
The Bosky Invasion (Completed)

Jean Evans is just an ordinary working girl. Or so she strives to be. As a criminal in hiding, she has to keep her head down and be prepared to go on the run at any moment. When the neighbouring nation invades her city, suddenly her dreams of an ordinary, relatively unnoticed life goes awry. She doesn't want to be noticed, but someone has. And now that she's been noticed, she has become bait, a tool used by both sides of the war in an effort to control the man she once thought could be a dream boyfriend. The man who had turned into an enemy in the midst of her daydream. Can Jean rise to the occasion and show the strength of her abilities or will she be crushed when events set her back over and over again? How many times can a girl be crushed before she gives up? --- Author's note: This story is relatively depressing and many of the themes are for more mature audiences. I wouldn't call it a romance story. More a slippery slope of distasteful greys sliding into darkness. This is a work of fiction based upon a dream. No characters, settings or events are based on any real life people, environments or events. In the event anything resembles something in real life, it is an accident.

Tonukurio · Urban
Not enough ratings
137 Chs

One hundred and ten: Controlled


"Where does she hide?" I heard a frustrated Iain complain, walking past the garden, some distance away. I froze where I was on my hands and knees, squeezing my eyes shut.

"God knows. We'd better find her soon before Kiran blows his top. He's been that mad lately."

The voices faded away with the tap-tap of their boots on the new concrete footpath. Heaving a huge breath of relief, I opened my eyes to find I had two left hands. On closer inspection, one wasn't mine and there was a light fingered hand inside my shirt. I spun away, but a heavy body had already enclosed itself around me. Before I knew it, I was flat on my back with a gag in my mouth before I could scream. I gagged on the dry material of the gag.

The man smirked, sitting on me and dragging my shirt up so that it encumbered both my upper limbs and covered my head so that I couldn't see. Although I struggled, before long, my jeans and underwear had been pulled down past my knees and then left there to hobble me. My knees were forcefully spread apart and held there by stronger legs than mine.

A light finger drew symbols on my abdomen again. It almost felt like he was writing, but I couldn't figure it out. My body jerked without my command and then lay still while I was still fighting to make it move. What? I couldn't move. No. Nononono!

"It was true. Definitely a slave," the man muttered to himself. "Responds to most commands, but not others. No silver," he stroked my brown stripe. "Reaction not so immediate. Slower build up. Guessing some commands are different." He squeezed and touched me in various places and my muffled voice cut off. "Oh," he said. "That's new. Good. Obviously still has its own mind, so that must be why the controls and commands are different." He drew another few symbols in a cursive. There was a gushing feeling and he laughed softly under his breath. "Aha. Made it wet at last. Now let's see," he stuck a finger inside me and I felt the walls contract around it automatically. Something else was controlling my body down there. He swirled the finger around until he found what he was looking for. It gave both of us an electric shock, making my body go into a strong orgasm and made him try to pull his finger back out. He tugged a few times, before succeeding. "Conclusion," he muttered. "New prototype. Already calibrated to Kiran. Pity. Might be able to still hack the software. Would sell well if I can just reset it. Go to sleep."

I don't know what he did, but it was like a switch had been flicked.

Then like a switch being turned back on, I was awake again.

"Can't reset it. Why?" the man muttered to himself.

It was as if I wasn't a person to this man. Just a piece of equipment.

There was a noise in the garden and the man slipped away. Leaving me exposed and unable to move.

"Jean," puffed Kiran's voice. "Jean."

He touched me and pulled my shirt back down.

"Who did this to you?"

I could only follow him with my eyes.

"Is he still here? Jean?"

He lifted a limp arm and put it down, making an annoyed noise, looking around.

"You aren't just playing with me, are you?"

Looking into my eyes, I hoped he could see my fear and desperation. I hoped he understood the flicking of my eyes in the direction the man had gone. Please understand.

Taking off his jacket, Kiran covered me with it while still continuing to grumble, before creeping silently in the direction the man had gone. I closed my eyes and tried to just stay calm, but with the roller coaster of emotions that I had gone through the last few days since Dr Eisor let me go, I wasn't sure how much longer I could hold onto my sanity before I broke.

There were grunts and a scuffing of feet. A rustle of bushes.

"Iain, did you catch him?" Kiran called. From the distance of his voice, it sounded as if he were standing up just a short distance away.

"No, but we've got the whole garden surrounded. He won't be able to get out," Iain called back.

"Close the net," Kiran ordered and then with a rustle of leaves and the rattling of branches, he was crouched over me again. He helped me get dressed again. "Next time," he told me with a deep crease between the eyebrows, rubbing his chin, "stay where I put you. If you disappear or get hurt again, I think I'll go mad."

He paused and kissed me, long and deep. It wasn't like I could do anything to protest or stop him. It was nice to know he wasn't really angry with me anymore, unless he was and this was just his way of telling me he controlled me. I wasn't sure. What woman completely understands how her man thinks?

His kissing turned into something else, but at least this time he was gentle and quick. If I had been able to move, most likely, I would have screamed or run to hide and not let him near me ever again. Not since the last time. It was almost a relief. My body was doing its own thing down there. Kiran must think that I was happily responding.

"You're crying," he said, touching my face, "and your heart is beating too fast. Are you scared of me now?"

I nodded my eyes, since I couldn't do anything else.

"You can't move?"

I moved my eyes side to side.

"Did he use the slave commands on you?"

If that was what the drawing on my stomach was, then, yes. I looked up and down.

"No wonder," Kiran mumbled to himself.

Kiran drew something on my abdomen that felt like a circle with a diagonal line crossing through it.

End of mass upload

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