
The Bloodline System

In a future timeline, the earth was visited by a species known as the Slarkovs. Having lost their home planet and in search of a new one, the Earth was the next habitable planet for them. Humans and Slarkovs made a deal with each other in return for the Slarkovs living on Earth. The Slarkovs traded their technology and knowledge for a new home. They were similar to humans except for some of them who had slight differences, so fitting into society wasn't a problem. Over the years, Slarkovs and humans began to mate with one another and reproduce offspring. This, in turn, created new species known as the mixedblood. Centuries later, mixedbloods could tap into their bloodline and perform unimaginable feats. Gustav was born into an age where bloodline determines everything and struggles to fit in with a useless bloodline. His bloodline only grants him the ability to change his hair colour, destroying his hopes and dreams for a great future. His fate is turned around when an unexpected situation leads to him finding a system that grants him the power to unlock and upgrade bloodlines by completing quests, but he's baffled by two quests with a five-year deadline. Success will grant him unimaginable rewards... But only one thing awaits him if he fails... Death! Follow Gustav on his interesting journey filled with unprecedented adventures, danger, and death, maybe? PS: The MC's character growth happens more than once in this story. Join my discord server » https://discord.gg/kSde8pwr

TimVic · Fantasy
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1557 Chs

Power Of Life Sign Tracking

Gustav sight changed, and the view that appeared in front of him was that of a different location entirely.

"What is this? Angy?" Gustav instantly sat up as he noticed something or rather someone in his line of sight.

"What in the world is that?"

Gustav could see Angy and a group of four going against a shadowy humanoid-looking creature.

The creature would merge into structures, and the next time it appeared would be from another location. The instant it grabbed onto a person, the person's body part it made contact with would be covered in a web of blackish substance. Instantly, that body part will lose function, and the creature would gain control of it.

At the moment, piles of body parts could be seen on the ground. Heads, limbs, ears, eyeballs, e.t.c.