
The BlueCrest Academy

BlueCrest Academy is one of the best magic schools in the world only students who passed the entrance exam were allowed in, no back door, nothing, squat, zilch, not happening unless you pass the test, your good grades and athletics could only get your foot in the door. BlueCrest Academy is a school where you learn magic. They teach history of magic, Foundation of magic, magical beasts and mystery ect. The main character in this story just finished secondary school and is awaiting for himself to be accepted at BlueCrest academy, but first he must pass his entrance examination. Even if he passes this test there are sure to be more and not all of them will be clear cut as they seem. Will our main character get through school or will he just be another drop out or worse because even the public doesn't know what happens inside that school. If you read my Quick Bit you don't need to read this and vice-versa.

The_RedMagician · Fantasy
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14 Chs

4) The Dorms

I could still hear the laughter from the other examinees due to a bucket of water being poured on me. Yes they all thought that my raw power or whatever was impressive but after bucket of water was thrown at me they laughed.

Magic Control that was another class that I had to take, luckily due to my performance I would not have to pay extra for this class. A hour or so after most of the commotion died down, me and Victor went to go check in for a dorm.

"hey buddy don't worry about it I also have to take Magic Control" said Victor as if he was reading my thoughts.

"lets go ahead and grab a dorm" I said.

After opening the glass doors we were immediately welcomed in by a RA [Residents Assistant] whom seemed to be way too into his job.

"welcome to the dorms if you come over the manager will set you two up with a room also my name is Ralph im 2nd year student and I hope to get know you better, it's always best to know who's your neighbors" said Ralph.

"thank you im Hesh and he is Victor" I said.

"What up" Victor said.

After getting everything straight with the dorm manager we headed to our dorm room.

"two other dormates I wonder if they are 1st years like us" Victor said.

"I would assume so they usually try to pair up people of the same year" I said.

Shortly we arrived to our room.

Knock... knock...

The door was unlocked so I opened I wasn't quite ready for what was going on inside.

"No thats my pillow give it back Edison" said the first boy.

"what are you going to do Andy, come and get it" said Edison.

After of which the boy named Andy tackled Edison grappling for the pillow. Clearly not seeing that there were people at the door.

"Cough... cough..."

The two boys immediately stopped fighting they seemed to know each other, I thought to myself.

"my name is Edison nice to meet you" said the one named Edison.

"and my name is Andy and you are" said Andy just as he swiped his pillow back from Edison.

"my name is Hesh and this here is Victor, it looks like we'll be sharing a dorm together" I said.

"oh yeah I remember you, you were the one that set yourself on fire, mad props to you dude" said Andy.

"so your primary element is fire, ours are earth and metal, Andy likes to brag because he got a rare element" said Edison.

"so what's your element Vik" said Andy.

"the Instructor said that it was the lightning element but he thought it was rather weak due to my performance" Victor said.

"whatever the lightning element is by far one of the coolest" said Andy.

"hey you should put your packs down, you guys can have the left side bunks" said Edison "I heard they have a kitchen and and Gameroom downstairs lets go downstairs and see what they got"

After claiming my bunk with my pack, we all went down to the gameroom they had Foosball, Pool, Levitation Soccer (essentially air hockey only bigger) and a Big flat-screen.

"well you know what I'm doing on Friday nights" I said. "hey I'll play a round Levitation Soccer against you guys, me and Victor actually play socer"

We were destroyed who knew Levitation Soccer was so different from real soccer. Next we went to go see the kitchen, there was a stove, fridge, a microwave and a oven also a bar for late night drinks.

"theres a zone were you can use magic me and Andy started brawling there so the RA threw us out, figures" said Edison.

"hey guys look at what the cat dragged in" said a rather Arrogant looking pimp.

"look at his clothes who wears flannel to interview, wait a second guys this is the one I was telling you about, he's the fire hazard" the other guy started laughing.

I was starting to get ticked off but it was Victor who acted first, without thinking much Victor splash water at his face.

"looks like he wasn't the only one who hosed down" Victor said.

"you must be looking for an early death" said the pimp.

Both Andy, Edison, Victor and I were itching towards a fight with these pricks, actually I think Andy and Edison are always itching to fight. But before anything happened the RA named Ralph knocked on the door.

"is there problem here guys, you know the rules no fighting inside the dorms" he seemed to be mostly saying this to Andy and Edison who were already caught fighting by him.

"you got lucky this time" said the Pimp "lets go guys"

After that pimp and his goon squad left did Ralph continue talking.

"its already not a good idea looking for a fight but with them thats a war they probably hold this against you for a while, the leaders his Name is Reggie best to stay away" said Ralph.

"they started the fight" said Victor.

"unfortunately it doesn't matter if it happens again I'll have to report it to the dormitory manager" said Ralph.

With that we all went back to our dorm room luckily we don't stay on the same floor as them.

"I would have really liked to have rough them up a bit" said Edison. "a bunch of arrogant rich kids with no real skill but there background"

"lets just forget about what happened and enjoy the rest of our evening" I said

After getting back I unpacked everything from my pack, I put a picture of my family and the envelope that my mom gave me on my desk and I couldn't help but wonder what was inside it. I quickly looked at the picture and remembered the time when it was taken, such sweet times.

This was our first day on campus and if the whole year was going to be anything like today then I can't wait.