
The Bloody Vampire Boss

"My boss is a vampire?" *** An unknown creature killing and draining humans blood at night... A curfew by the cops to keep the people safe from the strange deadly creature. Here we have Allison, an office secretary. Allison's world revolved when she fell in love with her new hot boss Nicklaus Michelson. Unknown to her that her new boss is the wanted beast... A vampire. Will Allison get through this? What if the vampire is obsessed with her already? *** Find out!

Preshpinky · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Allison's encounter


I looked at the clock on my table, and I saw time was fast spent. It was 8pm already. I looked around the office and I saw everywhere was empty.

"How could I have slept off." I said to myself. I looked back, and I saw Mr Nicklaus still in the office. He was doing something on her laptop I guess.

"Or maybe he is still here because of me." I thought standing up in haste and rushing into the office.

"Sir." I said and he looked up.

"Oh. You are awake." He said without looking up.

"I'm very sorry. Sir, I didn't know when I slept off on my desk." I stammered and he nodded smiling. He rose up his head to look at me.

"I understand you Allison. You looked tired, and I didn't want to disturb you." He said and I smiled.

"But I kept you waiting." I said and he smiled again.

"Not really. I kept myself busy by surfing the web. It's no big deal." He said looking at the laptop and I nodded.

"What if I didn't wake up on time?" I asked and he looked at me again.

"Then I would be forced to drive you home while you are still asleep." He said.

"You don't even know my house." I said laughing and he scoffed.

"I am your boss. All I need to know about you is right here, including your address." He said and I nodded.

"I do forget that. I should start going, so I won't delay you here." I said.

"Yes you should. I bet you missed your date with Mr Marcus." He said switching off the laptop and standing up.

"Wait. What? Date? No. We are just friends." I said and he smiled packing his desk.

"How did you know anyway? You were gone before he talked about it." I asked and he smiled looking at me.

"My ears are the best in the world." He said and I laughed.

"Okay Mr Nicklaus, you need to stop pulling my legs." I said walking out of the office with a smile on my face. He is actually fun to be with, I prefer him 100% to that asshole of an ex-boss.

I packed the necessary things and carried my bag. I looked back, and I saw him at my back already.

"I should walk you home." He said and I shook my head.

"No you don't need to. You brought a car, I should make you walk." I said and he furrowed his brows.

"I didn't bring any car Allison." He said, and my mouth curved in a round form.

"You didn't? huh? I thought you did. I mean all the managers here have one." I rapped.

"I have one, but I wanted to come on foot. Little exercise." He said and I nodded raising my brows.

"But I insist you should head home straight. I have troubled you enough, you shouldn't even be here by this time." I said and he sighed.

"You are a lady. I am a man. I heard all the things happening here in this town and I don't think it's safe to walk alone." He said and I shook my head again.

That's how stubborn I can be.

"I insist boss. Please go home to your family, I will be fine. Marcus will meet me soon." I said, and I noticed at the mention of family his smile faded away.

"Okay. Good night." He said in haste and began to walk away. I didn't want to call him back because I was actually the one that didn't want his help.

I sighed and walked down the hallway to the exit door. The security man was still on seat, most of them have shifts.

"Good night Miss Allison." He said and I waved him goodnight.

I got out of the company and the cool breeze that blew my skin forced a reliving sigh out of my mouth.

I looked left and right and began to walk left, which was the road to my house. Furthermore, I picked out my phone from my bag and I saw several calls and text messages from Marcus.

"Sh*t." I mumbled dialing his number. It began to ring, and I hoped he picked up. And he actually did.

"Hey Marcus"

"Oh my God, Allison where have you been?"

"At the office. I'm sorry I'm late. I will be home soon"

"Why are you just leaving? That your boss delay you?? What did he ask you to do?" Marcus asked angrily.

"Calm down Marcus. He didn't delay me, in fact I delayed him because I slept off, and he didn't want to leave me all by myself at the company"

"It's not safe out there now. Where are you? Let me come pick you up"

"Don't worry Marcus. I will be fine"

*Hears a sound, like a rushing passing wind. Distracts her from the call*

"Allison are you there?"

*Jerks back into the conversation*

"I got to go now Marcus. I will be home soon, I promise. And don't go anywhere"

I said and hung up facing back. The wind was loud enough, and I wondered if it was just a wind.

I looked back slowly and began to walk again. The next thing I heard was another swift sound at my back making me jump in fright.

"Hello." I called out. There was no one around and the houses, their doors were shut. I was the only one out, and I was beginning to freak out.

With my face turned back, the sound came from the front again, this time way closer. I began to fidget and the only thing that came to my head was.


I took to my heels and began to run to the next turning. Tears began to fill my eyes because I knew if that thing caught up with me, it was going to rip me apart just like those news from the television.

As I ran I kept looking back, and I kept hearing the sounds of wind behind me, like it was racing right and left after me.

I looked back once again, and I saw the flash of a black shinning fur. It's an animal. I increased my pace as I saw the next turning right in front of me.

I raced into this turning and I felt someone grab me by the arm. Furthermore, I wanted to scream, but a hand blocked my mouth. Likewise, I struggled with my eyes shut.

"Hey. Hey. It's me, it's Nicklaus." I heard, and I opened my eyes breathing very hard.

"Mr Nicklaus." I said hugging him in fear and terror.

"Something, it... Was after me…" I stammered but he asked me to stop.

"It will be fine. It's gone." He said and I looked around. We were at the back of a tree and I couldn't hear the sounds anymore.


But wait, what animal is that?