

BEAUTIFUL MISTAKE. "We all have a part of ourselves that we wish was locked away. A part of us that show us who we are. A part of us that is vulnerable. Either way, yes! We want it locked far away. It's in us, and we know it will never leave." "Love has broken and repaired many souls." "Why didn't you ever tell me?" He was drunk. I felt it from the way he paused before talking. The man of my dreams had called. "What are you talking about?" I responded. My mind had the picture, while my heart was the frame of our love story. He had called, but I wasn't ready. Will the ghost of my past make me lose the man of my dreams? Well, my house had become a mansion which was pretty quiet in there. Enjoy,... Like. comment and..., rate All love my dearest reader.

Rhoda_Andrian · Urban
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36 Chs


Leniey and Kelv's never-ending discussion didn't seem to be coming to a close. I could already feel the whiskey starting to affect my head. And as the alcohol gradually took hold, my head began to feel a bit lighter, my feet like jelly, and I knew I needed to put a stop to it. It was nearly dark outside. Leniey had spent the entire day giving Kelvin a lecture on how to dress, walk the runway, impress the agents, speak, and even which foods he should start trying and those he should avoid. For instance, I quickly learned that fast foods were not accepted by the modeling agency, but one could indulge in them, maybe once a month or even a year. Drugs were another matter entirely, as they could potentially damage your legs as would lead to a minor fall. There was so much to absorb, from dealing with fights to maintaining a constant air of elegance, even when the paparazzi captured your photos, because at that moment, you are not only representing yourself but also your agency, even if you were at home.

Leniey was eyeing me as they ordered a set of food, for our dinner, which included some meat steaks and other dishes. I was the only one who had finished two glasses of whiskey, while they hadn't even touched theirs. I found myself lost in my own world and, without realizing it, I took out my phone and started checking my social media. I know that when someone takes out their phone, it can signal boredom or something similar, bur well, I wasn't exactly bored, but they were engrossed in their conversation, and I was here, indulging in whiskey and more whiskey. To make matters worse, the waiter had just brought me some champagne. Oh God, could it get any worse?

"Hey, are you okay?" Kelvin asked, sounding concerned. "We can go home," he added.

I simply shook my head. "Nahhh... I'm perfectly fine," I replied, stuttering a little.

It was becoming increasingly obvious that I was drunk. So, I tried my hardest to avoid looking at Leniey because I might end up staring at him the entire time. I don't know why, but he just makes me feel a certain way. After Kelvin's statement, I decided to put my phone back in my purse and began eating the delicacies in front of me. Trust me, I tried to focus my spoon on the plate, but my hand had a mind of its own, for the spoon, the fork and the knife, could not even focus. Kelvin, so, being a gentleman, started feeding me as he ate his own meal. He was already so close to me, and I could feel his steady breath and the masculine cologne he was wearing. I lightly rested my head on his shoulder, and my eyes met Leniey's, whose face seemed a little disappointed, a little hurt, or perhaps even jealous.

"She's a lightweight," Kelvin stated between laughs, and I knew that meant for Leniey.

"I don't like girls who drink much," Leniey stated, perhaps in response to Kelvin's statement about me.

"Why?" Kelvin asked, sounding curious.

"I don't know. They seem irresponsible, subjectively," Leniey added.

"What about lightweights?" Kelvin inquired.

I had straightened my head to join the conversation, and listen to Leniey's statements in addition to wanting to enjoy the day with a bit more to drink. After all, what's the fun without some indulgence?

"Never met one?" Leniey added and continued, "I guess my soulmate died."

"Oh, not a believer in love?" Kelvin questioned.

"Used to be, but I'm skeptical now," he answered, and I could tell he was also feeling the effects of the whiskey. Leniey had never been one to openly discuss his own feelings, at least not from what I remembered, unless he had changed significantly.

"Love can be petty sometimes. Can't judge you for being skeptical. But you should give it a try; there are plenty of women out there. I'm sure your soulmate isn't dead, bruh," Kelvin offered.

Leniey simply eyed Kelvin without displaying much emotion. I knew he was feeling the whiskey, and I also knew this conversation was a bad idea. He hadn't even glanced in my direction except when I had laid my head on Kelvin's shoulder. It seemed like he was deep in thought, perhaps having an internal conversation or debate.

"Are you loyal?" he suddenly asked out of nowhere. Wait, was Leniey really steering the conversation in that direction? I know it was just a question, but he had no idea how many thoughts and emotions he had just stirred up in my head.

"I am. I don't believe in betrayal and all that because of Karma... I'm not facing that," Kelvin declared, puffing out his chest as if he were a warrior or something. Although he wasn't entirely truthful; it was becoming evident that he was lying, and I began to worry that this conversation might not end well. I felt the need for another drink, so I started sipping on the champagne that the waiter had brought earlier.

"Loyalty comes with consequences," Leniey stated, tapping his glass lightly.

"You seem hurt, past lover issues," Kelvin added, adopting a brotherly tone as if he were offering some one-on-one advice.

"Haven't dated since campus," Leniey stated as he downed the champagne in his glass.

"Why?" Kelv asked.

"Are you really that curious?" Leniey responded.

"Kinda. I want to know my modeling mentor more than the modeling unit."

Leniey then suggested, "How about this? Let's play truth or drink. We ask each other questions, and if you can't tell the truth, you drink."

"Even your girl should be a part of this," Leniey added.

"I'm already dr...," I began to say, but Kelvin cut me off, saying, "Darling, just say yes."

"Okay, sure," I agreed, knowing full well that I might end up drinking for everything.

"So who starts?" Leniey asked.

"You should, you started the game," Kelvin replied.

"Okay," Leniey said.

"Truth or drink Leniey dude. What happened to that girl... what happened?" Kelvin inquired.

"Okay, tough question, but I'm not drinking to that in order to keep the game rolling and actually share, honestly, I would drink to that. Okay, eehh... she was sort of a crush since my first year, and after three years, I got to really glimpse her. I mean glimpse because I never, I can't say I got enough of her because she just left. It was really kinda hard for me to accept and believe that she might not come back. I tried in all ways possible, to forget her, but well she seemed to just I don't know how,..she seemed to really have a special place in my heart. She really hurt me…I don't know, I sometimes wish she knew, but she's dating currently, so I guess... yeah," Leniey answered. Throughout his response, he nervously tapped his glass, shaking a little, perhaps trying to forget everything in that moment, or as if all the pain just came by for a flash of moment, flesh and alive. I somehow felt like I was the girl he was talking about, you know, the one who left.

"Okay, damn, girls sometimes. Truth or drink, darling. Who is Leniey?" Kelvin asked, and in between...wait, the question...what? When he asked that, I saw Leniey look at me with a "what the heck" expression, and I was like, "Bruh... you really don't want to hear the story," but I knew I had to.

"Leniey... uh, Kelv, he was a friend, I don't know." I tried explaining.

"Nah, take a shot if you ain't telling me the damn truth because I know that Kelvin guy was more than just a casual fan of yours," Kelvin stated, making me feel the heat of the moment. Kelvin was already throwing our problems into the air. I didn't want to annoy him, especially since it was quite late, and his anger levels might lead him to leave me here.

"He was a homie. Just a homie," I said.

"Nah, just tell the truth, and we can get over this, or take the damn shot. I'm already over it," Kelvin insisted. If he was over it, as he claimed, why was he still pushing the conversation? Why was he still remembering him?

"Okay," I sighed and took the shot of champagne, with Leniey preparing it, while observing our rising and falling tempers at the same time.

"Truth or drink, Kelv. How do you feel about Angel?" Leniey asked, his eyes shifting between Kelvin and me.

"I feel mixed, honestly. We haven't been on good terms lately; every time we're together, it ends up in an argument. However, I do have a lot of love for her. She's quite special in my heart. I just need some time to think," Kelvin replied, and I sensed the depth of his feelings.

"Truth or drink, dude. What's your body count?" Kelvin asked, which made Leniey laugh, and he simply said, "I'm not saying that. I can't even start counting. I'm gonna take a shot."

"Women like the experienced type," Kelvin added as they both laughed, and Leniey let the champagne burn his throat from the way he flinched at its taste.

"Truth or drink, Angel," Leniey stated, eyeing me curiously as if wanting to ask me something but holding back. His eyes wandered on mine, and I wasn't sure what he was about to inquire about. Oh God, please don't let it be a tough question.

"Do you miss him? Leniey?" He asked, his eyes showing emotion as they locked onto mine. I knew he knew who the Leniey guy we were arguing about was. Of course, he knew I wouldn't answer, and if I took a shot, it would be another hell of an answer. Oh God.


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