
The Bond of the Fox

Tell the story of an alternate world where Naruto and Anko are members of two rival clans: the Uzumaki Clan and the Orochimaru Clan, respectively. Despite their differences, Naruto and Anko fall in love and struggle to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. As their relationship deepens, they both realize that their rival clans will not accept their romance, and they will have to face opposition from their respective families. However, Naruto and Anko are determined to fight for their love, no matter the consequences.

Shihao777 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 24

Suddenly, Naruto's kunai was in his hand and flying. It hit something with a thunk, letting him know that his kunai hit a tree. He pulled out two more kunai and took a defensive stance by Tazuna. Kakashi followed him and pulled out a kunai of his own.

"What is it Naruto?" Kakashi asked.

"We're being watched. Someone has been ghosting us since we landed. I can feel them all around us." Naruto said seriously.

"W-What are you talking about? There's no one out there. Stop trying to act cool!" Sakura said.

"Shut your mouth and keep quiet!" Naruto hissed. "This is not the damn time to act like an ignorant, spoiled child! I know the feeling of dread when I feel it and it is intensified now! Whoever is out here is incredibly strong." Naruto's serious words snapped Sasuke into battle mood. Sakura followed soon after and looked around the forest. That's when they heard chuckling.

"Well now, unlike your two teammates, you're taking this very seriously. I thought that Konoha's methods were very soft when it came to training their genin." The voice said. They all searched the area as the voice sounded like it came from everywhere. Naruto looked around and wondered where the attack was coming from. That's when he heard the sound of something flying through the air.

"Get down!" Kakashi shouted. Naruto pulled Tazuna to the ground and covered him as a large projectile flew pass them. Naruto looked up to see a large sword embedded into a tree. Seconds later, a ninja appeared on the handle. He looked down at the team. Kakashi stepped forward and faced this new threat.

"Momochi Zabuza, the Kirigakure no Kijin. (Demon of the Mist)" Kakashi said.

"And I know of you, Hatake Kakashi. Or do you prefer Sharingan no Kakashi?" Zabuza asked.

"Whatever suits you Zabuza." Kakashi said. He spared his team a glance. "Protect Tazuna; this fight is way beyond you. Use the Manji no Jin (Manji Formation) and do not interfere." The team nodded and protected Tazuna. Kakashi raised his hitai-ate to reveal the Sharingan. This made Zabuza smile.

"Well, I should feel honored that you would reveal the Sharingan so early." Zabuza said. This surprised Sakura and Sasuke, Sasuke mostly.

"How does he have the Sharingan?" Sasuke asked with shock.

"Is that really a question you should be asking? Just focus on the task at hand." Naruto said and watched Zabuza for any movement.

"I like him. I would say he is a product of you but seeing that your other two genin aren't like him, he has been taught by another. Either way, I will spare you and your students if you just hand me the old man." Zabuza said.

"Sorry to say that I will not be able to agree to your request. We are tasked with his protection and that's what we are going to do." Kakashi said.

"Very well then." Zabuza disappeared with his blade. He appeared on the surface of the water and did a seal. "Kirigakure no Jutsu! (Hiding in the Mist Technique)" A dense mist appeared and surrounded the area. Kakashi narrowed his eyes at the mist.

'So, this is the specialty of Zabuza. He is the master of the Sairento Kiringu (Silent Killing) method. He can move silently around the mist and strike from anywhere. I have to be alert as he will come for me first.' Kakashi thought. He released his chakra to disperse some of the mist. He noticed that Sasuke was not holding up well due to Zabuza's taunts and the killing intent. He looked at the boy with an eye smile. "Don't worry Sasuke, I won't allow my team to die."

"Bold words Kakashi, considering that it's already over." Zabuza said. He appeared right in the middle of the group his sword ready to cleave everyone in half. Naruto reacted by kicking both of his teammates away. He pushed Tazuna to the ground and used his back as a surface, lashing out with a kick to Zabuza's ribs. Zabuza saw a glint of light and back away a short step. He watched the hidden blade pass by him and swung his blade in a downward arc. Naruto used his momentum to move himself and Tazuna out of the way from the deadly strike. Kakashi appeared quickly and stabbed Zabuza in the gut. This happened in a matter of seconds.

Naruto looked at the two and noticed that water was leaking instead of blood. He yelled out to Kakashi but it was too late as Zabuza appeared behind him. Zabuza's Mizu Bunshin (Water Clone) dissolved and Zabuza cut Kakashi in two. Zabuza smirk but it soon fell when Kakashi dissolved into water as well. Zabuza was so stunned by the fact Kakashi copied his technique in the mist. Kakashi appeared behind him and held a kunai to his neck. He told him that the fight was over but Zabuza had other plans.

It was Kakashi's turn to be surprised when Zabuza dissolved into water as well. He then ducks when he heard Zabuza's huge blade in the air. Zabuza used the handle of his sword to give him leverage as he kicked Kakashi clear across the area. Kakashi landed in the water and went under. Kakashi was surprised by the power of the kick but had to get to the surface quickly before Zabuza killed his students. He broke the water's surface and searched for Zabuza. He suddenly felt that the water got heavy. He attempted to get out of the water but Zabuza appeared above him.

"That was a huge mistake Kakashi. Suirō no Jutsu! (Water Prison Technique)" Zabuza called out. Kakashi cursed as he was captured.


On the land, the team watched as Zabuza held Kakashi hostage. Naruto sucked his teeth and readied himself for a fight. He summoned some clones which caught everyone's attention.

"You two stay with Sakura and protect Tazuna. Teme, you're with me." Naruto spoke.

"What are you thinking? We have to get Tazuna out of here!" Sakura exclaimed.

"That isn't an option here. Zabuza has Kakashi right where he wants him. If we run, he'll just kill him and chase us down within moments. Our best bet is to free Kakashi." Naruto said.

"Now, listen Naruto…" Sakura said.

"No, you listen! I've had it up to here with your whining! You're a damn kunoichi so start to act like one! Protect the client with my clones and stay out of our way!" Naruto roared. Naruto then faced Sasuke. "Are you ready because I have a plan to get Kakashi out of the mess he got himself in."

"You actually got a plan?" Sasuke mocked. Naruto ignored him and threw something at him.

"Just be prepared to throw that when you got a clear shot at the original." Naruto said. He and his clones looked forward to see that Zabuza had created a clone to face them. "That son of a bitch is mocking us. He thinks that his Mizu Bunshin will be enough to deal with us. Well, I'll show him." Naruto and his clones charged at the approaching clone. The clone waited for him and his clones to reach him. He was impressed with movement and the speed at which he came at him with. He readied himself as two copies of Naruto appeared. One was behind the other in an attempt to hide an attack. One launched himself in the air while the other charged at him. The Mizu Bunshin cut him down immediately and raised his sword to protect himself from the barrage of shuriken. He kicked away a clone that attempted to flank him and kicked the airborne Naruto out of the air. Both were dispelled by the attacks.

The last three attempted to bull rush him but Mizu Bunshin cut them down with no difficulty. The clone faced the two remaining clone who stood with the girl and boy. He smirked at them and made his way over to them. That's when Sasuke tried his luck against Zabuza, despite Naruto's clone protest. Zabuza easily catches the boy with one arm and slammed him down to the ground hard.

"You wannabe shinobi make me sick. You think that you could take me? You're not even fit to lick my feet." The clone mocked. Suddenly, the clone felt something stab him in the neck. It gurgled before dissolving into water and right on Sasuke. He got the water out of his face and turned to see Naruto. He looked to see that the two clones were still there and was wondering where he came from. Naruto ignored him and grabbed the weapon he gave Sasuke earlier. He threw it at him with a glare.

"Next time, stick to the damn plan. I'm going to give you another shot so you better follow through with it." Naruto said with a hard tone. He stepped forward did a familiar seal.

"Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!" Naruto called out. The field was littered with clones, all ready for a fight.







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