
The Book of Tales

I created this book to hold future stories since Webnovel has a limit of 20 stories per user. Books By Treasure Marie Denise Jackson & Jesus Christ

Goodnight_Reads · Urban
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43 Chs



On a pastel diamond scene, the black captions say "Call 911 If your parents beat you up a lot and don't care for you or feed you or clean you up or treat you nicely, Call 911 or 1−800−799−7233 this is the domestic abuse hotline, I recommend it for anyone getting abused, AKA, if you are abused, call 911 or Call 911 or 1−800−799−7233! abuse is an emergency. The police WILL HELP. GET TO THE NEAREST PHONE. If you don't have one, run away from home and get to a phone or neighbor's house and tell the neighbor." A narrator narrates this.


Once upon a time, the queen had a daughter.

The queen had 4 other older children because they were trying for a girl to rule their monarchy.

They had one on the last try, but then when she had sex on a harbor, she got pregnant and had the baby in "Scorpio time" usually they'd induce labor if the child was going to be born in that period of time. They have 1 out of 4 prematurely born kids before their last daughter. The 4th was the premature baby. They didn't want a girl that was a Scorpio to be queen, they saw them as evil.

When the last born was born, they named her "Basura" which is Spanish meaning Trash.

The Queen insulted Basura on the daily and watched Basura's behavior like a hawk and punished Basura harshly for every mistake or bad thing she did, no matter how minor it was.

The queen hired guards to spank Basura for 4 hours on a timer and as hard as they could.

Basura was only taken care of because they were trying to trick the people into thinking they were a "proper" family, they even lied about Basura being a Scorpio to make the family look good at the advice of Advisors.

The queen forced Basura to act and dress a certain way to put up this image.

The queen called her all kinds of names and made Basura feel bad about being a Scorpio and she wished she was born prematurely or conceived at a later date and was planned, the queen had no idea she was pregnant with Basura while pregnant so she didn't induce her labor earlier. The queen one day told Basura "Basura, your name means Trash. It's Spanish for Trash." when she and Basura had an argument when Basura was only 9.

Basura was sad for most of her life because she thought she was a bad person.

Basura was nice to others but shy and angry when people called her mean names.

One day, the queen took Basura to a Fortune Teller.

The Fortune Teller got a lie from a demon she asked about Basura, they told her that Basura was a Pisces.

When she told the Queen who knew her birth, the queen knew she lied but she did nothing and said "Okay, thank you, tell us something we don't know."

Basura's father was astonished at how the Fortune Teller could be wrong.

Basura was shocked and believed her, Basura was super happy and went around telling random servants that "I'm a Pisces, you have to be nice to me, now, because I'm special!"

The queen took her aside saying "Basura, you are not a Pisces, you are a Scorpio."

Basura: "But, the lady-"

The Queen: "She lied about you, they always do, they are liars!"

Basura hated being a Scorpio so much that she ran out of the room covering her eyes with her hands and palms crying saying "I thought I was special, but I'm not!"

When she was alone in her room, she hears "Princess, you are special."

God said it to make her feel better.

She responded: "Am I crazy, now?"

God said: "No, I'm real."

God told her how "It was all lies," and "You don't have to be what they told you to be." God said "It was about control."

God: "You are not a mean person at all. They use astrology to control you when they want you to do what they want you to do and get money."

Basura was enraged.

Basura ran into the throne room yelling "I'm not evil?! You made me feel evil when I'm not really evil?!" to the Queen who was angry at her for barging in when she was not allowed.

The Queen shouted to her "You aren't allowed in the throne room, you ugly Scorpio!" while all her siblings were in the throne room, because they were allowed.

Basura shouts "I'm not Trash! You said that because of those stupid beliefs!"

The Queen gasped. She yelled "How dare you!" Her children screamed "Oh crap!"

The Queen beat up Basura. Basura tries to escape, but the queen drags her back. Basura is 13-years-old and 1 month


The Queen deals a Bruised Left Hand to Basura by grabbing it harshly.

Basura deals a Broken Nose to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Broken Right Foot to Basura.

Basura deals a Gash/Bruised Right Knee to The Queen.

The Queen punches Basura giving Basura a Bruised Right Arm to Basura.

Basura Tripped The Queen.

Basura deals a Bruised Right Femur to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Bruised Right Femur to Basura.

Basura deals a Bruised Left Foot to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Thrown to Ground to Basura.

Basura deals a Bruised Ribs to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Bruised Left Arm to Basura.

Basura deals a Bruised Left Thigh to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Bruised Right Foot to Basura.

Basura deals a Broken Left Wrist to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Bruised Ribs to Basura.

Basura deals a Bruised Right Femur to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Black Eye to Basura.

Basura deals a Bruised Right Collar Bone to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Block to Basura.

Basura deals a Bruised Right Collar Bone to The Queen.

Basura deals a Bruised Left Knee to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Bruised Right Wrist to Basura..

Basura deals a Broken Rib to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Bruised Left Hand to Basura

Basura deals a Broken Nose to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Broken Right Foot to Basura.

Basura deals a Bruised Right Knee to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Bruised Right Arm to Basura.

Basura Tripped The Queen.

The Queen catches herself.

Basura deals a Bruised Right Femur to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Bruised Right Femur onto Basura.

Basura deals a Bruised Left Foot to The Queen.

The Queen Throws Basura to the Ground. Basura backs up horrified.

Basura deals a Bruised rib to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Bruised Left Arm to Basura.

Basura deals a Bruised Left Thigh to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Bruised Right Foot to Basura.

Basura deals a Broken Left Wrist to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Bruised Ribs to Basura.

Basura deals a Bruised Right Femur to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Black Eye to Basura for 3.0. The Queen chokes Basura. so Basura punches and Bruised The Queen's Right Collar Bone to make her let go, which it did.

Basura tries to hit her again but The Queen deals a Block to Basura.

Basura deals a Bruised Right Collar Bone to The Queen twice.

when Basura tries to do it one more time, Basura misses the Queen for the air. The Queen grabs a knife from her pocket and tries to stab Basura but the Queen is Blocked by Basura.

The Queen tried to stab her again but missed.

Basura punches and ends up giving a Bruised Left Knee to The Queen.

The Queen deals a Bruised Right Wrist to Basura.

Basura deals a Broken Rib to The Queen using a brick nearby..

The Queen screams in pain.

Basura runs away in pain and tears from the fight.

Basura cries and weeps in her room trying to think of ways to escape the castle because honestly, her life was emotionally draining for a child like her.

Basura had never been hit like that before, no fight has ever been that bad.

They've argued, but in punishment, it was always four-hour spankings or even more by guards with muscles because they were strong, abs on a guard were looked for to spank Basura because it meant he was stronger, the stronger the guard, the more it hurt.

Basura tried to make sense of what happened because it didn't make any sense at all.

Basura hid under the covers when she heard her dad close to her room door yelling "Basura! Basura! I know you think she was harsh but she was right to attack you, why are all Scorpios so bad?!"

Basura yelled "Why do you hate me?! I was so nice!"

Her father knew that she was nice a lot of the time but he always thought it was a ruse.

He told her "I know you do bad things behind our backs, that's why we have people and ourselves watching you so close but we can't seem to pinpoint you because you like to hang in your room and lie so much!"

Basura said: "I wasn't like that, I'm not perfect but I want you to be my daddy!"

Basura prayed "I want you to be my daddy because he's not nice, he's too mean and horrible!"

God said: "I'll make you my daughter, just profess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and that he died and rose from the dead for the sins of the world."

Basura said: "Jesus is Lord, he died and then rose from the dead to save us from our sins!"

Basura got an idea on how to escape, the only maid that was nice to her was a little girl who was born in a Pieces time but what made her nice was her parents raising her well and keeping her in the bible.

Basura walked to the room of the little girl saying "Lucy?"

Lucy opens the door saying "Hi!"

Lucy hugs her saying "How are you?!"

Basura says "I want to run away, my family hates me, even my big sister. She's not as mean to me but she doesn't like to talk to me because of my mommy." Lucy tells her "She likes you because you're nice to her."

Lucy hugs her saying "She wants to play with you but your mom..."

Basura says "I am trying to be what my mom wants me to be but she never loves me!" Basura was crying as she said it.

Lucy says "It's okay."

Lucy pulls her into her room asking "What do you want to do?"

Basura says "I need a long rope."

⚫The screen goes to black.⚫

Basura is climbing down as Lucy holds the rope to help her get down, Basura is 5 floors high in a 7-floor high castle.

Basura is climbing down, down, lower, it goes slowly but for Basura it's WAY longer because of how high she was and what she knew would happen if she was dropped.

Basura gets her left foot on the ground, Lucy's hands are tired but she holds on so Basura doesn't die.

Basura steps onto the ground with boldness and both feet and then lets go of the rope yelling "I'M DOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWNNNNNN!!!"

Lucy SEES HER, SHE CAN'T HEAR HER CLEARLY SO SHE MAKES OUT THE WORDS SAYING "Down?! You sound cloudy!!! YOU SOUND CLOUDY!!!!" She tries to make her voice heard.

Lucy goes down through the door and the guards let her out because they are allowed to let her out but not Basura because she is punished to stay inside.

Basura thought she had to get out by the window.

Lucy tries to look for Basura but Basura went to find her, it took 1 hour to find each other because there was so much hiding and sneaking Basura had to do to get around while Lucy was looking in nooks and crannies knowing it was how Basura would hide, not knowing when to look in them and which ones to look into to find her.

To be continued...

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Pre-Judged: Princess

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