
The Cure For Boredom Is Death

i've been doing almost the same exact thing for the 12 years now. I get up, get dressed, eat breakfast, ride my bike to school, do school, ride my bike home, do homework, eat dinner, play video games, go to bed.

i am fucking tired of it. i want to go something to happen that's interesting, but nothing ever happens where i live.

Yeah I know there was this deadly pandemic and everything got shut down, but that didn't effect my day to day routine that much, all I did was change my school location to my house.


School has just ended and I was riding my bike the usual way back to home. unconsciously riding, all the world was shut from me and I had no sense in anything that was happening outside my mind.

a loud truck horn broke me out of my unconscious state and I realized that I was in the middle of the road with a truck coming right at me. when i saw this a smile crept across my face and I muttered " well this will be interesting."

as expected when the truck hit me i felt an incredible amount of pain when the truck hit me breaking all the bones in my body. my vision was fading because of the shock, but I was very happy that this happened because it was something new that hasn't ever happen to me before.

before my vision faded completely to black I got a look at the scene. there was a girl on the sidewalk slowly getting up. the truck that hit me stopped and the driver hurriedly getting out of the car heading towards me to check my condition. and the final thing a saw was a teenage boy glaring angrily at my and shouting " you stole my Isekai"