

"Prince the carriage is ready" one of the soldier dressed in black said coming up to us. We were just making our way outside the palace.

"No need for a carriage" he replied coldly

The solider nodded his head, but then saw me

"Prince but the princess always prefers the carriage" he whispered to the prince

'Wow am I really that scary' I thought 'He didn't need to whisper'

The prince put his hand up to stop him from talking.

"It can't always go her way" he said

"There's no need to respect her, she's just a prisoner"

'Why is he being rude' I thought pissed

"I can walk just fine" I spoke up startling the soldier

The prince just gave me a glare and walked off in front

"Thanks for the thought" I whispered to the soldier, and hurried behind him.

'Did the princess just thank me!' The soldier thought dumbfounded

We walked past the fancy looking carriage, which had many soldiers surrounding it. All the soldier bowed with respect as they saw us, I just smiled back at them but I doubt they saw that in the dark. The carriage looked so nice that I started feeling bad for not getting a ride in it.

"Princess" I heard a sweet voice say, as I saw Violet hurry over to me.

She was holding a dark red veil

"You need this" she said politely, as she placed it on my face so only my eyes were visible.

"I need to be in disguise?" I asked her as she was tying the veil at the back.

"Of course princess, royalty can't be seen in public like this" she whispered back

"Oh" I replied understanding,

"so basically I'm like a kpop star wearing a mask so I don't get recognised" I quietly mumbled

"What are kpop stars?" Violet whispered back

Oops accidentally my thoughts slipped out

"Oh um…"

"Are you done?" The fire price asked and I looked up to see him also wearing a veil, even though it still wasn't enough to cover his beauty.

"Ah yes" I replied back and we finally made our way outside.

I can't believe I'm actually walking outside the palace for the first time since I came into this manga. I felt so excited that I wanted to twirl around in the fresh air, but the cold aura around the prince made me quietly walk beside him. The prince was walking with his two guards behind me, who were carefully observing my every moves. It made me feel a bit uncomfortable, I couldn't stroll under the night sky freely as the guard eyes were burning into my back. I was walking tensely beside the prince, there was only silence between us and it felt awkward. 'I should say something' I thought feeling uneasy. As I turned my head to see the fire prince walking calmly beside me, his hands were behind his back. His hair was the colour of the night sky which sparkled with a million stars, and his skin glowed under the moonlight, he kind of reminded me of an angel. I shaked my head to get rid of the thoughts 'No, he's a devil!' I thought. The prince saw me shake my head

"Why did you want to go to the festival?"He finally asked coldly. 'He actually started off the conversation!' I thought curiously

"I..." I started of my sentence trying to think of something.

"I wanted to see the Lanterns" I said turning to see his reaction, which hadn't changed. 'Would he believe me' I thought

The prince wasn't even facing me, he just looked ahead,

"What a pathetic lie" He replied back

'Well he didn't believe me'

I didn't reply to what he said, and the rest of the way to the festival was silent. Finally after a long period of walking, in the distance I could see the place where the festival was held, the place of unrestrained joy. I could hear people talking with excitement and kids joyful laughter, the music filled the air. Everything was lit in colourful lights 'Wow!' I thought, this festival is beautiful, that's when my stomach growled loudly and I remembered I still haven't eaten my dinner. It seemed like the fire prince notice but didn't say anything . 'Well that's embarrassing' I thought, I guess we were directly walking towards the lanterns, because not once did this prince decide to stop even when we passed by irresistible delicious foods stalls, he kept his head straight in front, like his only goal was to reach the lanterns. I was feeling so hungry that I didn't realise all the women's on the side blushing and secretly pointing at the prince, I guess he does stand out from the crowd. I started to fall behind the prince as the smell of food started to pull me it's way, my mouth was starting to water 'I'm so hungry' I thought. So I finally built up my courage and grabbed the back of his robe, to stop him.

He stopped immediately as soon as I touched him.

"Let go" he demanded

Fire prince POV

'This women! She's crazy' The fire prince thought trying to hold in his anger

'Grabbing my robe just like that!"

'This man' Isla thought pissed

She let go immediately, I'm never ever going to think about asking him anything again!

She didn't say anything and kept walking

'Wasn't she going to say something?' I thought annoyed

'Arrogate women!'

I was watching her every movement carefully, she's definitely up to something I kept thinking

…But I was stunned to see excitement in her eyes when she finally held the Lantern in her hands

Those angry red eyes finally looked happy somehow, I couldn't help but gaze upon her beauty which was always hidden under makeup. Her natural skin seemed to glow underneath the veil and her eyes reflected the colour of the lantern.

'She's changed too much, it's too suspicious'

'And she would have never attended such a festival, so why now?'

Lost in my thought for a bit, I didn't realise Isla helping a old lady who nearly fell.

"Are you okay granny" she asked politely helping her up, with the lantern still in her hand

'She's helping her!?' I watched her speechless

'She has nothing to gain from it…'

The colour from my face drained immediately when I saw a glimpse of blade under the old lady's sleeve.

"Isla!" I shouted, before I quickly extended my arm and an explosive fire bursted from my hand aiming at the old lady."