
The Blue Whisper

Princess Shunde captured a jiaoren demon and wanted to find someone to tame it. The princess has three wishes: that the demon utters human words, that the demon’s tail turns into legs, and that his heart will never be rebellious. Everyone knows that the East Demon Island, the West Demon Mountain, the South Demon Valley, and the North Demon Terrace are the only four places in the world that permit people with the ability to control demons. And the Demon Valley in the south has the strongest Demon Controlling Master in the world. She was the most powerful demon master in the Demon Valley, but her heart was enchanted by a demon.

Lb_1975 · Fantasy
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248 Chs

Chapter 3: The Competition 

As soon as Ji Yunhe entered the main Li Feng Hall and saw Lin Haoqing standing beside the old Valley Master with downcast eyes, she knew there was nothing good in store for her.

"Valley Master," Ji Yunhe bowed. Lin Canglan looked ancient with a face full of wrinkles, but the pair of eyes between the lines were still as sharp and intimidating as a hawk.

"Yunhe is here." Lin Canglan coughed a few times and beckoned her to come forward.

"What has Yunhe been up to lately?"  

Ji Yunhe walked up respectfully. "Trained some small demons a few days ago and sent them off. Now I am just giving the demon masters under me some pointers and techniques."Lin Canglan nodded.

"Good girl, always doing your best for the valley." His old fingers reached out and took Ji Yunhe's hand, patting it.

"You've been working hard."

"It is my duty," Ji Yunhe lowered her head and bowed again. Lin Haoqing's eyes turned slightly and glanced over Ji Yunhe's face. 

Lin Canglan nodded as if extremely pleased, and then said in a feeble voice, "I have gathered all of the most capable people into our Demon Valley. Thanks to Emperor Gaozu's favor, we have been allowed to manage the demon lineage here in the southwest and live a relatively peaceful life. Now Princess Shunde is asking for our help in taming a powerful demon, this is both an important task and an imperial gift. We must not fail."

Ji Yunhe and Lin Haoqing both listened quietly. Although Ji Yunhe's face seemed calm, her heart could not help but feel some distress. It appeared that she would have to get involved with this job...  

"I thought about it again and again, a demon like this will need to be handled by you two." Lin Canglan coughed a bit and said, "Coincidentally, as an old man, I have been in poor health lately and I am aware that my fate is near..."  

"Good fortune to the Valley Master." 

"Long life to father."

Ji Yunhe and Lin Haoqing spoke almost simultaneously as the two of them knelt on the ground next to each other. Lin Canglan smiled and waved his hand.

"This body… an old man knows himself. It is also time to appoint the next master of the valley." With this statement, the entire hall fell silent.

"You are both my children, and you are both very good. Since it is difficult to choose, I will take advantage of this opportunity and give you two a competition." Lin Canglan took out a letter from his robe. Its paper was exquisite and smelled of incense.

"Princess Shunde wrote this. She is asking us to tame this demon with three wishes in mind. First wish is for this demon to speak human words. Second wish is for him to grow legs. The third wish is for him to serve without rebellion. Between you two, whoever accomplishes them first will become the next Valley Master."

"At your command, father," Lin Haoqing clasped his hands and replied. Ji Yunhe, on the other hand, did not speak. Lin Canglan turned his eyes and stared at her.

"Yunhe?"Ji Yunhe looked up at him. When she met Lin Canglan's kind but piercing gaze, her heart felt cold. She had no choice but to hold back all of her emotions.

"Yes, Yunhe is at your command."

Leaving the main Li Feng Hall, Ji Yunhe walked absent-mindedly until she was about to part ways with Lin Haoqing. He called her name, abruptly returning her to her senses, and she looked up at him.

"Yunhe," Lin Haoqing's voice was polite but distant, "I look forward to learning from you in the coming days."

Ji Yunhe also returned the salute. "You're too kind, brother." After the courteous exchange, the two had nothing more to say. The valley outside the main hall was full of flowers all year round.

When the spring breeze passed by, their petals and scent would linger in the air, making it extremely pleasant. The corner of her lips moved, but when she opened her mouth to speak, Lin Haoqing coldly turned around and walked away, avoiding her eyes.

Ji Yunhe stood at the same spot looking at his distant back. She smiled helplessly. She called him brother because she really did see him as one. Ji Yunhe turned around and saw the flowers in bloom under the warm spring sun. Her thoughts drifted back in time.  

She saw herself many years ago, when she was still a little girl who did not know the world. She would jump and play in the flowers while Lin Haoqing, a few years older than her, stood in the distance and quietly watched her. His eyes had been gentle, and his smile a bit mild. She always picked a handful of flowers haphazardly and took them to him.

"Brother Haoqing, do the flowers look pretty?" 

Lin Haoqing would smile and touch her head. He would then pick the grass and messy branches out of her hair and put a flower behind her ear.

"Flowers look best on you."