
the boring life of the youngest goddess.

I'm a new goddess. what kind of goddess? I need to go on a journey to decide. parents? gods don't have parents we are born from the unstable energy to help stabilize the worlds. my animal form? I don't have one yet. I have just been formed.

Knight_Fearless · Urban
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3 Chs

Ch 3 prince pov

"crown prince we received a report about suspicious activity happening in the mountains, the evil mages could have set up camp over there. Go over and see what is going on." said a message page delivered by the royal family falcon Bishop.

"yes, father." the prince dressed up in his official uniform and gathered 10 men. at the entrance he noticed the queen giving him a vicious and smug smile before hiding it behind a fan.

Once he was king he was going to execute her for all of her crimes from killing commoners to killing concubines to killing royal heirs. so far she has failed to get me. but even I know its cause she can't go all out within the castle walls.

I have been very careful, on what info i tell people and watch how they react. I have been praised by others for my so called foresight but honestly, I don't think it is great foresight just some things I think I would do if i were in her shoes. I don't have foresight and I am not an expert strategist. I just have luck and listened to all the conspirators in the slums as a kid, taking what they said to be 40 to 60 percent true. Especially when they spoke about my mother not dying from illness but from assassination from the favored consort who is now the new queen in my mothers place. however the method of assassination was wrong, it wasn't food, or needles, or drink, but her pet snake that bit my mother in between her toes. After hearing about that I listened to all of their theories.

"Adam, get the men to be on guard. I wouldn't be surprised if the queen sent someone to us." I told the guard on my right. I then noticed that some of the men have new water canteens. "Nobody dink your water till I have tested it first." the men groan, they all are tired of my paranoid antics.

We rode out for 10 miles and I get the feeling that we are being followed by at least 20 guys if not 35 men. "Everyone, be battle ready!!" Just then 35 men surrounded us, we attacked them at the same time.

'Stone wall.' I used one of my magic spells to make 15 ft high and 5ft wide wall enclosing all of the queen's men in with us. I knew she was going to try something from that smile of hers. However I am impressed that she has made it this far.

" 'You have been an eyesore for too long prince,' that's the queen's final words to you. Your highness." Said one of the two swordsmen. 'flaming lance' I threw it into their chests their eyes wide open, "She shouldn't have bothered, cause I am not dying today." I said quietly to myself.

'Flaming arrows' precise arrows landing into the queen's men, 13 of her men left and only 5 allies left. My stamina is depleting, 'lightning strikes.' Dang I can't cast anymore the wall has used up most of my magic, I shouldn't over use magic, but I have no choice the last of my people are died, 'flaming blue flame rain' my best chance, as every one of them runs to kill me only one blade stabs me before he falls.

all of them gone the wall crumbles and i walk towards a cave to hide, to heal and to figure out a counter measure. my eyes are losing focus, the trees are becoming blurry and my head feels like its floating on air. I stumble and fall trying to get into the cave to rest before anyone can find me to finish me off.

I look for my pouch then realize it was left back in the fight. I guess that bitch will get her wish, I really am going to die today.

God Nitrous, Goddess Eleanor I'm sorry to have died even with you bestowing your blessing it wasn't enough for me to survive in the palace with that queen there.

I hope you can find another prince to save the people in the south.