heard the doorknob turn. She immediately closed his eyes. And pretend to sleep.

"Turns out he's back too," Kirana muttered to herself.

He heard the man's footsteps approaching him. Then climb into bed. She felt that Raphael was looking at her now. Made her feel nervous, and the sleeping act had to work.

"I'm sorry, I was just worried about you. But you don't know yourself. You don't know how much I care about you," Rafael said quietly, his voice barely audible. But Kirana could hear the words Rafael had just said.

For a few seconds, Rafael looked at Kirana's beautiful face. He started to get carried away. But he endured it because it was all for nothing. Kirana is absent. He lay down beside Kirana.

While Kirana smiled to herself as she turned her back to her husband. She didn't think that Raphael cared about him.

"The cold man has a different way of conveying his attention. He's really sweet," she mumbled to himself.


The next day, Rafael had gone to work. As usual, he will go to the office first than Kirana. Since Kirana already has her car, she didn't wait for him to go together.

Arriving at the office, he sat for a while and lost his mind. Suddenly the door opened, Raphael's eyes immediately turned to the door.

"Good morning," said Kira. As a secretary, he must greet his boss first. In their office are bosses and employees.

"Good morning."

Kirana returned to her seat. Rafael secretly looked at his wife while busy at work. Suddenly Kirana turned to him.

Rafael immediately quickly turned his gaze elsewhere, while holding the back of his hair, as if itching. He just didn't want to be found out if he had been watching Kirana for a long time.

"Nearly, if he saw. His head is getting bigger," said Rafael, slowly. Then he pretended to play with his cellphone, occasionally glancing at Kirana again.

"What is wrong with me? Why does it always make me feel good looking at him? This isn't love, is it?"

Raphael tried to push the thought away. He is also not sure whether the comfort he feels is love or just a feeling of sympathy and pity. He couldn't guess.

He saw Kirana get up from his seat and walk towards him. Then Rafael adjusted his seat and tried to be elegant in front of the woman.

"What is it?" asked Rafael with a relaxed, cold expression.

"I just wanted to ask, where are we going to have lunch later?"

"I don't know, why is that?" asked Raphael. His heart was beating fast, unusually. "Whatever," he added.

He kept trying to calm himself down. It would be very dangerous if Kirana found out that he was nervously close to that woman.

"Oh, I see. I thought you had a plan," Kirana said.

"Do you have any ideas? Maybe there's a place you'd recommend?"

"Wait a minute... I'll think about it, um..." Kirana's index finger smacked her cheek as her head looked up as if thinking about something. "I know a great place for lunch. I bet you never eat lunch at that place," he said when he found the right place.

"Oh yeah, where? Let me know, let me see on Instagram. Maybe there's a special menu, tell me what it's called?" asked Raphael.

"Let it be a surprise," replied Kirana, refusing to tell Rafael.

"Okay, just arrange it."

Suddenly his phone vibrated. Call from Teo, he immediately received the call. Kirana was still frozen in front of him seeing Rafael who had just received a call from someone.

"What's wrong, Theo?"

"This is Sir. About Kira. I got one more piece of info on him."

"What? Say!" Rafael's gaze turned to Kirana who was still standing in front of him.

"She's the daughter of a company driver who died in an accident ten years ago," said Teo.

Rafael tried to remember again, the incident that time. He started to remember. He felt very sad remembering that incident.

"Thanks, Theo. You look for him until you find him. I want to meet that woman," said Rafael. This time, his intention was not to look for twins with his wife but to help the woman. As a form of gratitude from the company to his family who has been loyal for many years.

Raphael then hung up the phone. Then put the phone on the table. Kirana sat back on the sofa. And Rafael met the woman and sat in front of her.

"Want coffee?"

"Can," Kira answered briefly. "Want me to order?" she bargained.

"Of course, yes. Who's the boss? Who's the secretary? Can't I order it right?" said Kirana.

"Yes, I know." Kirana immediately called to the kitchen to bring the two cups of coffee.

Sometime later, OB delivered their coffee and put it on the table. The OB greets Kirana.

"Mr. Rafael is great, he chose a very beautiful wife," said the OB, which suddenly surprised Rafael. He immediately looked at the OB.

"Did I ask you to comment?" asked Raphael.

"Excuse me, sir. I only ..."

"Go out!" Raphael ordered.

In the afternoon, Kirana and Rafael left their office for lunch at a place recommended by Kirana.

"Where exactly are we? The name of the place?" asked Raphael.

"I'll see you later. Just go straight."

Sometime later, they finally stopped at a stall. Rafael was surprised because it was not as imagined.

"Are you kidding me?" asked Rafael with a serious look.

Kirana just smiled seeing Rafael surprised like that. He was sure that Rafael had never eaten in a place like this.

"I never joke. It's delicious. You have to try," Kirana said.

"The place is ugly, not clean, hot. What is this," complained Rafael after entering the satay seller's tent.

"Enjoy it. once in a while. You shouldn't be picky." Kirana taunts him.

Rafael was forced to follow all of Kirana's requests. He was already hungry too, so he couldn't possibly refuse her wish.

Kirana then ordered it. He laughed heartily at Rafael's adorable behavior.

Sometime later, lunch was over. Raphael had been complaining ever since. Because it was hot inside the tent. He immediately turned on the AC. He also felt the freshness.

They immediately returned to his office again. In the afternoon, Rafael came home early. He left Kira. When he got home, he didn't find anyone, only his maid.

Suddenly his phone vibrated. A message came into his cell phone. He immediately opened it.

"What? Why did he do this? Rafael's eyes widened at the photo his mother sent him.
