
Chapter 13

Here is Chapter 13 of The Blue Wolf. William continues to prove himself to his father and to the people of the 7 Kingdoms as he lives and fights through the Greyjoy Rebellion. As he grows up, he explores the other regions and learns more about the 7 Kingdoms that he will one-day rule over. Along the way, he'll meet new people, make new friends, allies, and enemies. Slowly but steadily, he'll forge his own future through the Game of Thrones while slowly discover more information on his past. Enjoy!

The Greyjoy Rebellion and New Adventure

289 AC: 3 Moons since the beginning of the Greyjoy Rebellion

Island of Great Wyk, Iron Islands

The rebellion of the Iron Islands or as it was now being called the Greyjoy Rebellion had been going on for at least 3 moons and while the initial phase of the Rebellion allowed the Iron Born to raid and reave with ease, that was no longer the case. Once Robert had assembled his forces, the Iron Born no longer had the advantage. He gathered a large force of men, horses and ships and launched a retaliation with the forces of the North, the Vale, the Riverlands, The Reach and the Stormlands.

The Iron Born were knocked back from Seagard when Rodrick Greyjoy was killed while the Royal and Redwyne fleet smashed through Victarion Greyjoy's ships and took him prisoner. And now, Robert Baratheon and his army were on the Iron Islands, armed and ready to payback Balon Greyjoy for rebelling. The crowned prince, William Baratheon was with his uncle Stannis and Lord Tyrell and their army to attack the island of Great Wyk. Word had spread amongst the men about the Prince's battle prowess and feats during the battle with the Iron Born fleet and it had earned him the respect of many of them. Those who were unsure about the stories told about the Prince would soon see a demonstration with their own eyes as they neared Great Wyk.

The ships closed in on the island and made their way to the docks and harbors where they were met with no resistance from any soldiers. There were just fishermen, women and children who seemed more annoyed at their presence than angry because it seemed to interrupt their lives. William helped the men offload siege weapons and equipment and once that was done they would push inland with a force remaining at the fishing village to protect the ships.

They pushed from the village to the inland where they were met with long plains and roads that split into several different directions to small villages, keeps and castles. Houses Merlyn, Sparr, Goodbrother and Farwynd resided on the island with Hammerhorn, the seat of House Goodbrother, the largest and was located on the northern edge. They sent out scouting parties with ravens to alert them of any Iron Born movement in any direction as they marched to the castle of Hammerhorn.

William was on a horse, riding with the rest of the army as they were closing in on Hammerhorn. He was just enjoying the ride, looking around at the men who were conversing to pass the time. They were nearing Hammerhorn and once they stopped for camp for the night, they would devise a battle plan for taking the castle. They rode for a few more hours before stopping to make camp and rest. Sentries and guards were set up around the camp and further away to be on alert for a surprise attack. Once William had settled in a bit, he was with the siege crews helping them set up the ballistae and trebuchets and making any adjustments that would be necessary as well as showing them the fire bolt trick they used against the Greyjoy fleet.

William knew a thing or two about ballistae and trebuchets because of his time studying with Cedric Angar. Once they had set up the weapons, William moved to the main command tent to discuss strategy and troop placement with his uncle and Lord Tyrell. William and Ser Arthur walked in to see Stannis, Ser Davos, Lord Tyrell, and Lord Tarly around a table with a bundle of maps.

"My lords, uncle." William greeted them with a smile and bow as the lords bowed back.

"Your grace. Our scouts say that the Iron Born are assembling at Hammerhorn for a counter attack with an army of 4,000." Lord Tarly told him, pointing on the map where the army was stationed.

"Hammerhorn is large enough for a force of 4,000. The Iron Born are probably trying to find a way to either keep us away or hold out on a siege. The Iron Born could go to the other towns and keeps to bring up more men. What are our numbers?" William asked.

"Much larger, my prince. We've got 6,000 mounted lances, 5,000 hedge knights, 4,000 man at arms and 1,000 in reserve to man the siege weapons." Lord Tarly told him.

"It won't be a long fight, your grace. We'll sweep through the rabble with ease." Lord Tyrell said as William looked at the map and then at Lord Stannis.

"Uncle? Ser Davos?" William asked.

"Aye, we'll win the battle for sure, your grace. Unless the Iron Born managed to make flying ships it shouldn't be that big of a problem." Ser Davos said.

"He's right, nephew. We have the numbers." Stannis said as William was finished looking at the maps.

"Yet they have the terrain. Hammerhorn is built on the peak of a large slanted hill with a small narrow passage behind it that leads to the cliffs and the ocean. It can't be attacked from behind and they can easily defend the front. Even with our numbers, it's still a disadvantage." William told them and the lords were impressed with the Prince's deduction.

"We still have the numbers, your grace." Lord Tyrell pointed out.

"True, but if they have at least have some semblance of knowledge, they'll retreat into Hammerhorn and hold out a siege. And Hammerhorn is supposed to be the biggest castle on the Iron Islands except for Pyke. I don't want half our men killed in a siege." William said as he looked at the map for an idea. "The Iron Born are deadly at sea but they also know these lands better than we do. They'll know how to keep us at bay."

"The men will fight to the death for their prince and King, your grace." Lord Tarly said.

"And that's commendable, Lord Tarly but if we can win this without unnecessary loss of life, then we will. I'm sure these men have loved ones they want to get back home to." William replied, looking at the map for any kind of idea. Ser Davos looked at Stannis and he nodded.

"Nephew, you understand that in war…men will die. It's inevitable, like the sun falling and the moon rising." Stannis said and at that moment, William got an idea.

"Moon rising? That's it!" William shouted in relief.

"What's it, your grace?" Lord Tarly asked.

"I think I have an idea that might work." William looked closer at the maps and the terrain. "How much farther until Hammerhorn?"

"Two days ride." Stannis told him. William grabbed one of the sun charts and his idea seemed like it would work.

"Then it just might work." William said.

"What might work?" Ser Davos asked.

"All warfare is based on deception. Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." William said but they were confused by his proverb.

"Your grace?" Ser Davos asked.

"It's a quote from a book I read by a Yi Ti scholar and general, Sun Tzu. The Art of War. Sometimes, the best way to win a battle isn't by brute force but by outsmarting your opponent. And I have an idea that just might work." William rearranged the maps to show them one of the terrains of the land and of the island as a whole. "In three days' time, a new moon cycle should begin and it always starts with the night when the moon is absent in the sky. No moon equals no light in that darkness. It's the perfect moment to launch a sneak attack around Hammerhorn. We can have a small force sneak behind and enter the castle through the back to catch the Iron Born by surprise while they are focused on our main force in front."

Everyone looked at the map and saw what the prince was suggesting. "It's a gamble, your grace." Ser Davos told him.

"I know but if it doesn't work then we continue with the siege. If it does, we can have our men who sneak in through the back move to the front and open the gates to the castle. We'll catch them by surprise and end this a lot quicker and with less carnage. It will work." William said as the men looked at one another. The plan was of sound logic but it was a risk. William looked at them and noticed their trepidation. "I know it's a risk but if it works, then we'll have taken down the Iron Born with minimal losses on our side."

"Very well, your grace. We'll prepare. What's the plan?" Stannis asked. Will smiled seeing the faith his uncle had in him.

"The force that will sneak behind Hammerhorn will need to be fast, agile yet skilled. If we try and sneak in with a bunch of knights in full plate metal they'll hear us before we get close. I want 300 of the best and skill fighters and archers in minimal armor as possible, we'll take shields instead." William told them.

"That's a small force, your grace. There will be 4,000 men in the castle." Lord Tarly told him, and he agreed with his point.

"I know but that's where the other part of the plan comes in. While we sneak in through the side and around, Lord Tarly and Lord Tyrell you'll command the rest of our forces and prepare for attack and siege. You need to make it look like all our force and attention is set on them. Prep the siege weapons and archers to attack which will draw all their attention to you. While they are distracted, the other force will sneak around, climb the walls, take out any Iron Born as quietly as possible and make their way to the front and open the gates. Once that happens, you storm in with your full force and the battle is over before they know it." William said, showing them on the map and moving the figures around to simulate what would happen.

Stannis looked at the map and saw the logic and it sounded like a solid plan. "Well thought, nephew. But it's a gamble."

"I know, but everything in life is a gamble. Warfare is no different. This is how we fight and if we force them into a corner, they'll surrender, and the battle is ours." William said as the lords nodded. "Excellent, we'll meet again in two days to go over any last-minute details. For now, everyone stays sharp and get some rest."

"Yes, your grace." They said as they left the tent with Stannis sticking around.

"I'm proud of you, nephew. Most boys your age don't have a mind for tactics." Stannis said.

"Well, I'm not like most boys. You should know that by now, Uncle." William joked and Stannis managed to crack a small smile. He always had a soft spot towards his nephew. "And don't worry. It'll work. And once we rejoin my father and end this rebellion, I'll talk to my father about you."

"Pardon?" Stannis asked.

"You know. The fact that Uncle Renly was made heir to Storm's End despite you being next in line. I love Uncle Renly but he's never picked up a sword in the years I've known him and he's still in King's Landing while we're here. I'll talk to my father and get the matter settled." William promised.

"I'm honored, nephew. But your father did what he did for a reason." Stannis said, hiding his disgust at the insult he was given that day.

"I know, and now he'll have a reason to undo it. Don't worry, uncle. You'll be able to move Aunt Selyse and my baby cousin to Storm's End once this is done. And hopefully, the change from Dragonstone will take the stick out of your ass." William joked, walking out of the tent with a chuckle.