

Derek went straight to the kitchen as always, he brought out a sandwich and ate, he opens a milk in the fridge and drank it all up.

After that he got upstairs and started preparing for his gang job.

He entered the bathroom, took his bath, and he wore the usual black hoodie and black jeans, when he exited the house he checked his phone for the time, and right now it was 5:30 pm, but he has to be there by 6:00 pm.

So he ran to the club as fast as he could, and few minutes later Derek finally arrived at the club, he entered and went straight to the room where they collect the package they'll deliver.

And as he entered he saw Sage, and Sage looked at him with a mild Smirk and asked.

"What the hell is wrong with your friend Freddy, he stop me after school asking me something about enhancement drugs", Sage asked with a funny expression.

Derek was suddenly worrying about Freddy as he asked,"nothing is wrong with him he's just being bullied that's all".

"Well I think he's power hungry just like you, we should invite him here to work for the gang", Sage proposed.

With his worried expression now turning into one of anger,"You don't have the right to fuckin involve him in any gang business".

"You know that you ain't gonna decide for him, you ain't his dad Derek", Sage said.

"No but i can watch out for him", and that's all he needs now", Derek said in a sad tone.

"But don't you think it's better to keep him In a place where you know what he's doing, rather than him being scouted you another gang", Sage asked he walked outback.

So Derek collected the bag with the package in it, so he marked the location on his phone, right now the Time was 6:25 pm, and as he walked out he said to himself,"well I need to deliver at least three packages this night".


After Freddy got home he took his bath as he prepared himself for his night outing, his mom called him to the shop, but he refused to go and he was dead serious, so she decided to have a conversation with him.

"Hey why are you hell bent on not going to the shop", Freddy's mom, Samantha asked.

"Nothing mom it's just that I need some space, to think that's all", Freddy said

"Ok no problem, and by the way greet your friend Derek", Samantha said.

After the conversation with her son she step outside, and ordered an Uber, immediately the Uber came, she got in and left.

After her departure, Freddy got up and prepared himself for the meeting he had with Joseph, and as he carried his bag he look at the wad of cash that was inside.

As he exited the house he checked the time on his watch and it was 6:30 pm,"well before I get to school it should take at least 30 minutes.


Derek walked for like a mile and a half before getting to his location, when he reached he stood under a close by tree.

"Hey who the hell are you", the man asked with a serious tone.

Upon talking a closer look at Derek, the man remembered that he ordered a package, so he asked, "are you the transporter from the tiger claw gang, wow who thought they would actually send a kid".

Derek walked closer to him as he answered,"yes I am, and here is your package, Derek opened the bag and gave him the contents of the bag.

The man collected the bag without giving Derek money in return, this instantly got Derek angry and he asked,"now you've collected the package give me the money".

The man looked at Derek with a sinister smile and replied,"I won't give you any cash I have none with me".

Derek looked at the man in a disgusting way,"you have to give me the money man".

The man dropped the bag and squeezed his hand into a punch,"I said I have no cash, what can you even do huh".

"This man is just wasting my time, I still have another delivery to make", Derek thought.

{ you have been called a kid, fight those who underestimate you }

[ Quest ]

[ Fight and defeat your enemies ]

[ 0/5 ]

"Well I can do this", Derek shouted as he ran towards the man, [ Beating heart ].


It wasn't long before Freddy got to school, and as he approached the gate he saw a dark shadowy figure approaching him.

Immediately he asked,"who are you ?, Joseph is that you", without a reply he started walking backwards.

"Hey chill am the one ok, now follow let head out to the location", Joseph responded.

So Freddy followed Joseph and they both walked to the sellers place, it took a whole 30 minutes to get there finally they arrived and the time was 6:30 pm.

Joseph knocked on the door, knock, knock, knock, and the seller opened the door slowly and with each inch the door took a creek sound followed.

The man greeted the boys and asked,"hope nobody followed you here".

Joseph instinctively smiled,"mr Jin no one followed us, believe me".

"Ok get in quickly", Jin told them.

And immediately they got in Jin closed the door behind them, he started showing them around his apartment and after that he took them to his lab.

As they all approached the lab he asked Freddy some questions, and Freddy replied honestly.

As they entered his lab he turned and looked at Freddy,"why are you here, and what do you hope to achieve while being here ?"

Freddy looked shocked because as a seller Jin was suppose to know what he wanted, and Jin asking himself what he hoped to achieve, it all sounded bazaar.

So Freddy changed his posture as he answered mr Jin,"am here to buy some enhancement drugs".

Mr Jin reads his composure as he replied,"what does a kid like you need such drugs for ?"

Freddy replied,"nothing meaningful.

"Then there's no need for you to buy it", Jin said as he showed Freddy the door.

Freddy immediately changed his tactic,"sir I need the drugs to protect myself from high school bullies".

"But you know the drugs will definitely have side effects right", Jin asked.

"Yes I know but am willing to go to any lengths to get stronger", Freddy said.

Mr Jin looked at Freddy for a moment and laughed,"you remind me of myself, when I was just as young and power hungry as you, and it lead me to this path".

"So will you help me mr Jin", Freddy asked.

Only on one condition, you'll never tell anyone about me and my work", Jin said.

"Ok I can do that, but you and your work what does that mean", Freddy asked.

"Well I used to be a weak and power hungry scientist, I was actually the one who found out about the (MAS) mutating Altered Serum, but it didn't work for me, so I tried other ways but to no avail it was all a failure", Jin answered.

"But the first serum I ever made is still with me, I can give it to you now but once you use it you can never become an altered, never", Jin said stressing the word never.

It took Freddy a while to think about it,"if I don't accept this I'll continue to be a weakling and if I take it I'll never be able to be an altered again".

"I accept the offer, but how much will it be", Freddy asked.

"It's for a simple price, the price of helping the weak in anyway you can", Jin said.

Freddy looked at Jin with an emotional face and asked,"it's literally free".

Jin walked to his lab table and carried a small box, he walked back to Freddy and gave him the box saying,"do good with it and help the weak".

Freddy looked at the box he was now holding which contained the serum, instantly he started crying remembering how weak he was and how that would change in just a minute.

Freddy thanked Jin for the serum and he took his leave, He exited the apartment with Joseph as they both head home together, on their way home Freddy and Joseph introduced themselves and immediately became friends.

Not long after, they both arrived in front of the school and the both bid each other farewell, then Joseph left Freddy as he too was heading home in other to use his new serum.


Derek just finished his fight with the man and Derek ended up beating him and his friends up, and Derek also remembered that he had some notifications during the fight so he decided that when he got home he would check it.

But in front of him was an issue and the issue was the fact that his delivery was a total failure, and after searching the men he saw some bundles of cash in their pockets, so he decided that he would give both the money and the package to king kade.

So he picked the package and left the area in a short while he arrived at the club, he walked into the club as usual and went straight to the back entrance.

As he entered he met king kade talking to a man that had scruffy beards, he was tall and muscular, as Derek entered he heard king kade calling him Mark.

And as he entered the room they stopped their conversation and they both looked at Derek, it took Derek a few minutes to notice that he was interrupting their discussion.

And immediately he apologized as he went back outside, it took five minutes for king kade and his visitor to finish their conversation, and afterwards mr Mark came out, as he walkout of the room his eyes were fixed on Derek.

Derek could sense danger coming off the man, deep down he knew that mr Mark was an altered, but he was called back into reality as king kade kept calling him.


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