
The Bloodborne Heir

In the ancient city of Aetheris, Kurogane Alaric discovers he's the heir to the Dreadlords Clan, masters of fear and darkness. As he grapples with newfound powers and a prophetic destiny, Kurogane navigates a hidden world of vampire politics and dark conspiracies, uncovering family secrets and confronting a rising darkness that threatens both human and vampire realms.

GEN_Z · Fantasy
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13 Chs


The discovery of his father's journal had left Alaric with a mix of emotions. Each entry painted a picture of Thomas Greene as a dedicated police officer, tirelessly working to protect the city from unseen dangers. Alaric admired his father's courage and sense of justice, but there was one case that stood out among the rest—the case that would change everything.

In the quiet of his room one evening, Alaric delved deeper into the journal. He turned to the pages marked with Thomas's handwriting, detailing the investigation that would lead to his father's untimely death.


Thomas Greene stood in a dimly lit alley, the chill of the night air sending shivers down his spine. He was following a lead on a series of disappearances that had baffled the police department for weeks. His instincts told him there was more to these cases than met the eye.

As he rounded a corner, Thomas came face to face with a figure cloaked in shadows—a vampire. The creature's eyes glinted with a hunger that sent a chill down Thomas's spine. He reached for his gun, but before he could react, the vampire lunged at him with supernatural speed and strength.

Their struggle was brief but intense. Thomas fought with everything he had, but he was no match for the vampire's ferocity. In a moment of desperation, he managed to fire a shot, hitting the vampire in the shoulder. It howled in pain and fled into the darkness, leaving Thomas wounded and bleeding on the cold pavement.

Back in the present, tears welled up in Alaric's eyes as he read the final entries in his father's journal. He now understood why his family had moved to Japan—to start fresh, away from the dangers that had claimed Thomas's life.

The weight of his father's sacrifice hung heavy on Alaric's heart. He vowed to honor Thomas's memory by uncovering the truth behind his death and bringing justice to those responsible.

Meanwhile, at St. Gabriel's Academy, the atmosphere grew tense as rumors spread among the vampire students. Adrian Blackwood, Elena Ravenscroft, and Lucas Thorne observed Alaric closely, their suspicions deepening with each passing day. Adrian, in particular, couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Alaric than met the eye.

One afternoon, Adrian approached Alaric during lunch break. "Mind if I join you?" he asked, his tone casual yet curious.

Alaric looked up from his lunch, surprised by Adrian's sudden interest. "Sure, go ahead," he replied, gesturing to the empty seat opposite him.

Adrian sat down and studied Alaric for a moment before speaking. "You've caught my attention, Alaric. There's something about you... something familiar."

Alaric tensed slightly, unsure of how to respond. "I'm not sure what you mean," he said cautiously.

Adrian leaned forward, his voice low. "You have a presence, an aura that I haven't felt in a long time. It's almost as if... but no, it couldn't be."

Alaric's heart raced as he realized Adrian's words held more truth than he was ready to accept. Could Adrian know about his true heritage? And if so, what did that mean for Alaric's future at St. Gabriel's?