
The Book of Immortals- The Beast of the Lands

Following the great cataclysm, a world once favored by the Gods now stood in ruins as the once revered deities suddenly disappeared, abandoning their once adored creations, and blurring the lines between reality and myth. Amidst the ashes of the old ways, from the new world, emerged the children of chaos, the most prominent being- The Champions, gifted the last ruminants of the Gods. In a world where trust is scarce and betrayal is commonplace, only the strongest survive. As alliances are forged, truths unveiled, and prophecies emerge, will those granted gifts from Gods conquer their destiny or fall prey to it.

Bluebutterflyeft · Fantasy
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The Unleashing

Far away in a distant past, humans, who were once revered as the Apex Predators, though far from harmonious, still thrived. However, years after the Gods disappeared, they were reduced to no more than a species used to populate the children of Chaos.Three Champions ascended above all, rebuilding the world after tit fell into ruins, decades passed to the humans, but to them, they remembered it like it was yesterday.The winds were as hollow as an echo throughout the night.In the blink of an eye, the world descended into chaos, silence blanketed the atmosphere as if time itself ceased.The sky that once glittered with fireworks, crackled, and shattered like a broken mirror.The once pearled moon, soon painted itself crimson, casting an eerie, blood-red glow upon the skies.The ground soon rumbled, a scene that one could only be read in a fantasy novel, a blinding light flashed throughout the skylines, lightening clashing with the hellfire that sprouted from the cracks within the earth, one can only describe it as if heaven and hell were clashing.Survival instincts kicked in as realization set in, many ran chaotically, but nowhere was safe as fire consumed everything it touched and Zeus' wrath struck, causing buildings to crumble.What was once known as fiction, became reality when the ground trembled with the first waves of transformation, men became beast, and the beast feasted on those that remained men.An insatiable thirst slowly coated their confusion of this anomaly as the scent of blood drenched the air and death gloomed over those deemed unfavoured by the gods.Eyes weld with tears as the blood moon shun brighter over the terror filled night. The beasts, no different than newborn cattle, ran rampant through the night leaving nothing but havoc in its path, killing- no, slaughtering everything in sight. Their thirst brought on by their new form, left little room for self-control or humility, only their newfound urge to taste blood was at the forefront of their mind.Streets were littered with the remnants of what was once human civilization., transformed into a grotesque battlefield.The scent of destruction and fear filled the air as pleas for a saviour, salvation and forgiveness soon fell silent no later than the sounds of bones being devoured echoed through the night, as one prey fell, another was hunted.What cruel atrocities must one commit to deserve being mutilated by jiggered teeth, ripped apart, limb from limb all the while alive. It was a mercy to die quickly rather that those that withered away slowly once the monsters had gotten bored from gnawing on their bones and feasting on their organs, their blood shot eyes strained from tears and their throats swollen from constant pleas.The beasts wanted nothing more than to satisfy their insatiable need to feed their wanton thrill.The thrill toHunt...Kill...Conquer....As the night danced on, more beasts appeared, but one amongst the majority stood above all, gallivanting restlessly in search of its next prey, not to feed, but to toy with, this cruel monster tormented the unsaved souls of his past and thrived from the pure ecstasy that soared through its veins as his vengeance was fulfilled. The excitement his soul felt when the silky texture of his enemies' blood saturated its tongue, quenching the thirst brought forth by rage. As the beast grew more erratic it's animalistic urges came to the forefront, remnants of the man that was once human, faded almost past the brink of no return.Remnants of the blood coated the tips of his fur as he made his exit from the thickets and entered yet another bloody street, same as the ones prior. Lifeless bodies severed and scattered, others, though fully intact, were depleted of its essence, leaving nothing but a pale corpse with sunken flesh, as the area showed no signs of life, he continued his journey.The howls of many echoed in the distance, causing the beast to stir with anticipation as it charged forward. His senses became overpowered with unfamiliarity as he steered to a new destination, a newfound compulsion to dominate the unknown. The earth shook with each stride the beast took, paying no mind to the rainbow of enlarged eyes that bored into his large, distinctive physique.It was apparent he was different from the rest. His skin was a patchwork of mottled fur, as black as the abyss, littered with protruding veins like armour and fiery eyes that glowed with the depths of hell, three heads, snarling and baring wicked fangs, sat upon his shoulders, a foresight of the torments awaiting the new world.As the beast neared its destination, its pace turned into leisured strides, interrupting the lesser beasts that feasted on the undead. The monster's presence was felt as they all froze and stared, bits of flesh hanging from their mouths.As his stride drew nearer, some immediately phased into a crouching posture, ears flattened, tails tucked between their legs and head bowed to the ground, his murderous presence forced them into submission. None could resist the will the three headed beast forced upon them, and it took nothing more than a growl from the beast for them to begin shifting.As their blood lust faded and their humanity flicked, memories of the heinous crimes their beastly forms committed set in, their stomachs churned and those that could not withstand the guilt of their actions, allowed their bodies to give in as bile exited their blood-stained mouths.Question about what occurred went unanswered, the possibilities of what they remembered, simply being a dream was lowered when the beast before them howled and without hesitation or thought, their bodies fell to the ground, kneeling before the monstrosity, vowing to serve without reason.Therion, was granted unparalleled power for a reason, to stand as a guardian against the impending darkness, to defend the world once ruled by Gods. No one knew the reason.One thing was for sure.The Gods had forsaken them.And the man that stood before them, was a Champion.