
The Book of Tales

I created this book to hold future stories since Webnovel has a limit of 20 stories per user. Books By Treasure Marie Denise Jackson & Jesus Christ

Goodnight_Reads · Urban
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43 Chs

Life in tHe Scorpio District

Gracious told her dad that "Remember you are who you are, the cause of the society you live in. These logics don't work in a society of light-minded people. All of these come from the stress you put on your mind to make your brain do something it doesn't want to do. You all have been brainwashed into thinking in a small mindset. Your program is about control over you and has nothing to do with you in general."


Her father, David, says "Light-minded means you have or show a lack of serious purpose, attitude, etc. It also means, frivolous, trifling, being in a light-minded mood."


Her mother told her "If you're looking for a mate, ask the Lord to send you the right person! We pick by sight, the Lord knows what we need. I wish I knew this when I was younger."


Gracious looked out the window at their new home, Gracious was sent to the Scorpio District but her parents went there to be with her, no one wanted to be in this perceived ghetto because of its inhabitants.


The only problem was that the discrimination against Scorpios was so rife that even though this place had no security keeping people out, no one wanted to visit.


The place was a mess, the people had to build their own homes, fix their plumbing and be like a separate country, the government was not caring for Scorpios, most traveled far away from the district for what they saw as a better life.


The reason this district is seen as a bad place to live was the fact that the government didn't fix any issues in the district, then the district would get attacked quite commonly by the government.


Most Scorpios in this country turned to Christianity, the reason was that God loved them whereas others didn't seem to, The Laws about Christians in the country were to have them killed so they kept it low-key.


They often left their old religion for Christianity for a second reason: Due to segregation, discrimination, and the lies told about them, Scorpios lived a depressing life.


How they saw it was:

"All Astrology does is oppress me, that's all it does," Gracious says.


"Why bother following it if they won't even get ME right?" Says Gracious in frustration.


Scorpios, even the most devout ones, became disillusioned with their old religion.


Christianity says that God loves everyone, and thus, this love being proposed to them was kind of a blessing.


Think about it: You have one religion downing you all the time in a country that follows it and downs you all the time, trying to make you down yourself, whereas there is another that, while restrictive, grants you the ability to just be yourself, not given predetermined personality types that harm your reputation.


For other signs, it's not a big deal, but for Scorpios in this country, it was. They were alone in being the one personality type that had been called Psychopathic, manipulative, evil, demonic, etc.


All of them had issues with this as it affected their daily lives.


Scorpios try to live a peaceful life on their own with no issues, but society makes it so hard.


While 98% of people here were born in hospitals, causing officials to know their birthdate, 2% were not.


The amount of Scorpios here was 74%.


Because many babies are born in one day, many babies born on Scorpio dates are taken to the Scorpio District.

26% of people here were not Scorpio, this is because of Fortune Tellers, Divinators, etc. Lied or Guessed their sign, causing people to report people for being Scorpios when in reality, most were not.


The people here were divided into two groups: The mistaken and The Revealed.


The Revealed were Scorpios passing for other signs, their parents caused this so the child would be able to live with her family.


The Mistaken are not Scorpios, but these people were mistaken by the law enforcement of their District for a Scorpio and were sent here against their will.


50% either had evil personalities or were mistaken for having personalities that seem evil, whereas the other 50% had been Lied to, had their sign Guessed, causing people to report people for being Scorpios when in reality, most were not, or had been lied on to law enforcement due to crazy people, vengeful people or people who were all of the above.


The fact that criminals, a fair amount that was not Scorpio, were automatically sent to the district if they had committed violent crimes, raped people, or were generally a person of lust in their relationship were sent here, made life pretty dangerous in the district.


The people they sent were truly evil, and those that were not Scorpio were the main problematics.


They often attacked, raped, or harmed Scorpios, causing them to be "District-less" In some cases, being District-less means that even if you are not tagless, you have no district due to being kicked out or leaving.


The troublemakers were kicked out of the Scorpio district by their leaders, the Scorpio district had to make a Scorpio police force, they did this because they were afraid of having one given to them by the government.


The government was not great people, and thus, would give them biased or "Sign-ist" people to be their officers.


The fear of getting killed by police was very high, it happened in many other Districts for being Scorpio, there was even a law in every district, even Pisces, allowing officers to wrongfully murder Scorpios based on stereotypes.


Nobody who had the bias chose to believe their bias was bias, which made things harder.


This district also did not have an army, every other district had an army that served the government and their district, they were all given by the government, but not Scorpios, The government neglected the needs of Scorpios, and Scorpios even requested no army be given because the government was trying to place an army in the District of Scorpios, not to help them, but to harm and control them.


That was the reason for The government trying to give Scorpios a police force.


It did not help that most Scorpios were Christians at the time since the country wanted Christians dead.


The buildings were underfunded, Scorpios lived like builders, foragers, mining was not common here but it was done, some were hunters.


Farmers were not common and foraging was the best they to go since the fertile land was mostly taken by the government, causing people to have to hunt or forage, some would secretly plant crops and hide the fact they were doing it and giving it to other Scorpios in the district.






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