
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Ur & His Followers

Melissa and Ruby sat in the dimly lit library, waiting for the Rebel-King. The candlelight flickered, casting unsteady patterns on the walls. Ruby pulled at a loose thread on her sleeve while tapping her foot on the floor. Melissa pressed her hands together, her lips thin with worry.

As they heard footsteps, both women looked up. Esvor entered, looking exhausted and worn down. His clothing was tattered, and he had cuts and bruises on his face and arms. The sight of him brought a sense of relief, but the atmosphere in the room still felt heavy. He nodded to them and walked further inside, his sword resting in its sheath.

They rose to their feet out of respect, but the Rebel-King motioned for them to remain seated.

"Hello," He pulled a chair and sat in front of them. "Hope you guys are okay."

"Yes, sir. Thank you." Melissa bowed. "Never have I thought a King would help us. I thought you – I mean…"

"What? Swimming in luxury and taking orders from the high elves?" Esvor smirked. "No, that's not me."

"Yes – I can now see that now, King. Thank you."

"So… what were you doing in the boys' dormitory? Are you homeless?"

"No, sir." Ruby released the thread she had been nervously pulling at. "We were just staying there for… well, it's hard to explain."

"We have time," Esvor replied, easing back and crossing his arms.

"My landlord got... physical with me when I couldn't pay the rent," Melissa explained, her voice quieter now. "So we ran. My friend Soul said we could stay here until we were back on our feet."

"Is Soul a student here?" Esvor asked.

"Yes." Melissa nodded. "Is he in trouble?"

"Professor Yuu will decide that. But I'm curious how that pervert, The Topple, knew where you guys were."

"Maybe we were followed?" Melissa suggested.

"Soul is careful. He'd notice it right away," Ruby pointed out.

"Who else knew you were staying here?" Esvor asked.

"Only the three of us…" Ruby sighed, her shoulders slumping. "This is so, so bad. Why did The Topple try to kidnap me?"

"Maybe he was trying to draw Soul in," Esvor scratched his chin and stared at the ground. "Does he, Soul, know The Topple?"

Ruby shook her head. "No, he doesn't."

"Mm," His eyes went back and forth between them. "You guys have nowhere else to go, I take it?"

"No…" Melissa said, looking at Ruby.

"We can't just throw you out there again." The Rebel-King said, rising to his feet. "You guys can stay here until that pervert is dealt with. Then – like I said, Professor Yuu will decide what's going to happen next, okay?"

"Okay…" Ruby replied. "Thank you, King."

"Nah – thank me when that bastard is dead."

The morning light filtered through the dense trees surrounding the temple's back garden, casting dappled shadows on the grass. The group moved quietly, careful not to draw attention to themselves. Nia crouched by the gate, working the lock with practiced skill while the others kept watch, their eyes scanning for any sign of movement.

Ōkora leaned against a tree, watching the garden's entrance, while Soul kept his gaze on the path leading to the temple. Ji-Hye and Hyun-Ki stood off to the side, their posture tense, ready to spring into action if needed. Lilith remained closest to Nia, her hand resting on her dagger, her eyes never leaving the gate.

The lock gave a soft click, and Nia swung the gate open just wide enough for them to slip through. They moved quickly and silently.

The temple stood ahead, its stone walls covered in ivy. They kept close to the shadows, using the overgrown foliage for cover as they made their way toward the back door.

"Sneaking into a temple – Ur, forgive me." Ji-Hye said under her breath. "What am I doing – following the Demon Queen? I'm crazy…"

"We won't do anything rash." Lilith assured. "Calm down."

"Don't take it personally, but I don't trust you, Demon," Ji-Hye retorted.

Lilith stopped and turned to face her, her expression challenging. "Then why are you here? If you don't trust me, why follow? Don't lie to me, Ji-Hye. You're scared – scared that there might be some truth in what I'm saying, right?"

"I... I know you're lying," Ji-Hye replied, trying to sound confident, though her words wavered.

Lilith stepped closer, her eyes steady on Ji-Hye. "Okay, feel free to leave," she said, with a slight chuckle.

A sound in the distance made them freeze. It was the shuffle of footsteps, faint but growing louder. Lilith signaled the group to hide, and they scattered into the trees, crouching low behind bushes and rock outcroppings. The footsteps grew closer, accompanied by the murmur of voices. A pair of temple guards appeared, patrolling the garden's perimeter, their armor clinking as they walked.

The group held their breath, watching the guards pass by without noticing them. When the guards were out of earshot, Lilith gave the signal, and they emerged from their hiding spots, moving carefully toward the back entrance. As they approached, they saw two more guards standing in front of the backdoor, alert and ready.

"Shit. What do we do?" asked Hyun-Ki.

"We'll figure something out." Nia said. "Anyone, ideas?"

"Leave it to me." Ōkora chuckled. "I'll handle them. Rest of you hide."

The group crouched behind a thick hedge at the edge of the temple's back garden, their eyes trained on the flickering glow of a campfire. Two guards sat around the fire, warming their hands as they chatted.

The garden was filled with overgrown bushes and vines that climbed the temple's ancient stone structure. A weathered statue stood nearby, partially obscured by ivy, its stone features softened hidden from all the bushes.

The guards seemed relaxed, their armor laid aside while they sat on crude wooden stools. One of them leaned back, laughing at something the other said, the sound carrying across the quiet garden. A small pot hung over the fire, simmering with what smelled like a simple stew. As they talked, one of the guards poked at the fire with a stick, sending sparks into the air.

"Hello, boys!" Ōkora waved happily. "How are you two doing?"

"W-wha… wait!" One of the guards reached for his sword. "You can't be here!"

"I can't be here?" Ōkora smirked, her eyes taking on a deep purple color as she sauntered toward them.

The second guard stepped back, his confusion evident. "You... can't be here?" he said, his voice wavering. "Who are you?"

"I'm Ōkora, the Champion of Nierman," she replied, pulling back her hood to reveal her striking features. "But you won't remember my name for long."

The guard on the left raised an eyebrow. "Ōkora? Gods – ma'am." He hesitated, then asked, "Why won't we remember your name?"

"Because we're going to have so much fun," she said, her voice like a drug, "that you'll forget everything else." She slid her arms around their shoulders and pulled them close, her touch electric. They didn't resist; instead, they leaned in, drawn by an irresistible force.

Ōkora's eyes were like a magnet, holding them captive. She stroked their cheeks gently, her touch leaving a trail of warmth. "You like my company, don't you?" she whispered, her breath hot against their skin. They nodded, their eyes glazed with desire.

She took their hands, lifting them to her lips, and ran her tongue along their fingers, her saliva a seductive shade of pink. The guards' eyes fluttered, a slow smile spreading across their lips. They were hers now, completely under her spell.

Ōkora leaned in, whispering into their ears, her words like a soothing caress. "Good boys," she purred. "Why don't you two take a break? You've been working so hard, you deserve to get some sleep. I'll keep an eye on things here. And when you wake up… we'll continue."

The guards nodded dreamily, their eyelids growing heavy, and before long they dropped to the ground, fast asleep. "We're clear." She said, her eyes returning their original color.

"Fuck… even I felt that." Hyun-Ki said as he left the hiding spot. "Man – Nierman is a scary goddess."

"How about you stop being horny for a second?" Nia asked. "Ur's beard, I swear…"

"Hey, sorry I can't resist charm spells. I'm not on that level yet."

"Ugh… let's just move on."