

I stared out the window lazily, as a glimpse of figure walking across the main gates caught my attention. The boy was walking towards the entrance of school.

"Everyone today we're getting a new student so I want everyone to make him feel welcomed, ok" I heard the teacher speak in front of the class.

"Another one" opal whispered to me from her desk right beside mine.

But the moment the boy entered the room, opal straightened up in her chair and nudged me with her elbow

"Riley this ones a killer" she said winking

I let out a little giggle

"Why don't you introduce yourself" the teacher spoke in front

The boy had silky brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. He eyed the class as he said "Hi I'm Noah hope we get along" he smirked as he spoke

"Great, Noah has just transferred from North high so treat him well" the teacher said

"Noah you can sit on that spare desk" he said pointing right in the middle of the class, to the desk right next to opal. The moment he sat at his desk, Opal excitedly introduced herself.

"Hi I'm opal" she waved at him "and this is my bestie Riley" she pointed at me and I politely smiled at him "if you need any help don't hesitate to ask" she proudly said smiling "except if it's math problems" she laughed "thanks" he replied, he then suddenly looked at me again "it's you" he said pointing at me and I almost dropped my pen from his sudden words. 'What does he mean, it's me?'

"What?" I said before I was interrupted by the teacher "Introduction can come later, focus on class"

I nodded politely, and didn't dare face opal who obviously had a million questions written all over her face. I don't remember this dude from anywhere, and he doesn't have a face I can forget either.

After class was over I immediately grabbed my bag and was going to walk out of class before I heard opal say "you know Riley?"

I immediately rushed back to grab opal

"Not really" the boy said smiling as he saw me come back "you're that girl who got chased by our dog right" he said facing me, my face turned blank. "Hahahha hahahahhahah" opal erupted in laughter. I quickly nudged opal with my elbow warning her to shut up"sorry sorry hahah but a dog chased you"

My face was turning red and I faced the boy

"I think you've mistaken me with someone me else" I told him.

"Is being chased by dogs your new hobby Riley" a girl behind us said as she flicked her curly blonde hair, and had two more minions behind her. Opal stopped laughing and glared intensely at Natasha. "Noah don't hang out with girls like that, they're bad influence" she said grinning with her pink libstick libs. Opal was about to say something but before that I grabbed her arms and walked out. "Opal you'll get in trouble again" I told her as we walked out the school gates. "Hah Bad influence says the cake face" opal cursed

"Riley I still can't believe she's you're sister, you're too nice to her"

"Step sisters" I replied back

"Miss how was your day" a driver in black suddenly asked me standing outside a flash black car.

He opened the door for me

"It was good" I replied getting in, followed by Opal.

"Riley tell me seriously" opal said

"Did a dog actually chase you?"

"Shut up, he was talking nonsense" I replied back immediately

" haha ok no need to get worked up" opal giggled

" but he seemed from a really rich family and he's so handsome, I'm blessed to sit next to him"

" Is there any hot boys you're not obsessed with" I said smiling

"Omg that reminds me Chen and Elena might have their first kiss soon!" opal screamed with excitement shaking me

"my beautiful Chen" Opal exclaimed putting the back of her hand on her forehead like a drama queen.

"Haha are you talking about that manga character, Opal how can you not even leave 2D guys" I laughed