
Chapter 004 Secret Agent (Part 4) I'm more handsome and mature than him

"I'm Carl Von David, I'm Carl Von David, I'm Carl ..." he repeatedly said in front of the mirror.

" I am an orphan. I live by myself with a cute cat, aaah Monica I miss you, I wanna hug and cuddle you, I wanna stroked your soft fur... ah, the rent is due, what should I do."

Doing this repeatedly so as to not forget his real identity and indulging his mind with the image of his american short hair cat.

Fearing that he might forget his self, he used this time to do this mantra. Remembering all he can think of himself in his world.

Having no known family, only has a cat, renting a place, and doing odd jobs to pay for his daily expenses.

He has only a few good qualities in him. His height looks normal that when he walks with other people, he will not stand out. He has looks, but because of poverty, he has no good clothes to match with it. He is good at adapting quickly to circumstances, resulted by his life experiences of doing different kinds of small jobs.

After he thinks that its enough that he won't forget, he then proceeded in what he should have done the first time he came to this world.

"This body is a bit smaller than my body, of course I'm already twenty one and this body of Grayson is of 14 year old teen." he muttered while checking his bare appearance in the mirror.

"But, seriously, this body sure is well developed for a fourteen year old boy. A few years to come, and this will be a chick magnet."

This body of Grayson's really is strong, even though it looks like the normal size of boys at his age when clothed.

"It appears that this body is full of firm muscles through training, I actually forgot to check this whole body last time. Uh, too nerve-wracked with this chasing fiasco."

" Thanks to that girl, I'm more in a good mood now." he said looking at the mirror distracted, his lips turning up in a smile he didnt even realized, not noticing that his emotions are like merging with that of Grayson's.

Looking at this body with envy, he realized that his original body in his world pale in comparison, even a fourteen year old kid has almost the same muscle mass and muscle strength with him.

He is already doing odd jobs that he thought his body has more muscles. But, thinking for a while, this body has all the nutrition he need to grow, while he in his world has to work hard just to buy something he can eat.

The only thing differed with the two of them is that, his body height is taller by a head.

"His face is also handsome. But, I'm more handsome and mature than him." he said in a proud manner. Not the least bit embarassed to compare his twenty one year old body with that of a fourteen year old child saying he's more 'mature'.

He has already toured this third hideout of theirs. It seems to be the same with their second hideout in terms of design and stocked necessities, only this place is a lot larger and has a more distinctive room privacy for accommodation.

There is also a large room dedicated for meetings. A square glass table, eight chairs surrounding it, and a table at the farthest left corner of the room adorned this place.

Additionally, windows can't be found in the whole hideout.

"Of course, an underground place can't have windows you know." he muttered with a chuckle.

This place is actually an underground of a rundown factory building, which their parents bought in the name of their friend, thus lessening the probability of it being exposed as theirs.

About a day later at dawn, Carl was startled awake by a soft noise. Not knowing how his body reacted even in a soft tone, he already open the laptop beside him skillfully. Checking the camera outside, a dark haired youth with the same image as his can be seen waving outside at the camera with a smile.

The camera is placed hidden in a corner, appearing as a dime size hole in the wall. Knowing that the youth outside is his 'twin brother', Carl then open the the much-advance door of their hideout using the laptop.

Hearing a whoosh, Grayson instinctively leaned his head sideways a bit, just in time to dodge the incoming object by a small margin. Following by a resounding thud.

A small throwing knife is embedded in the metal wall, looking at it in a deadpan face then turning his face to the same-but-not-same face of his twin brother.

He hid his trepidation and shock, then he 'greet' his 'brother' in their 'normal interaction'.

Borrowing the instinctive bodily movements of Grayson, he lunged and rolled swiftly to his brother then made a sweeping motion using his right leg.

Ethan on the other hand, jump backwards by half a body length then kicked forward using his right leg in a waist high position, aiming his head.

Dodging the kick by backing, he grabbed the feet still suspended in midair and twisted it clockwise.

Seeing his foot locked and was to be twisted, Ethan followed the turn by spinning his body according to Carl's twisting, then, using his other leg kicked him on the chest.

The kicked separated the both of them, looking at each other both in a light sweat and normal breathing, they then smiled and walk forward for a huge hug.

"Heeeey!" Carl dragged with a smile and thrust his right hands forward for a fist bump which was reciprocated by the other.

"Still that moved, huh." Ethan said with a smirk.

Thinking what he means, he scoured the memory of Grayson for 'that move', he then remembered the lunged and sweep he did was the old style Grayson fights.

He then knew that his move is the one inscribed with this body, that's why he acted easily with it.

"Uh huh." he said then sat on the bed and fixed the laptop that he toss when he acted.

Seeing his brother is a bit strange, Ethan voiced out his concern.

"Hey, you seems to be a bit different."

Startled by the question, Carl thought what he has done to draw the attention of Ethan. Not knowing what he had done differently, he ask Ethan what is different.

" Let me think..." after a while he continued, "Uhmm, I couldn't really put a finger to it. It just feels that something is different. Uh, forget about it."

Seeing that there might be distinctive out-of-character (OOC) he did, he tried using Anna as a distraction.

" Oh, I met this lovely girl yesterday. I think she's an angel" he sighed in reverie.

Even in earth, that beauty will surely be a head turner, especially if she mature enough, he will be the first one to kneel and pay respect to the goddess.

Thinking that the girl might be the reason for that feel, Ethan didn't pressed on and proceeded to inquire on what the important thing they must talk about.

Being ask by that question, he look at Ethan seriously and ask,

"Have you heard any news about mom and dad?"