
Late Night Visit

It had been six months since he had returned to the Xueyue City to earn enough money to renovate his Snowfall Villa Inn and travel the world without worries. He had stayed put on that city, waiting for everything to settle up and make sure he will no longer be pulled by the strings of the throne he had give up to his brother and go back to normalcy.

He liked the city, but he also liked his freedom and lately it was becoming too noisy with Qianluo following him here and there, for no reason. He had thought in giving her a chance at first, but at the end he could not give the step to change their relationship into something more romantic, because his heart wasn't in it the way it was supposed to be. She wasn't bad, because she was beautiful, courageous and strong, but she was too bossy and impatient and he was honestly wanting some time alone.

Thus, after he had more than enough money to keep up his previous ownership of his Inn, he decide it was time to return to his calm origin as a commoner. Qianluo and Ruoyi had insisted in going with him, but he was more stubborn than both of them combined and his wish persevere with the approval of the City Master. Lei Wujie was once again training with the Lei family and he was powerful enough to take care of himself in his lone journey, so he left.

Without Lei Wujie to get him lost for months, he was glad to reach his Inn in a relative shorter period of time and find the place still standing, even when it obviously needed more work than he had anticipated. It didn't really matter, if he end up spending a bit more money on it, because he had more than enough now and he could make it more comfortable and warmer to keep away the cold strong wind.

This time, even if there were few costumers for the moment, at least he could spend his time training and go further than he did the first time he started from step one. Xiao Se knew that he still have enemies lurking in the darkness and a promise to Wuxin to keep, to meet again and travel the world together, to view the pick of Mount Kunlun, the edge of the sea and the edge of the world. He was looking forward to that and no matter what, he was going to be strong enough to keep Wuxin safe as well in the unfortunate case it may be needed.

Soon, the renovations started and while he waited for it to be complete, he trained day and night with that purpose on his mind, just stopping to eat, rest and sleep late at night. A month and a half after the work begin and mostly finish, he came to rest on his bed late in the night, exhausted of the day training and lay down into the cold sheets.

Even with the renovations, the room was still chillier than he wanted and he shudder on his bed, not wanting to get up to get a hold on another warm quilt. He was too exhausted to move a finger, let alone to go out of bed. The cold was not going to last forever and he had improved his Inn as much as he could already.

Xiao Se, finally closed his eyes to let his mind rest and soon after, exhaustion give way to a peaceful sleep, but at some point, he wake up in the darkness of the night after feeling the presence of someone he had miss for a while now. He smiled to himself, without bothering to get up. If Wuxin wanted to meet with him that late, he will have to come and see him in his room and so he did.

He barely hear the sliding door open and close, and he barely hear Wuxin walk the short distance to his bed, although, he felt the weight of his body sit by his side strong enough to wake him up, if he had been someone else and fully asleep.

"Are you sick, Xiao Se? I thought the owner of the Inn will always welcome costumers as they come into the first floor." Xiao Se hear Wuxin ask.

"What costumer? You are always broke and I'm cold." He answer, not bothering to open his eyes or turn to face him.

"Ah, you always seems to be cold, I wonder why is always like that... well, want some company? I'm tired and the lazy owner don't offer accommodations to newcomers."

"Get in."

"You are such a caring man."

"I said I'm cold." Xiao Se refuted, yet Wuxin only smiled as he slipped inside Xiao Se's quilt after taking off his shoes and gently pass his arm over his waist.

"Will this help you with your cold?" Wuxin asked, but Xaio Se remained silent. Wuxin didn't mind it and instead he try to sense the other man inner strength.

"You have grown in power a lot..."

"I haven't been slaking off all this time. I haven't forget about our journey."

"What about Lei Wujie? I didn't sense him here."

"You know him, he is probably lost somewhere between the Inn and the Jiangnan Thunderbolt Sect." At that, Wuxin smiled.

"Probably. So... our journey is postponed?"

"Are you in a hurry? We can wait for him here, I know he will show up eventually."

"Perhaps a month later if we are lucky." Wuxin teased.

"He is already a month late, but another one is not very unlikely."

"Ah, what a bad sense of direction... Oh, well... we are on our own then."

"For now."

"What about Qianglou? She always seems to be around you, like it or not." Wuxin asked and sensed as Xiao Se tensed under his arm for the very first time since he cuddle him.

"She is not here."

"I know, I didn't sense her either... I thought... you two would end up been together at some point." Wuxin whisper and Xiao Se sighed.

"It was not really going to work."

"Don't have such high standards, it's not like you will become the next emperor."

"Don't ever mention that."

"Ah yeah, touchy subject, but not less true."

"Then what about you? Did you find a matching woman in your Tianwaitian Sect? I know you don't exactly follow the monks teaching."

"Hardly... there is no one else in the world like the soulmate I yearn for." Wuxin confessed making Xiao Se turn sides under his arm to finally look at him.

"Soulmate? You find someone that good already?"

"Of course." Wuxin said as he mischievously smiled.

"How come? Do I know her?"

"Are you that curious?"

"Fine, don't tell me."

"Have someone ever told you that when you pout you look cute?"

"Who is pouting? Certainly not me." Wuxin laughed.

"But you sure are cute."

"Stop the nonsense. Just got to sleep, I am also tired after a harsh day of training."

"You look tired indeed. Maybe we can train together tomorrow?"

"Will you stay?"

"Of course, we have a promise I will make sure you keep."

"You are so demanding."

"But you don't mind it, right? I can tell you were waiting for me from the very moment you decided to go back to this Inn."

"I know you were going to come as soon as you got the news."

"See? That's what you call a soulmate." Wuxin whisper as he deeply looked at Xiao Se's dark eyes. The implication, of course didn't pass unnoticed, specially when he was dealing with one of the smartest man he have ever known, so he waited patiently for Xiao Se's reaction.

Wuxin already had boldly use his once in a lifetime chance with someone as extraordinary as Xiao Se, when he had dare to sit on his bed and cuddle him under the covers. Wuxin only sensed Xiao Se tense when he mention Qiangluo, so he guessed that the other man was not really against the idea... more like he welcome it. However, a complex man like the one he was still holding was hard to read and he have a tendency to surprise.

"We are both men." Xiao Se whisper back, hesitating for the first time.

"Does it matter? You are free now, what stop you from doing what you want? You have never let someone else take control of your life, why beginning now? Unless you don't feel the same..."

"I do feel the same." Xiao Se admitted too fast for his own liking.


"It's... odd..."

"Well, odd doesn't mean disliking."


"What about a try?" Wuxin suggested.

"How come you, been younger, are this bold with me?"

"I'm not exactly seducing you."

"Of course you are."

"I just miss you."

"I miss you too, but you don't hear me asking for... for..."

"What? I didn't ask for anything yet, just a try and that could mean just spending time together. The one thinking about dishonest things is definitely, you." Wuxin concluded as he wickedly smiled at Xiao Se's hard expression.

"Ah, forget it." Xiao Se said as he was going to turn again to avoid him, but was stopped half way, as Wuxin pull him back, this time to clash against him closer.

"Xiao Se, like I said, you are actually very cute. Alright, you win..." Wuxin repeated as he try his chance a second time and gently kiss him. Apparently, Xiao Se was expecting it anyways, so he may as well use the opportunity to test the waters he had so willingly offer himself to drown into.

"Pervert monk." Xiao Se whisper into his lips and Wuxin smiled while ending the soft kiss.

"I'm not a monk, you just said so yourself."

"But are still a pervert."

"That I am willing to learn."

"Please don't... I'm not sure I'm ready for this."

"But we have time, right?" Wuxin asked and Xiao Se sighed.

"Why do I fell that I am your hostage again?" Xiao Se complained and Wuxin laughed.

"You never were... alright... let's have some deserve rest for now. Tomorrow, we can start by training. I really want to see your progress."

"Fine, but you will also show me yours." Xiao Se conceded and closed his eye.

"Of course. Sleep well, Xiao Se."

"You too, Wuxin."

"Should I move into another room?" Wuxin asked, which only make Xiao Se instinctively grab Wuxin's pale robes more tightly.

"No need. It's fine like this."

"Ah... who's the pervert now? I'm just an inocent lad."

"You wish. Good night." Xiao Se whisper as he cuddle him more comfortably.

To be honest with himself, Xiao Se felt warmer than he ever expected under the care of another man and the tingling sensation on his lips was not unpleasant, but welcoming. He felt strangely calm and relaxed under Wuxin's warm arms and he knew he will end up lost in them sooner than later. Deep down... he had miss it, deep down he had yearn for it and patiently waited for the ever present cold to recede just at the right time... and with the right soulmate.

With a soft smile on his lips, one of the rare he willingly gave, he fell asleep while holding Wuxin back. He had finally find his warmth.

AN: Thanks for reading this little treat. I hope someone likes it