
The Blue Water

Sometimes mind games is more important to fight with some one rather to use our physical powers.

Ayushi_Dixit_4975 · Fantasy
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10 Chs


In the kingdom every one was searching for Tia but there is no traces about her in the kingdom.The hidden power was continuously attacking on the kingdom and destroying the agricultural fields and shops which is the source of income to the people of the kingdom.

In the evening a strange message delivered to Birba by an eagle. The message was written in the local language of the kingdom that Mr. Varu is in the planing to flee away from your prison if you can then stop him. Birba increase the security near the Mr. Varu and asked Rahil to stay with Mr. Varu so that he can't flee away but in the night Birba hear the sound of Rahil screaming for the help and same thing happens with Rahil. Rahil hear the sound of Birba for help both ran to help each other but soon they realize that it was a trap so that Mr. Varu can flee away from the prison when they reach the spot where they kept Mr. Varu they found that Mr. Varu was not there and suddenly a wind start blowing at very high speed and it leaves a note to the Birba.

After coming in the palace Birba read the note which is also written by the same person who send the first note. In this note some one wants to meet Birba as he knows the real killer of her sister Malishka. At first Birba didn't belive in the message and she simply ignores it but later on everyone some how that person starts sending messages to Birba saying that there is someone who is dumping you, You are trusting the wrong people, they are only using you because you have your magical powers which are so powerful such that you can rule over the whole world with them. One night Birba hear some sound and she wake up from the sleep, she found Mr. Varu standing in front of him, she tried to arrest Mr.Varu but her magical can't support her. Mr.Varu start laughing and said catch me Birba if you can. See yourself Birba , the top magician whose magic can't be broken by any one in the whole universe is now feeling weak, she can't even catch me a normal person without magic. Think Birba, why your magic is becoming weak day by day ? Why you can't still find out the killer of your sister? Why every strange thing is happening to you after you meet Mr. Dark? Why Mr. Dark yet keep me and princess Aasu alive? What was the secrete of the dark cave from where you caught me ? Think Birba think and suuddenly Mr. Varu disappear.