
The Book of Tales

I created this book to hold future stories since Webnovel has a limit of 20 stories per user. Books By Treasure Marie Denise Jackson & Jesus Christ

Goodnight_Reads · Urban
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The Angels: Descendants of Angels: Episode 1

In the beginning, Justin is laughing with his buddies at a party in Heaven, where Michael laughs and grabs his shoulder, saying, "You know when it all ends, the earth and heaven are gone; I'm glad to you have you around."

Then an angel named Lyby opens their door, slamming it to the wall and saying, "God needs to speak to you right now!"

Justin flies there in confusion and worry, but overall, he acts calm and chills in behavior; Justin is sent on a mission; Justin is told by God, "I need you to go and save this Christian woman named Lydy, her house is on fire, and she's stuck!"

We see a burning house; Justin flies into it and finds a woman whose leg is on fire; Justin blows out the fire and phases her through the house while she screams and firefighters are trying to put the place out.

When he got her outside, her family and others were horrified to see her body flying out of the house's second story, and he lowered her down softly and carefully.

He goes into human form, and to the others, it seems like he appeared out of nowhere. When he puts Lydy in the arms of a paramedic, they quickly put her in the ambulance; Hailey, a woman from New Jersey, ran to him and hugged him tightly, yelling, "Oh, my gosh! You saved my cousin!" While screaming in joy!

Justin looks at her in shock, then says, "Um, your welcome, but God sent me here to save her." Hailey kisses him on the cheek and hugs him for a very long time.

At the hospital, Hailey sits with Justin while holding onto him; Justin asks, "How did the house catch on fire?"

Hailey says, "Well, it's a long story."

Justin yells, "Please, spare the small talk!"

Hailey says, "How cliché, Fine!"



Before the fire started.

Hailey makes cupcakes, places the batter in the oven, and watches TV.

Lydy walks in and sits right next to her.


5 hours later.

The cupcakes catch on fire as Lydy is lying next to Hailey. Lydy says in her sleep, "That's how it happened." They are both asleep.


1 hour later.

Lydy wakes up to the house in flames, and Hailey shoves her to wake her up while yelling, "THE HOUSE IS ON FIRE!"

Lydy gets up, Hailey has her phone out, and she's calling 911. Hailey sees the door is on fire, and all the window is surrounded by fire, so they run upstairs, and Hailey opens the window saying, "This looks stupid, but there's no other way!" Lydy yells, "Who cares?! Just get out of the house!!!"

Hailey jumps off the roof and onto the ground, hurting herself, and Lydy tries to go and do it, but the fire spreads to the front of the windows upstairs and traps her.

Lydy screams as he tries to shield the fire from her face with a chair; it catches fire, so she throws it at the window in panic; she freaks out and screams in horror.



Hailey holds onto Justin, explaining, "I didn't mean to set the house on fire! I was baking it for her birthday! She wanted to stay home, and you know I did, too!"

Justin says, "It's not your fault, I used to bake, and I was horrible at it." Hailey says, "That's not the same!" Justin says, "I nearly set my house on fire once, so yeah, it is." Hailey blurts out, "You're, like, a hero or some guardian angel!"

Justin loves the attention she's giving him; he's an angel, which means he wants it to go to God. "I didn't do it on my own. God did it." Hailey thinks, "What if he is an angel?"

The doctor walks to Hailey, saying, "Lydy has 5th-degree burns on her leg; she'll be here overnight. She'll need a caste, too. Maybe even a prosthetic leg. She's blessed she didn't get completely covered in fire. It was only God that stopped it from covering her whole body."

Justin: "True."

Hailey cries loudly in shock at her cousin losing her leg because she left the cupcakes on too long, "I nearly killed her! I hate myself!" Justin says, "It's not your fault; it just happens. Sometimes, you fall asleep, and you stay asleep for too long."


Five months later.

Five months later, Hailey is at a diner with Justin dancing to the music played on the stereo; Hailey hugs him saying, "Justin, you are the best guy ever!" Justin yells, "YUP!" Then he kissed her on the cheek.

When he left the diner, a man with blue hair came up, patted him on the back, and said, "Give me a hug!" So, Justin, being a friendly angel, expecting nothing to go wrong, gave him a hug, then the man put a machine on his back that looked like a little pen, and it cut a little chunk of flesh off; then Justin pushed him closer as a reflux reaction yelling "Ow!" So Justin lets go saying, "What?" As the man quickly puts the pen in a ziplock bag.

Justin asks, "Is that a cloning device?" So the man put the ziplock bag with the pen in his fanny pack and ran away.

Justin asks God, "Was I just... Did he just take my flesh off?" God says, "He's going to clone you."

Justin asks, "The heck? All I did was hug him!" God says, "That was so he could get close enough to get a sample of your flesh."

Justin thinks, "I'm an idiot, aren't I?"


Five months later.

Hailey is at a lab lying in a bed. The doctor, named Mark, says, "Thanks for joining this experiment, Hailey. We are proud you want to be a part of the future!" Hailey replies, "You offered to pay me $700,212, then, of course, I came!!"

Hailey lays there as a doctor puts a skin cell in her womb and impregnates her, doctors are looking at a computer screen, and they see the egg accept the cell, and she gets pregnant.

A doctor named John says, "It accepted the cell. I hope we'll have a clone soon." Hailey asks, "I got cloned?!"

John yells, "No, we took a sample from somebody else; you are just the egg donor, you know, the surrogate mother. If you want, you can carry the baby, or we can put the child in somebody else; usually, we remove the eggs to implant the cells, but this time we chose to leave the egg clean of any outside germs that would harm the pregnancy."

Hailey: "I'm cloning somebody else's child?!"

John: "No, you're carrying him. In a sense, you're cloning him because your body needs to make his flesh and bones and all that, I guess you could say you were cloning him, but I prefer to say we did that."

Hailey: "It sounds like I'm helping you clone him."

John: "True."


Four months later.

Hailey is sitting at home on the couch in her new house with Lydy, who is in a wheelchair visiting. Hailey thinks, "Will my baby be a boy?" Then Justin knocks on the door, and she answers it, saying, "Hello." Hailey sees him and gasps, saying, "YOU."


Hailey remembers a flashback of 3 months ago.

When she is one month pregnant, John tells her, "Okay, you know that guy you've been hanging with? He's the donor. He's the one that we cloned your son off of. Don't tell him, okay? It isn't legal in the U.S."



Hailey gives him a big smile saying, "You will love me one day." Hailey pulls him inside with glee and hope. Hailey yells, "I had no idea you could be so... Useful!" Justin is highly uncomfortable and asks, "Useful?" Hailey says, "I'm joking!"

Justin laughs. Justin needs clarification. Justin asks, "Are you pregnant?" Hailey asks, "Is it human?" Justin replies, "What?"

Justin asks, "Are you... I'm so confused." Hailey says, "YES!" Lydy says, "It's yours." Hailey shouts, "No!" looking at her in shock. Lydy says, "They cloned you. I used to work there. They've been planning this for years." Hailey shouts, "You could go to jail!" Lydy says, "He deserves to know."

Hailey: "IDIOT!"

Justin says, "If he is my... Clone, then I need to be aware of his existence."

Hailey: "Maybe, but if you are, you cannot tell the police, or they will arrest us. Can I trust you to keep a secret?"

Justin says, "I can avoid questions. I walk away because I can. I won't lie. I just won't answer. Nobody will ask. I don't bring it up."

Hailey was confused and said, "Don't you think they'll be mad at you?" Justin says, "I have a home in Heaven. This is something that I have to do, or else it'll hurt my son. If he is my son, does he count as my son? Or is he my twin? I guess he's just my clone."

Hailey: "You treat him like a person if it's a he."

Justin: "That's a person in there. Clones are people, too; humans understand that my DNA is human, so when they cloned me, they cloned human DNA. So I took on a human bodily form."

Hailey: "What are you saying?"

Justin: "I'm an angel."

Hailey: "You are?!"

Lydy: "I told you, how did you he pop out of nowhere as you said? I could not have been the only one to see that!"

Hailey: "So, wait, you are an angel?"

Lydy: "TOLD YOU."

Hailey: "I believed you. I just didn't want to look bad in public. You kept telling me in front of people! Think of my reputation! Is he an angel or a human?"

Justin: "Because I am an angel, I can give myself a human body and take it away. I'm an angel by spirit. Angels are spirits, not flesh. The human body is flesh. I can apply flesh to my spirit."

Hailey: "What are you talking about?"

Justin: "Humans are made up of many parts, but there are three important parts, in particular, one is the body, the other is the spirit, and the third is the soul. The spirit and soul are connected but are two different things. An angel only has a spirit, but God gave me the power to give myself a human body."



Hailey goes into labor, and Justin helps her to the hospital, saying, "Let's go!"

He flew her to the hospital in angel form.

He helped her give birth at the hospital and prayed, "Our Father, thou art in Heaven, Holloeth be thy name, thy kingdom comes on earth as it is in Heaven, please help the child be okay and the mother! In Jesus' name, Amen!"

Right after he prays, he follows her into the delivery room.


Six months later.

Justin is watching the baby as Hailey stands next to the baby, thinking, "Times are rough. Justin had to leave to go on some missions. He'll give money to the baby but not to me. Maybe if I get with him, like, marry him, The angel will stay. Then he'll give me money. Plus, I don't want to take care of this baby."

Hailey grabs his hand softly, saying, "This kid takes up my cash..." So Justin, kinda upset, says, "You have been spending the clone money too much..." Hailey says, "I think you can help me." Justin asks, "How?" Hailey says, "Oh, just get me a job. Oh, and um, wanna go to dinner?"

Justin says, "GREAT!" In naive joy, he has no idea she's trying to go on a date with him.


"Friend zoned..."

Justin says, "Such a pleasure to spend time with a friend!" He yells in naive bliss.

The camera zooms and pans to her as she sighs and facepalms.


6 minutes later.

Justin is at a diner with her laughing and chatting as the baby plays with his food. He nudges the baby's curious arm.


An hour later.

They walk out with the baby, and Hailey says, "Angels in Heaven don't marry, so, why don't you stay down here and marry me or date me and um, since you don't have sex, especially before wedlock, it can be a live-in or pay for the girlie situation!"

Justin was upset and asked, "Is that why you wanted to marry me?!"

Hailey is shaken, so she says, "No! Not for money, sex, and who said I wanted to marry you?! Just date after this! I love you. Can't you work it out for me?!"

Justin asks, "Having a prostitute won't help."

Hailey says, "Pay for the girlie means you moved in to pay my rent, nothing about sex."


Seven months later.

Johnny is a baby, and his mother is bathing him. Then suddenly, Johnny's angel bangs on the door, the one whose body he was cloned from.

Hailey is concerned, so she quickly grabs the soup and pours it onto his tiny body, then thinks, "I can't just throw him in the water."

She grabs a cup of water and pours it on him.

Johnny's dad yells, "Hailey! OPEN THE DOOR!"

Hailey yells, "In a minute!"

Johnny's dad sighs for a minute, then says, "I'll open it."

He phases his hand through the door and opens it himself. Hailey says, "You could just phase your hand through the door. You're an angel, after all."

Johnny's "Father" grabs his mother, causing her to drop him in the water; she pulls him out, saying, "Justin, stop it, you're scaring Johnny!"

Johnny's "Father" is named Justin. Johnny is Justin's clone.

Justin kisses Johnny's mom, then says, "I'm gonna get you to the store, okay?"

Hailey replies, "Sure."

Justin asks, "Is Johnny shaping shifting yet?"

Hailey says, "Yeah, he is. I like it. He's your clone."

Justin kisses Hailey, then pulls Hailey by the arm as she holds Johnny to the limo outside their penthouse. She gets in the back of the limo with Johnny, and Justin gets in the driver's seat, saying, "I am your Chauffeur."

HE drives her to a restaurant and says, "Johnny, this is how you please a woman." Johnny looks as bored as ever.


Johnny looks at Justin angrily, thinking, "I'm not supposed to be here!" While sucking on his binky.

"That was Johnny thinking; Johnny is the baby boy."


Johnny is carried out of the car by his mother while Justin goes to Hailey, kisses Johnny's forehead, pulls out a sparkling fur coat, and gives it to Hailey, saying, "An angel gives a woman the best things."

They go out to dinner many times until Johnny is two.


Sometime later, Johnny is one year old and in the woods on a camping trip in Houston, Texas, forests.

Johnny walks to Justin, and Justin picks him up and looks at Hailey, dressed in gold, diamonds, emeralds, and pearls.

This is what Hailey wanted all along, a man to care for her baby for her, gold, money, and power. Johnny was a powerful baby whose powers he'd grow into, So Justin had great powers! she could ask him to do many things, and he would do it for her if it was right.

All she wanted was money, so he gave it to her. She wanted to be Justin's sugar baby, I didn't want to admit it yet, but it was true. It sounds ridiculous, maybe, but this was her hope.

Hailey is lazier; she got him to care for Johnny full-time, meaning all she had to do was breastfeed and play with Johnny. She lost interest in housework since he decided to move in; he never had sex with her, and he is a virgin.

Remember, Johnny was cloned; he didn't come by normal reproduction.

Johnny was cloned by a doctor taking a skin cell from the flesh the doctor ripped out of Justin's back when he hugged him, and the doctor implanted the egg cell into Hailey's womb, causing her to get pregnant. The doctor was able to impregnate her with an angel's skin cell. Go figure.

Hailey and Justin talk to each other as Johnny is left alone in the zipped-up tent; they zipped it up so that he wouldn't get out. You can see Johnny pushing the inside of the tent. Justin opens it and picks up Johnny, saying, "What are you doing cutie?!"

Johnny grabs Justin's hair and pulls it.


5 minutes later.

Johnny is in a tent, Hailey is by herself, and Hailey leaves Johnny alone and finds Justin turning into an angel, and Hailey is shocked to see such a beautiful transformation.

Hailey is transfixed.


5 minutes later.

Hailey is in the tent with Justin asking, "You were an angel?"

Justin laughs saying, "It isn't that weird, is it? This is normal for me." Hailey kisses him on the lips. Hailey asks, "how long were you planning-" Justin says, "You did think you were hallucinating? I'm confused; we've been together for over a year now. You just saw me. It wasn't hallucinating you thought was going on. You thought you were delusional."

Hailey kisses him passionately, then he pushes her off, saying, "I'm not married to you." So Hailey laughs awkwardly, saying, "Okay..."



Hailey lays on the tent floor and sleeps awkwardly, so Justin picks up Johnny and starts playing with him.


A whole year later, I may not love you. Still, there's no bitter pill to swallow.

Justin dances with Johnny and his mother at His and her house party, dressed as the king, and she is the princess with a transparent veil on her head. Johnny is crying, he is two years old, and Justin asks her, "You thought I was a man of worth?"

Hailey says, "Can we get married now?" To Justin, who replies, "I'd have to stay down here with you." Hailey is confused, asking, "Why?" Justin says, "An assortment of reasons." Johnny pulls Justin's hair again while using his other hand to push Justin's head away.

Johnny thinks, "I want to pull it until it becomes mine." Then Justin says, "Johnny!" So, Johnny says, "I love you!" Justin pries his hands off his body, saying, "No, don't do that; pulling hair and pushing people is bad."


The next day, at their wedding.

They married that day and had balloons, flowers, video games, and party dance music. They wanted a wedding people would have fun at, including themselves.

They had wine but no drugs because it was a wedding, which is a bad idea for many reasons. They had game machines that you would find in an arcade, bouncy houses for the kids, a dance room for the adults, the game boys, and all that were for the teenagers.

The bedrooms were locked because people could go in and have premarital sex, and since the husband is an angel, it's best not to go there. He also sealed all the showers and put cage doors in front of them so nobody could have sex.

This wasn't a wedding at their house; it was in a fancy hotel because the churches wouldn't marry a human and an angel together.

It wasn't done in their house because nobody wanted to get robbed by the guests.

People ARE making out on the couch. Justin stops it before it gets too sexual by honking horns in their ears using telepathy.

People don't look highly at them for trying to have sex at the wedding, much less making out at the wedding. Most of the guests aren't doing this at the wedding.

Only the bride and groom are tolerated to do this, but that's because it's THEIR wedding.

Johnny is in a playpen with other toddlers, and the younger babies are put in different playpens.

The newborns are with their mothers and fathers; single fathers cuddle their babies while single mothers bottle-feed them.

Single fathers and mothers have the words "SINGLE" on their clothes. The women are all in black while the men are in white as a request from the bride and groom, black people have pink stripes, and white people have polka dots that are all pink.

Justin did this to hook up singles.

In reality, it is to tell the viewers of the episode whose a single parent and who isn't.

The people are having fun. The women are in dresses, while the men are in tuxes. Justin made these dress requirements. He doesn't care about requesting the guests to wear certain outfits because it is his wedding. He only cares if they come in something other than what he asked for.

Justin kisses his wife and then runs down the aisle with her as the people clap and dance for them. They get carried by the crowd as Hailey holds her son in her arms, and they get placed gently on the ground out of respect for them as a wedding couple.

Johnny cries, and Hailey eats a wedding cake at home with her son and the new husband; Hailey sees the limo outside, leaves her child with her parents, and takes Justin on their honeymoon, and Johnny cries seeing his mommy go away on her honeymoon without him.

His grandparents give him lots of Love and Huggies, and God cuddles Johnny and makes him smile.

After his parents return home after six months of honeymooning, his mom and dad take him from his grandparents' home and take him to their own home.

Johnny and Justin spend lots of time together, then one day.

When Johnny was almost three years old, his mom and dad argued about Hailey's behavior, and she decided to push all the childcare onto Justin.

On Johnny's birthday, Justin takes good care of Johnny and celebrates his birthday with him as Johnny's mom spends time alone and sad.

Johnny's mom is uncomfortable around her son all of a sudden.

Justin knows why and tells her to "Stop doing necromancy!" In an argument at the party because it's ruining their marriage.

Within a week, his mom ran off. Justin cries alone. Johnny cries.

A year later, while Johnny was still 3, his mom and Justin got into a fight where Justin pulled a knife on his mom because she told Justin, "You should be in hell!"

Justin puts the knife in Johnny's hands and then slaps Johnny's mom.

Johnny accidentally cuts himself, and Justin pulls it out of Johnny's hand and runs off without Johnny.

Hailey starts to open up to her three-year-old son, saying, "I did witchcraft and necromancy because I thought your father wouldn't want a human, Like me, anymore with all the hot angel women I see roaming around. I'm not as good as them, and I Just use it to try to keep him."

Johnny is shocked, yelling, "That's a sin, mommy! Don't do witchcraft!" Justin returned and took Johnny yelling at Hailey, "You witch!" Then he carries the baby out of the house as Hailey chases him down. Johnny is worried and yells, "Mommy, I want mommy!"

Johnny had horse ears & a unicorn horn like Justin does.

Narrator: "The bible says to come out from among sinners, and that's what Justin is doing. The necromancy and witchcraft aren't saving the marriage. It's destroying it."

Justin lives with Johnny. Johnny sees the pineapples on the wall and laughs at them, and Hailey bangs on the door of their new apartment. Hailey yells, "SCREW YOU!" Hailey sneaks into Johnny's apartment at night, kidnaps him, and as revenge, marries the fallen angel across the street and sends the eloping picture to Justin, who is in those pictures.

Justin wakes up in the morning to see the photos and screams, "BLOODY MURDER!" In anger and shock, while throwing the phone at his wall and crying, he wants to live alone after this. He goes and finds Johnny and kidnaps him, and takes Johnny home. Justin plans to divorce because his wife cheated on him; in other photos, she is seen kissing the fallen angel before his wife's marriage.

Justin cries as the fallen angel harms and kidnaps Johnny.

Johnny cries a lot during this, hides him away for a week, and is relentlessly abused by the fallen angel, so she divorces the angel and sneaks out of the house with Johnny, who is tearing up with a cut on his face from the abuse.

Hailey was demon-possessed, which caused her to make the wrong decisions.

Hailey is lazy and refuses to care for Johnny, who cries quite a lot, so she moves into a house by herself, then the fallen angel breaks into her home and kills the babysitter she hired and cuts Johnny's baby face, and writes on the window in his blood as Johnny cries.

When she got home, Johnny was scared and alone. Johnny's mom took him to see James, who, due to God telling him to, took in her and Johnny, and because she wouldn't take care of Johnny, he felt he needed to.

She was lazy and only played with Johnny (Rarely) and cooked for him. She gave small bits of advice (Hardly)

James yells at her, "CARE FOR YOUR SON BECAUSE HE'S YOUR SON!" She yells back, "I HATE HIM!" In a creepy demonic voice.

When Johnny is 6, he sees a Demon yell, "Come to me!"

Johnny yells, "JAMES! DEMON!"

James runs in, using his powers to send the Demon to "the pit."

Justin is seen searching and crying, trying to find Johnny.

James is seen crying because his children were kidnapped before Johnny came.

(He had children before this situation, and Johnny, whom he DOES currently identify, was his son, but Johnny wasn't kidnapped, he had other biological kids)

James can relate to Justin because Justin loves Johnny.

Hailey is seen having a mental breakdown due to the demons in her mind and body.

Hailey is taken to a church to get an exorcism, and Johnny is outside the church in the arms of a deacon. The reason is that a baby can be possessed if the possession is done around the baby. The exorcism works, but a black goop comes out of her mouth as the Demon leaves.

After that, James hugs her while she recovers at the hospital because that goop was poisonous to her body.

Hailey coughs up more apple-colored goop and spinach-colored goop.

James leaves Johnny in the care of one of James's teammates because they have a team that fights demons.

His teammate's name is Love.

Love cuddled Johnny. Her skin is pale, her hair is bright pink, and so are her comfy, casual, sleepy clothes, and he loves them.


Johnny grew up & became a hero.

He wasn't an anti-hero, and he wasn't perfect.

Johnny just tried his best to do the right thing.

Michael, The Archangel, shows up to pick up Johnny for Heavenly Training.

Michael let Johnny fly there, and he is 16.

Michael asks, "Do you remember your first father?"🥰

Johnny says, "What do you mean?" Confused.

The Angels: Descendants of Angels



Season 1, Remake of Episode 1's Script

Disclaimer: You are watching a series called "The Angels: Descendants of Angels," it is a show about clones of angels that were in human form. They have powers. They are in a group that protects people from demons, fallen angels, and evil.

It's a superhero story.

This is the remake of the first episode of the series.

The link is in the description if you want to see the original first episode.

If you came from a comment, you are here because you clicked on the link, and I wanted you to watch the first remade episode of this series.

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