
Chapter 006 Secret Agent (Part 6) I'm sorry brother, I'm too careless

After finalizing their plan, they both prepared separately. Gathering informations. They both agreed that directly going to the head quarters is like seeking death. Their enemies are surely lying there to ambush them.

He already has some names that their parents has found, but he has no evidence to back it. Thus they need ample time to find evidences.

Carl took this time to familiarize himself to the body of Grayson.

He didn't want to always depend on the bodily instinct, he want to have control on the techniques he can use when he is facing enemies. Such thinking will surely save his life.

After a week, Carl decided that he has trained enough, thus thought of relaxing a bit like his self in the real world.

When he has spare money, he is not stingy with his self for treat when there's a chance.

He disguised himself and proceeded to a coffee shop Grayson frequented. There he ordered hot chocolate as he is not fond of coffee.

While waiting for the coffee, Carl was lost in thought, remembering his cat was always lying in his lap while he is drinking hot chocolate and reading action or sci-fi books.

" What?." Carl suddenly look up as he heard a familiar rhythm of tapping on a table.

" Here's your hot chocolate sir." said the smiling female waitress then added,

" What a beautiful day, it is so bright".

" Like a beautiful night, it is so dark." continued Carl.

" Wait here sir I have something to give you." said the waitress and walk at the resting for crew.

Coming back, the waitress gave Carl a paper and shyly said,

" Call me later."

The onlookers were quite amused as they heard what the girl said, then they proceeded on what they're doing.

Carl just smiled after taking the folded paper, he nodded to her then finish his drink in a few gulps.

He walk out fast and rush to their meeting place while also calling Ethan, saying that he has news.

Arriving at their hiding place, he opened the folded paper just to see a micro SD card. He inserted the card and saw two files.

He opened the first file and a message appeared.

" Your parents are dead as stated on the HQ, they were bomb by someone while on their mission. They left me a locked file, they said to give it to you is something happen to them. Also I have a tip on who killed them, Dylan. This is the only way I can repay your parents for helping me clear my name when i was framed. I'm already retired, so I can only wish you twins good luck.


He is a bit sad by knowing that their parents are confirmed dead, and angry at Dylan who is the mastermind.

Closing the message, he then tried opening the other file. It was locked and requires a password as stated by the letter. Carl thought hard and inputted all the possible password but none succeeded.

When he was about to get really angry, Ethan came running and said in short breaths, "E-tee-wee-tee, the password is ah, haa, E-tee-wee-tee".

Hearing what Ethan said, Carl's anger dissipated and burst out laughing.

Ethan was focused on the screen, noticing no movement by Carl, he turned to look just to see him smirking.

"What? Mom always says that it is a good password" Ethan said seriously, but his flushed ears exposed his embarrassment.

Carl stopped his teasing and tried the password which really opened the file.

Names after names of huge people appeared, government officials, criminals, and some are on their higher ups. Just clicking open the names, detailed information of their illegal transactions are stated together with their hiding locations.

" Mom and dad sure is great. They have detailed data." Ethan said with admiration.

" Speaking of mom and dad." Carl closed the file then open the other one again.

" They are confirmed dead."

" That bast*rd, where does his hatred came from, is his name on the list?" Ethan said angrily and scan for the name of Xenon.

" He is really in it. We need to send it to the HQ then. They must be uprooted to clean our agency. We must finish mom and dad's mission. This will also ensure our safe working in our agency. Also for their glory."


A month has passed after their preparations for the operation. Their destination is a cottage in the middle of a rice field. This rice field was surrounded by tall trees.

Their agency have an entrance to a branch base here, appearing as inconspicuous hut. They already checked if this base has any connections with the names they had on them.

While going here, they have monitored if there are someone following them.

Knowing that it was quite safe, Ethan appears lax, Grayson on the other hand is tense and vigilant.

Entering the hut, there is only a bed with mat, a chair, and some hand tools use for farming.

Moving the bed, there, presented itself a box shaped metal. Wiping the dust in its surface, they placed their palms. A few seconds later, a red light scanned their hands. Seeing the red light turn green, the box slides sideways, revealing a chamber inside.

A capsule with the size of a person appears which can fit four people at most. Facing the entrance of the capsule, their retina is the next to be scanned.

After this procedure, they both boarded the capsule which then closed and moved at a lightning speed.


" That was easy." while saying so, Ethan grinned at the vigilant Grayson beside him. " Why are you so tense, we already finished sending the file. They will be surely locked on that heavily guarded island prison."

While listening to Ethan, Carl suddenly saw a man aiming a gun at him on the other side of the hallway they are walking on. He jumped to the side to dodge the bullet which exactly landed him in front of Ethan. After he jumped he aimed at the man and fired.

Before his gun could fire, Carl heard another gunshot at his back. Ethan saw Grayson jumping in front of him to block the bullet. After seeing Grayson being shot at the back, his grinning face turned monstrous as he fired at the one who shot Grayson.

Feeling hotness and numbness at his back, Carl still proceeded in firing bullets at the people who are running their way. After killing a few more enemies his body gave up and he can feel he is dying, he has many holes in his body now as he can't dodge some bullets because of the first shot on his back.

Ethan saw Grayson lying on the ground bloody, he wants to come and help his twin but there is still a never ending stream of enemies.

" Aaaah! Dieeeee!" he shouted as he threw a hand grenade to the entrance where the enemies are packed. He run to Grayson and carried him out of the base using the cover of the explosion.

Using the predetermined escape path they planned, their escape was successful. Ethan felt remorse on what happened because of his carelessness. "I'm sorry brother, I'm too careless." he said while looking at Grayson in his arms. " Why did you use your body to save me, you could have alerted me."

Seeing no response, Ethan got nervous and tried to feel for any pulse on his twin. Which he sadly found no more.

"Gray? Gray?! Grayson!" he shouted in despair as he blame his self for his own doing. They are clearly on a mission but he is always careless. This is the reason why Grayson is better than him and also the reason for the death of his twin.


While Ethan is in despair, Carl who already left the body of Grayson was floating in nowhere and seething with anger.

" Who wants to save you, you, you... Aaaah! I'm clearly dodging a bullet not saving you assh*le!"

After his anger subsided, Carl then notice the abnormalities in the place he was in. All he can see was pure white with nothing more to see.

" Uhm, I clearly died, then is this heaven?" he mumbled confused on the circumstance he is in.

"You can call it what you want." said a child like voice beside him.