
The Blood Red Orchestra

A_True_Shadow · Fantasy
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5 Chs


[ I am so mad right now I forget to save what I wrote and it got deleted ]

Akari: WHAT!?!?!?!? WHY AM I IN THE MISFIT CLASS!?!?!?

Teacher: Because your a misfit. Now set down, Now that that's over let's begin interjections I'll go first. My name is MS Aimi.

[a few hours after interjections]

Akari: Finally it's lunch

As Akari walks to the cafeteria she bumped into one of her classmates

In Akari's mind, what was his name again Katie, Kyle, Kai, Kayla or was it K...

Classmate: My bad I don't see you there.

Akari: it's okay, But can I ask you what your name was again?

Classmate: I don't mine, My name is Ken sun

Akari: WHat a nice name

In Akari's head again, God are you kidding me he has the same name as me in my last life the only thing different is the lest name...

Well this is the author speaking to you guys and girls please leave a comment to let me know somebody's actually reading this byeeee