
The Bond of the Fox

Tell the story of an alternate world where Naruto and Anko are members of two rival clans: the Uzumaki Clan and the Orochimaru Clan, respectively. Despite their differences, Naruto and Anko fall in love and struggle to overcome the obstacles that stand in their way. As their relationship deepens, they both realize that their rival clans will not accept their romance, and they will have to face opposition from their respective families. However, Naruto and Anko are determined to fight for their love, no matter the consequences.

Shihao777 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs

Chapter 13

Naruto sighed as he entered the academy for the last time. It had been a long three days for the blond. Since the Mizuki incident, Naruto was kept awake, thinking about what he learned. He would look down at his stomach at times and wonder how the Yondaime put something so big in his gut. After a while, he went back to Anko's way of thinking. Who cared if he had the beast of destruction sealed within him? The old man didn't care, Anko didn't care and the two people at the ramen stand didn't care so why should he? With that thinking, Naruto was able to sleep without any problems.

The next day was the day of his punishment by Anko. Like always, she broke into his apartment and dragged him out of bed. She expressed her disappointment him and told him to think before he acted. After an hour long lecture, Anko took him into an area within training ground forty-four, also called the Forest of Death. She told him that he objective today was to survive. For the whole day, Anko hunted and brutalized him. He managed to survive by escaping the forest and running for safety. This didn't deter Anko who began to play her favorite game of 'tag', with sharp objects. It was a day of pain for the blond hero.

The next day, Naruto took his picture for his file. Luckily for him, the cuts healed overnight. He took a normal picture surprising the old Hokage. Naruto simply told him that he was too hurt to make it awesome. That's when an eight year old boy busted in the hall. He quickly tripped on his long scarf and fell on his face. The boy stood and then accused him of tripping him. Naruto was about to teach the boy a lesson when he was stopped by his instructor. The little brat boasted about his name, which irritated Naruto. He then proceeded to pin him to the wall with several kunai and told him off before leaving.

Later in the day, Naruto caught the kid following him. He introduced himself as Konohamaru and asked to teach his Oiroke no Jutsu (Sexy Technique). Naruto agreed but for much different reasons. As the training continued, Naruto asked Konohamaru why he attacked his grandfather. He told him why and Naruto felt for the kid. Still, he felt that he need to set him straight and told Konohamaru that there were no shortcuts to Hokage. Only through hard-work could he reach that level. He also said that he would have to beat him to the seat and informed him that wouldn't happen.

They were interrupted by Konohamaru's instructor, Ebisu. Naruto saw the look that he gave him and was not happy by it. After Konohamaru's attempt of the Oiroke no Jutsu failed and Ebisu's insulting words, Naruto stepped in. He combined the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique) and his Oiroke no Jutsu. It was way too much for the instructor who Naruto saw was a closet pervert. He called this move the Hāremu no Jutsu (Harem Technique). After seeing this, Konohamaru said that they were now rivals. Naruto just smirked at him. He then got Konohamaru to help him teach Ebisu a lesson. They took him somewhere unknown. The next day, he was found naked, tied to a post and was marked with words 'pervert' all over his body.

It was a great few days but Naruto was ready for his days as a ninja. He sat next to Hinata who greeted him. The two talked for a while when they heard a commotion coming from the entrance. It was Sakura and Ino arguing about who entered the class first. After a while, Sakura made her way over to Sasuke. This did not sit well with Ino who attempted to stop her. That's when everyone in the fan club attempted to get the seat. Naruto saw this was the time to cause some mischief. He got on the desk and faced the class.

"People, we have ourselves a 'Sasuke' cat fight about to happen. Place your bets on who gets the seat next to Lord Emo. Do I have any takers?" Naruto asked.

"I've got five ryo on Sakura." One guy shouted.

"I've have ten on Ino." Another shouted.

"Fifteen on the red-head." Kiba shouted. Naruto just kept taking bets, not knowing that he was now the attention of the Sasuke fan club. They did not enjoy how Naruto made jokes about the object of their affections. Hinata saw this and attempted to warn him but Naruto wasn't listening. After a while, Naruto stopped taking bets.

"Okay, we've got 2 to 1 odds on Ino, 4 to 1 odds on Sakura and the underdog is the red-head with the ridiculous hairdo." Naruto said out loud. That's when he felt the spike of killer intent and turned to see the group of girls. The red-head looked especially angry at his comment. Everyone held their breath as they wondered what Naruto would do next. Naruto faced the girls. He looked directly at them without fear.

"Okay, I know that you're upset but I have a good reason for what I did. It's because you are all pathetic and easy marks." He said with a grin. "Also, your hairdo is ridiculous." That was all that took before he was attacked by the girls, the red-head reaching him first. Shikamaru raised his head slightly to watch as his friend got pummeled by the enraged girls. He sighed and placed his head down again. He was pretty sure that Naruto would be alright. He'd survived worst.





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