

Melody walked through the forest, blood dripping on the leaves as sticks broke under her feet. Her vision blurred from the blood covering her face. A big blossom tree stood to the side of Melody, she looked at it, as if it was calling her. She sighed as she walked over to the tree, sitting down and taking a deep breath. She exhaled and rested her head against the tree trunk. She looked at her bruised hand and clenched it "Regeneration is taking longer then expected." She grabbed a blossom off the tree and put it in between her lips "But if I stay out here in the open, it wouldn't be too good either.." She spit out the blossom and stood up. A sound of footsteps that were not hers approached the area, her head turned to face the sound as it got closer. She noticed something odd about the foot pattern, it sounded almost hesitant. As she stared at the area, ready to fight, a figure emerged from the trees. A man, around 5'4 hesitantly stumbled out into the clearing, he looked around confused, almost as if he was lost. His eyes landed on Melody as they both stood there, in an awkward silence. Melody turned her head and started walking away "H-Hey!" She stopped and slightly turned her head "Are you alright? you seem to be injured." The man seemed concerned, or, was he scared? "Look kid, if I were you, I would worry about yourself. these parts of the woods arn't very safe." He went silent before heading over to her. She stood there, looking down at him "If you help me find my way out, I'll treat you to a cold drink and help patch you up." She was hesitant before finally agreeing. As she led him out of the forest, they barely exchanged words and refused to look at each other. The leaves under their feet crackled as the sun started to set, night would fall soon, leaving them little time to get to their destination before danger arrives.