
Twists & Turns

Argentina: Wh-what are you doing here?

Cristian: Your father gave me a job here.

Argentina: What?! Dad, no!

Mr Cruise: You can't tell me what to do.

Argentina: You're not doing this!

Mr Cruise: I already have. Say hello to your new project manager.

Argentina: Why? Why are you doing this?

Mr Cruise: Why not? I needed a manager, Cristian needed a job...

Argentina: You know what I mean!

Mr Cruise: This has nothing to do with you.

Argentina: Oh, I'm sure it doesn't.

(She leaves and slams the door on her way out. She sits in her office sobbing, Samuel sees her and enters.)

Samuel: What happened in there?

Argentina: Nothing

Samuel: It doesn't look like nothing.

Argentina: It's nothing, just leave, okay?

Samuel: You really won't talk to me then?

Argentina: (drying her tears) I have work to do Samuel, you do as well.

Samuel: Whatever happened in there, it's not worth crying over. You need to stop being your father's chew toy all the time...

Argentina: Excuse me?!

Samuel: How he presses your wrong buttons and you go crying off like a little girl, stop it- you're stronger than that. You're let him get to you and that's not good for you, between you and I- you're the only one that's afraid of your father.

(Samuel walks out of her office and closes the door behind him and Argentina is left there thinking)

****Days later****

(Argentina and Samuel haven't spoken in a while and remain keeping things professional, Cristian the new project manager is often in Argentina's office as she gives him all the information he needs about the project, but Cristian isn't all about business he flirts, touches and teases Argentina every chance he gets. This makes Samuel keen on finding out the conspiracy)

(One Friday morning, Argentina walks into Samuel's office)

Argentina: Samuel, are you busy?

Samuel: (groans) Yes.

Argentina: Do you have a minute?

Samuel: No.

(She sits down and looks at him in the eyes)

Samuel: You don't take no for an answer, do you?

Argentina: Why I learned from the best.

Samuel: What do you want Argentina? Shouldn't you be running after your new crush?

Argentina: That's exactly why I'm here.

Samuel: I don't understand.

Argentina: Cristian, he's my ex f...

Samuel: Does this have anything to do with work?

Argentina: No but I...

Samuel: I have a meeting in 5 minutes, have a nice day Ms Cruise.

Argentina: Samuel?!

(He gets up and walks out, she goes back to her office. Hours later into the meeting, Samuel can't stop thinking about Argentina he ended the meeting early and walks to her office)

Argentina: Get out!

Samuel: Come with me?

Argentina: Why would I need to go anywhere with you?

Samuel: You don't need to, you want to.

Argentina: I said, get, out!

Samuel: I'll meet you in the parking lot in 15 minutes. Don't keep me waiting.

(He walks away, down the elevator and to the parking lot and waits by his car)

Argentina: Who does he think he is, telling me what to do, pffft, of course I'm not going.

(Tracy walks in)

Tracy: Uhm, ma'am did you call me?

Argentina: No Tracy, you can leave. (she pauses to think) Actually Tracy, clear my schedule for the day.

Tracy: Yes ma'am.

(She runs out of the office to the parking lot and sees Samuel by his car)

Samuel: Whoah, I was kind of scared you wouldn't come.

Argentina: I only came to tell you that I'm not going anywhere.

Samuel: You told me that already, now, do you want to keep lying to yourself or do you want to come with me?

(He opens the car door for her, she smirks and gets in. They drive out of the office and into the city)

********Part 4 continued****

Argentina: Samuel, where are we going?

Samuel: Your apartment.

Argentina: Why?

Samuel: For you to pack your bags?

Argentina: My bags, why?

Samuel: You'll see.

(They get into her apartment and she sits on her bed and thinks)

Samuel: (loudly) We're gonna be late.

Argentina: Late for what exactly?

(He walks upstairs to her room and knocks)

Samuel: May I come in?

Argentina: Of course.

Samuel: You haven't even started, are you even serious about coming?

Argentina: If I knew where I was going, I would've been done by now.

Samuel: What do you wear during summer?

Argentina: Excuse me?

Samuel: Come on. We're running late...

Argentina: Well I guess, a few shorts and loose tees with sandals... but mostly jeans.

Samuel: Good, then pack those. Do you have any bathing suits?

Argentina: Huh? And why would I need that?

Samuel: You'll know when we get there, now hurry.

Argentina: Pffft, I'm not taking any bathing suits.

Samuel: Your loss then.

(Samuel sees her lingerie and grabs it)

Samuel: (amused) Yeah, you should definitely take this.

(She grabs it back and throws it underneath)

Argentina: Give that back, you're not funny.

Samuel: No, I am not.

(He walks out and she finishes packing and walks downstairs with her luggage)

Samuel: Whoah, you're not going on holiday here.

Argentina: This is just for today.

Samuel: (scoffs) Yeah, let's go.

(He loads her bags into the car and before they drive off he blindfolds her and they drive to the airport)

Argentina: Samuel, I don't like surprises.

Samuel: Who said this was a surprise?

Argentina: Then why do I have in this blindfold?

Samuel: To build the suspense baby.

Argentina: (blushes) You called me baby...

Samuel: Get used to it.

(She blushes and they talk on and on for the rest of the ride. When they arrive at the airport, they're stuff is taken out of the trunk and lifted onto the private jet. Argentina slowly makes her way on the stairs while blindfolded)

Argentina: Are these stairs? I can feel them, I'm climbing, right?

Samuel: I don't know, I can't see either.

Argentina: Stop playing games Samuel.

Samuel: I'm serious, some men jumped me when we got out of the car...

Argentina: (in a worried tone) Samuel...

Samuel: I think they're taking us hostage. (he laughs)

Argentina: You're not funny, I'm taking this blindfold off.

(He holds her back and puts her arms behind her, she breathes loudly and he kisses her. She helps her walk over to her seat and ties up her arms)

Argentina: I feel violated in so many ways.

Samuel: Maybe you like feeling this way.

(She remains still and an air hostess comes by with a bottle of champagne)

Air Hostess: Welcome abroad Mr & Mrs Benson, we hope to make your flight as comfortable as can be. Here's your bottle of champagne. Would you like some ice for it?

Samuel: Yes. Thank you very much, ice would definitely do.

Air Hostess: I'll be right back, excuse me.

Samuel: Please go ahead.

Argentina: What?! Mr and Mrs who?!

Samuel: Benson. I bet you like the sound of that. (smirks)

Argentina: Did she just say welcome abroad? And something about flight?!

Samuel: Did she? I didn't hear it.

Argentina: Samuel!

Samuel: Would you relax, you're so agitated, sheesh.

Argentina: This is kidnapping.

Samuel: Good, you can tell the cops you let me kidnap you.

Argentina: You're crazy, really crazy.

Samuel: Crazy about you.

Argentina: Stop it.

(The hostess bring the ice cubes and Samuel picks one and runs it onto Argentina's thigh, slowly moving closer underneath her dress as she shivers)

Samuel: Tell me to stop.

Argentina: (breathes softly) Samuel...

Samuel: Just say stop.

(He drags the ice further and reaches her vagina, she holds back her moan)

Samuel: Any last words?

Argentina: No.

(He moves his hand into her panties and throbs the ice deeper inside her, she moans loudly and he grabs her neck and kisses her passionately, the jet takes off. He stops and pours champagne into a glass)

Samuel: Are you thirsty?

Argentina: (nods)

(He brings the glass close to her mouth and she takes a sip, he then lowers the glass to her breast and pours it on her. He cups her breasts with his hands and kisses them softly, he looks up to her and whispers in her ears "You're mine" and then he unties her and removes the blindfold)

Argentina: Why are you so upset?

Samuel: I don't know what you're talking about.

Argentina: Don't act dumb Samuel, I know you.

(He remains still, she looks at him and notices his frustration)

Argentina: Oh, I see now.

Samuel: And what is that?

Argentina: You're jealous.

Samuel: (laughs) That's just funny.

Argentina: Is it because of Cristian?

Samuel: Enough.

Argentina: Okay, but you really don't have to be jealous of him.

(He looks over to her and pulls her closer to him)

Samuel: Then don't you ever, ever give me reason to be!

(The rest of the flight is quiet and when they land and a car drives them to a guesthouse, deep in the woods)

Argentina: Samuel?

Samuel: Yes?

Argentina: I'm sorry.

Samuel: Don't apologize baby.

Argentina: It's just...

Samuel: It's nothing, here, you're in a place of escape.

Argentina: You're my escape.

Samuel: Of course I am.

(They enter the guesthouse but it's completely empty, except for the servants they're welcomed by)

Receptionist: Welcome Mr. & Mrs Benson, your luxury suite awaits you. Here are your keys. If there's anything you need, please don't hesitate to call any of the ladies, they'll kindly assist you.

Samuel: Thank you very much.

Argentina: Samuel...

Samuel: Are you ready?

Argentina: This is crazy. What time will we be back at work?

Samuel: (laughs) Forget about work. For the next three days, we're going to live completely different lives. As a married couple.

Argentina: Married?

Samuel: Recently married. Here's your honeymoon baby. (laughs)

Argentina: (amused)

(They walk together to their master bedroom and settle in)

Samuel: What do you wanna do first?

Argentina: I don't know, but I think I left my phone in the car, can I...

Samuel: No.

Argentina: No?

Samuel: No electronic devices.

Argentina: But that's crazy, I can't...

Samuel: Yes, you can live without your phone. I'll show you.

Argentina: Then what are we supposed to do here for the next "three days"? I didn't even pack for three days!

Samuel: Then what do you need all those bags for?

Argentina: (remains quiet)

(He walks over to the terrace and draws the curtains)

Samuel: You'll love it here, I promise.

Argentina: So do you bring all your office affairs here?

Samuel: No, only my girlfriends.

Argentina: (blushes) Girlfriend, and uhm, how many have come here so far?

Samuel: Just you.

Argentina: So I'm your girlfriend now?

Samuel: Not yet.

Argentina: (confused) Okay. I'm gonna take a shower, then take a nap. I'm drained.

Samuel: Cool.

(She gets the water running and takes a long hot shower, puts on a robe and falls asleep. Samuel is outside preparing a table for supper and when everything is done, he goes back in the room to wake her up. Seeing she's still sound asleep he goes to the reception and picks a dark rose from a bouquet in the vase and comes back in the room and puts the rose in her hands. He goes and takes a cold shower to get ready for dinner. When he's done she's already awake)

Argentina: Did you bring this here?

Samuel: No.

Argentina: (blushes) Okay.

Samuel: Get dressed, we're going to eat.

Argentina: Right now?

Samuel: Yes.

(She gets all dressed up in a short black leather dress and dark boots, she curls her hair, fixes her make up and meets Samuel by the door)

Samuel: (jaw drops)

Argentina: What?

Samuel: Stunning.

Argentina: Thank you.

Samuel: Shall we madam?

Argentina: Let's shall sir.

(They both laugh and stroll down the lobby before they reach outside)

Argentina: You never told me why the place is so empty... Aren't there any guests that come here?

Samuel: Aren't you happy we're here alone?

Argentina: I am.

Samuel: That's all I want to hear.

(When they step outside, he covers her eyes and they walk towards the table)

Argentina: The last time you covered my eyes I ended up on a plane.

Samuel: Well this time, it's not that.

Argentina: What is it then?

Samuel: You sure ask a lot of questions.

Argentina: Sorry.

Samuel: Stand here and keep your eyes closed.

(He faces her towards the glowing sunset and pulls out her chair)

Samuel: You can open your eyes now.

(She takes a seat and admires the scenery, the rays of the ending sun kiss her skin and it shines)

Argentina: Ah, Samuel... this is beautiful!

Samuel: I try.

Argentina: What's all this for?

Samuel: You, of course.

Argentina: I'm amazed, really... this is it.

Samuel: Glad you like it.

(He rings the bell and the servants bring their dinner and they talk on and on for hours until the sun sets and its dark out as they gaze upon the stars, later Samuel gets up and looks at her in the eyes and she stands as well)

Samuel: Dance with me?

Argentina: But there's no music.

Samuel: Well, what's your favorite song?

Argentina: ~Under the Moonlight.

Samuel: (singing) "Baby it's just us two, together where we first met..."

Argentina: (laughs)

Samuel: "There's no one else insight, so come on my love...

(He pulls her closer and tighter)

Argentina: (singing) "Would you dance with me, under the moonlight?"

(They move in rhythm and dance to the music in their heads, he girls her a twirl and grabs her by the waist and kisses her. He then gets down on one knee and she looks at him stunned)

Samuel: Argentina Cruise...

Argentina: Samuel...

Samuel: From the first moment I saw you, the day I walked in to your father's office I saw this spark in your eyes and I knew then this should be my lucky day because not only have I seen the prettiest girl but I'm also going to be working with her. These past few months have been an emotional roller coaster for the both of us, but you, you give me strength but also know how to take it away, you're the light in my life and I want to do this the right way... will you be my girlfriend?