
The BlueCrest Academy

BlueCrest Academy is one of the best magic schools in the world only students who passed the entrance exam were allowed in, no back door, nothing, squat, zilch, not happening unless you pass the test, your good grades and athletics could only get your foot in the door. BlueCrest Academy is a school where you learn magic. They teach history of magic, Foundation of magic, magical beasts and mystery ect. The main character in this story just finished secondary school and is awaiting for himself to be accepted at BlueCrest academy, but first he must pass his entrance examination. Even if he passes this test there are sure to be more and not all of them will be clear cut as they seem. Will our main character get through school or will he just be another drop out or worse because even the public doesn't know what happens inside that school. If you read my Quick Bit you don't need to read this and vice-versa.

The_RedMagician · Fantasy
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14 Chs

12) Headmaster Maxwell Hillside

Mr Sterling's office is rather pleasant, it has that home like appeal. There is a desk with 3 chairs around it, there is a picture frame that has a photograph which looks like it has Sterling with a group of students in it. It has a bookshelf and a file cabinet with a small table and a coffee machine on top. In the chair behind the desk sat the esteemed headmaster of the school, Maxwell Hillside.

"Mr Lang I have called you here to ask you some questions regarding you and the school" said Maxwell.

"okay then" I said.

"firstly how do you like it here at BlueCrest academy" asked Maxwell.

"its great" I said.

"secondly how much do you know about our school" the headmaster asked.

I thought to myself what are these questions for, at first I thought that I was in trouble from the other day but this seems completely unrelated to that incident.

"I know its one of the best in the country, it is also ranked in the top 3 for outputting the most exceptional graduates, there is also a lot of rumors and mystery surrounding this school" I said.

"do you know anything about the secret rooms at this school" said the headmaster.

"I know that they are magical and very well hidden, I also know that one of them had been found by a group of students that went missing" I said.

"correct" said Headmaster Maxwell.

"Headmaster why are you asking me these questions for" I said.

"every year we check on every student that has an exceptional talent but this year is slightly different. As you might have heard from the news that there are missing persons, me and some of the other faculty believe that it may have something to do with one of the guardians of the secret rooms" said the headmaster.

"Mr Lang we have been looking for students that are in some way related to the secret rooms" said Professor Sterling.

"how am I involved in this" I said.

"Each room is guarded by magical beasts and enchantments, each room is designed to open up to a certain lineage or bloodline for example the Phoenix bloodline" said the headmaster.

"and you think that I'm part of a special bloodline? Also how come the authorities haven't found anything about the missing students" I asked.

I wonder if I should tell them about what I heard during the magical beasts exercise, they would probably just think that i hit my head or something.

"well it was great chatting with you, if you ever need me don't shy away from asking for my help" he said "also before you leave plz dont go looking for the rooms"

He completely ignored my question, does the authorities not even know about the incident. Mr Sterling opened the door for me and it seemed that everyone was gone aside from Victor even the cage was gone, was the bird only meant for this class something strange is going on. Mr Sterling closed the door behind me it seemed that he and the headmaster has something to talk about.

"hey hesh what did he talk to you about" said Victor.

"The headmaster simply just asked questions about the school and how I feel about the school, its nothing too serious" I said.

"you got to talk to the headmaster lucky you are you sure it wasn't anything too serious it seems like this would be something to unimportant for the headmaster to get involved" said Victor.

"apparently he is going out of his way to personally meet with special students" I said.

"uh huh" said Victor "well lets get out of here and go get some eat then shall we"

"what are we going to get from the cafeteria today" I asked.

"oh we won't be going to the cafeteria this time, I have something special in mind" said Victor.

I feel slightly bad for not telling him the whole story but I don't even know the whole thing yet. This stuff about bloodlines is quite interesting also does that thing with the fire hawk have anything to do with that? Why does the headmaster not want the authorities to find out about it either, it is rather strange indeed.