
The BloodStone Harem

Empress Yanelis Kalino is feared and revered by many. She is strong willed, smart, clever, and a master with weapons. Being both deadly in skills and in looks, she has the world practically laid out before her. And now, an heir is in order. She finds herself sending a request to have a Prince from the Kingdom of Phasikar, uniting it to her Empire of Kuxecaea. The smaller kingdom isn’t something she worries about, but will offer her protection so long as a decent prince is offered. However, she doesn’t necessarily rush into anything, and finds some interesting things about her new husband, including him being an illegitimate child of the King Diarmait Crandomna. When she makes him an offer he couldn’t refuse in exchange for him choosing two suitors for her harem, pleasing her is simply the start of their path for revenge against the Kingdom of Phasikar and all that had dared to betray them. Excerpt: “And your wish, state it clearly for all to know.” Yanelis leisurely commands, looking as though she hadn’t a care in the world knowing full well what her Emperor is going to say to her council. “I, Emperor Asteropaios Crandomna, first of my name and devote spouse to Empress Yanelis Kalino, wish for the Empire of Kuxecaea to conquer the Kingdom of Phasikar.” He states with all of the strength of a true Emperor, a deadly and malicious aura rolling off of him in waves. “Your Majesties, we must have a justifiable reason to start a war…” Duke Vakhtang Shishman says without thinking before recovering from shock. “When have I ever needed a reason besides ‘Because I want to’?” Empress Yanelis asks with a huge smile that causes fear to rise in her subjects. With a snap of her fingers, she gives a sharp order. “Whip him twenty times for speaking such nonsense. I expect you to meet us in the war room after, Duke Vakhtang Shishman.” And with that, she rises and leads the way to their war room, pleased with her Emperor for the moment as the sharp crack of a whip is heard.

Skaoi_Nott · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Four

"He's a clever man, going beyond the studies he's given by the tutors for his Emperor duties. He's using our vast libraries to his advantage, continuously studying upon the various nations. None of the servants can complain either, in fact they're rather fond of him and his lenient behavior. He's strict in terms of etiquette, but allows them plenty of room to breathe and allows them to take their leave when they finish their duties, even if it's early." Lord Antiphates Ayyub details to Empress Yanelis, stating what he's noticed of the last few days. "In short, he appears very much the ideal Emperor and has settled in well."

"And what of Prince Jun Tigin, have they met yet?" Yanelis asks after taking a moment of consideration. She continues feeding her pet peacock Urriel while she listens intently.

"They have been mostly keeping to separate sides of the palace, though it doesn't appear intentional. They are each aware of the other's presence and Prince Jun does seem curious though apprehensive. Prince Asteropaios hasn't shown much interest at all, so we can't properly gage his feelings on the matter." Antiphates replies with a smirk as he felt he had an inkling to what her Majesty may order next.

"The guards for Prince Asteropaios seem in good spirits, but in sparring they have laxed. I would like to put them on a new training regime to keep them in proper shape." Lady Tyri Saifuddien requests with a humble bow to Yanelis.

"I see, you've always been the best in training them, so I have no complaints. Antiphates, do you have any qualms?" Yanelis questions him with mirth in her eyes.

Antiphates sighs with a shake of his head. "My only request is that they are trained every other day by Lady Tyri. I'm afraid that her rigorous exercises will wear the guards unusable for some time otherwise."

Yanelis laughs at this with Chantal and Sophia while Tyri rolls her eyes with a disgruntled look. "Yes, I do agree to that. Tyri, you're amazing in many ways, but not all can keep up so easily."

"I shall keep that in mind, my Empress." Tyri replies with another bow.

"As for them not meeting yet, send a request for both to join me for tea tomorrow. It's already been three days, it's time for finalizing our wedding." Yanelis states nonchalantly.

"Of course, I will have the invitation delivered immediately for our Empress." Sophia bows, then leaves to call on two servants.

"Am I invited to this tea, dear sister?" Chantal asks with excitement gleaming in her eyes.

"Of course you can join." Yanelis relents, not planning to invite her originally but couldn't see a reason to not do so. Plus, she knew her sister was eager to meet the new Emperor, and having tea was something she enjoyed all too well.

"Yes! Thank you Empress! I just got a new dress that I believe will be most fitting! Oh, this is so exciting!" Chantal rambles, one of the few times she can show her childish side as they were in private with the most trusted servants.

"I'm sure it will be." Yanelis states with a smirk.


"Your Grace, the items you requested has arrived." Lumturie announces, causing Asteropaios to set his pen aside and make his way over to them.

"Please show me the end product." Asteropaios requests with his eyes solely on the ornate box. The servants open it to reveal a beautifully made sword with two matching daggers. Each had ravens etched into the blade, and a colorful dragon head handle. "Show the quality and sharpness." He orders, them quickly showcasing how durable the blades are. They showed how sharp they were next, easily splitting paper. "And the others?" He asks, them placing the blades back into their packaging before bringing forth another one. In this box, they reveal a set of wooden blades that were designed perfectly to match the metal set. "Where's Consort Jun?"

"He's in the northern solarium practicing his instruments, your Grace." A maid replies immediately.

"Very well, lead the way. Bring those with us." Asteropaios orders, all the servants quick to follow them. Lumturie falls in line behind them as they make their way through the palace halls, soon hearing the notes of piano floating out to them.

"His Majesty, Future Emperor, Prince Asteropaios Crandomna, has arrived!" a servant announces his arrival after he makes them wait until Prince Jun Tigin finished playing his song.

"Greetings to his Majesty." They all bow and greet Asteropaios, though Prince Jun moved and spoke slightly slower than the rest.

"Please rise." Asteropaios tells them benevolently as he inspects the place. He had heard that the prince enjoyed music and would play for Empress Yanelis, but he hadn't realized how talented the boy was. And, as further testament to the doting he received, the solarium held what appeared to be an instrument of every type. "Prince Jun, let's take some time to get to know one another." He says while motioning to some seats. Ater they sit, Prince Jun hesitantly doing so, servants rush in with snacks and refreshments. "You're quite talented with the piano, it was a rather refreshing sound to be greeted with."

Prince Jun scrutinizes his gentle smile, like he's trying to discern something. "Th-hank y-you.., your Gr-grace." He stammers, unsure of the future Emperor's intentions.

"I brought you a gift." Asteropaios motions to his servants, waiting for them to reveal the blades to him before speaking. "I heard that your familiar blades were lost in the war, and that you yourself didn't have a set. Please accept these as a show of my goodwill and friendship, I hope they bring you much joy and honor."

"Your Grace, pardon my intrusion but his Highness, Consort Jun, doesn't know how to handle blades." A stern looking maid quickly steps forth, bringing some tension to the room.

"Ah, yes, I see…" Asteropaios replies, still amicable but a slight bit of sterness was there. "It's a good thing that I brought him a set of practice ones too." He motions to his servants and they rush forth to display the wooden weapons to Prince Jun.

"Forgive my insolence, your Grace, Prince Asteropaios, but there's too much of a risk of Consort Jun becoming injured. I must implore-" The maid is cut off by Asteropaios here.

"What's your name?" He asks, a pleasant smile kept on his face.

"I'm Lady Meridith Ecsheild, nanny and head maid for Prince Jun." She replies instantly with a deep bow, though the tension was still strongly felt.

"I see, her Majesty, Empress Yanelis, must trust you much to give you such a spot." He compliments her before holding a finger up. "However, for you to imply that Consort Jun is so weak is a direct disrespect to him, especially before the eyes and ears of others. I do understand you desire to protect him, but he must be able to defend himself too. Am I correct in assuming that this would be something to interest you, Consort Jun?" His stern reprimand only softening when he addresses Jun at the end.

Jun feels all eyes on him, instantly spiking his nerves and agitating him. He was thankful to her Majesty and Meridith, but also knew that he was a rather heavy burden as he was. His capabilities had improved much since coming to Kuxecaea, but he hadn't ever been taught to handle a weapon and he still had much further to go. He had watched Future Emperor Asteropaios, but hadn't sensed any malice, annoyance or anger from him towards himself. "I think I'd like to l-learn." He silently curses his stammer, flushing from it before seeing Asteropaios' smile. He quickly looked away, but was happy to cause him to smile. The previous Emperors didn't seem to like him much and ignored him for the most part. However, Emperor Julius had beaten and yelled at him for accidentally bumping into him. His beloved Empress Yanelis wasn't happy with that and Emperor Julius soon was taken away, though he wasn't sure where to or what happened to him.

"Consort Jun-" Meredith is cut off again here.

"His Majesty, Future Emperor Asteropaios Crandomna and Imperial Consort Jun Tigin are in agreeance with this. You're an imperial servant of Moon Palace, please do not forget yourself." Lord Antiphates suddenly announces his arrival as he walks through the door, staring down Lady Meridith. He bows to the two with respect as he reaches the table. "Greetings to Future Emperor and Imperial Consort, many blessings upon you both."

"Thank you Lord Antiphates, please stand." Asteropaios says amicably.

"My apologies your Grace! Your Highness! I only wished to protect Consort Jun!" Lady Meridith, seeming to remember her position, throws herself upon the floor and bows to each of them.

"Please stand Meri, I forgive you." Jun replies instantly feeling bad and starts to pick at his fingers in worry and agitation.

"I will allow this once only for Consort Jun, but should another instance like this arise again, whoever is the offender they will be punished." Asteropaios intones with sudden authority, gaining the attention of all the servants instantly. "You not only offended myself, but Consort Jun and her Majesty, Empress Yanelis as well! Remember that." He stares into Meridith's eyes at the end of that, allowing a moment for all of that to sink in fully before turning with a bright smile to Lord Antiphates. "Antiphates, can you see to it that Consort Jun and I have three training sessions together a week?" He looks over to Jun and gives him a bigger smile. "I believe this will help allow us to bond more working together on bettering ourselves."

"I will personally train you if you'd like, your Majesty and Highness." Antiphates replies with a smile himself. He felt that this Emperor may be a bit more interesting than the previous ones.

"I have no complaints, what about you Consort Jun?" Asteropaios asks with an arched brow.

Jun shakes his head while bitting his lower lip. "I would like that, no complaints." He says softly, blushing again when Asteropaios smiles at him. He felt a warmth at being seen by this Emperor that he couldn't quite understand.