
Chapter 1Misfortune Begins

Chapter 1

Misfortune Begins

The whole spooky story begins with a clumsy and old-fashioned journalist with big rounded glasses named 'Jintana' or as everyone calls her 'Jintara'; a young woman with her unusual ability. That is a 'sixth sense'. But she has had another desire since high school to become a famous writer of romance novels. And everything seemed to go as her heart thought until ...

Her unusual ability was becoming more and more until it spread throughout the university. Some thought she was crazy. Some believed in her ability and came to ask for help. But no matter how she was considered, a crazy person like her is a person with good grades and got first-class honors from the Faculty of Arts which is evident in everyone's eyes. Even if her sports are suck!

But then ... Fate or even god was not in her favor because she couldn't escape this unusual ability. That's why she turned to work as a crime reporter instead of becoming a writer as she intended. Just her luck! Although the story sounds sad, she couldn't drink alcohol. If she gets drunk she will cause other people trouble.