
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

The Temple

The group followed Lilith without knowing where she was leading them. Ji-Hye and Nia walked side by side, exchanging occasional whispers and curious looks at their surroundings. Behind them, Hyun-Ki, Ōkora, and Soul walked in a loose formation.

After a sharp turn on the dirt path, the group saw a small village. The early morning light cast a golden color over the scene, illuminating the simple, thatched-roof cottages and the narrow dirt paths winding between them. Chickens and ducks wandered freely, pecking at the ground, while a few children chased each other around a central well, waving wooden swords and laughing.

The villagers were already up and about, tending to their morning chores. A woman carried a basket of freshly baked bread, its aroma spreading through the village, while a man worked on mending a broken fence.

"Where are we?" Hyun-Ki asked, quickening his pace to catch up to Lilith. "I didn't even know there was a village here."

"You'll see," Lilith replied. "Just keep low and follow me."


"I still can't believe you resurrected the Demon Queen." Ōkora said to Soul. "You are a weird one."

He didn't reply back.

"You want another punch in the guts?" Ōkora asked, her irritation growing.

Soul kept walking with a dull expression and half-open eyes, as if her words meant nothing. He didn't even turn his head to acknowledge her, giving the impression that he couldn't be bothered to react. It was as though Ōkora's threat was just background noise to him.

Nia, hearing their conversation, slowed her steps and walked up to Soul's side, giving him a nudge. "Don't upset the champion, you fool," she whispered. "Act like a decent human being for once!"

"Why did you help me?" Soul asked, disregarding her advice. "Back then, when Ōkora attack me, you stepped in to protect me."


"You heard me."

"We're in this together, idiot," Nia replied. "I can't just stand aside and say, 'Oh yeah, kill that bastard.' Right? People have a conscience, unlike you."

"I have a conscience."

"Where – up your ass? Maybe." She shook her head and walked back toward Ji-Hye. "Just act like a normal human being."


The group continued along the path until they reached a small river that wound through the village. A modest wooden bridge crossed the water, its railings wrapped in lush flowering vines.

On the other side of the bridge, the village buzzed with life. A row of wooden stalls stretched along the path, each one with a different selection of goods. One stall had a display of fresh vegetables and fruits, while another showcased an array of handcrafted pottery. Further along, a vendor was selling woven baskets and tools, chatting with a customer as he wrapped their purchase.

"It's quite the village," Ji-Hye said as she followed Lilith across the bridge.

"It is," Lilith replied. "Redhaven is only two hours from here on horseback."

"Yeah… I'm surprised they let us leave the town in peace." Said Hyun-Ki. "We're lucky to be alive."

"They wouldn't do anything – hold up, you guys wait here."

The Demon Queen approached a stall that was lined with poorly-made daggers, bows, and swords. She spoke with the merchant briefly while the rest of her group watched from a distance. During their conversation, the merchant looked at the group, scrutinizing them for a moment before nodding as if he was accepting something.

Lilith gestured for them to come closer.

"What's going on?" asked Nia.

"This is James," Lilith said, introducing the man at the stall. "He's going to take us to a prayer site... or dungeon, depending on what you want to call it."

"A prayer site?" Ji-Hye raised an eyebrow. "Is that like an altar or something?"

"Much worse," replied the Demon Queen. "We're going to the Temple of Ur."

"Why? Are we going to watch some old men praying in his name?" Hyun-Ki wondered aloud. "Or are we supposed to pray to him ourselves?"

"Just to be clear," the merchant clarified, "I'm not taking you anywhere. I'm just giving you information."

"That's fine," Lilith nodded. "I need to know when the guards leave the back entrance or when their shifts change."

"50 golds."

"What?" The Demon Queen exclaimed. "50?"

"50," he repeated.

Ōkora stepped forward, a warm smile lighting up her face. "Isn't there something you could do for us?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. Her voice was soft and melodic as she made brief eye contact with the merchant. She leaned in just a bit, her hand gently resting on his arm.

The merchant hesitated, his stern expression faltering. "I could give it to you for 30," he said, though his voice wavered slightly.

Ōkora maintained her warm touch on his arm and gave him a playful wink. "Oh, come on, can't you do a little better?" she teased, tracing her fingers down his sleeve.

"O-okay. 25, I can't go lower."

"25?" Ōkora reached out and wrapped his arm between her breasts, drawing him into a partial hug. "Come on, Mr. Merchant, I'm sure you can do better," she said with a playful pout, her voice lilting with charm.

"I – 10."

"I think you are going to give that information for free." She whispered into his ear.

The merchant rubbed his neck and let out a nervous laugh. "Well... um, sure. Okay, no charge," he replied, clearly charmed by her.

Ōkora smiled sweetly and patted his shoulder. "Thank you," she said, her voice as sweet as honey. "We really appreciate it."

Hyun-Ki gulped nervously. "Ugh... Nierman-blessed girls are scary. And her champion is even scarier."

"The guards rotate throughout the day," the merchant explained, "and they usually put the newbies at the back entrance. They're still getting the hang of things, so they're not as alert as the more experienced guards. You might easily sneak past them."

Lilith looked at him, curious. "Okay… anything else?"

He pointed down a narrow alley across the bridge. "Follow this alley until you reach a small gate at the end. Normally, it's locked, but there's a spot where the lock is loose. You might be able to jimmy it open if you're quick."

"Got it."

The merchant looked over at the group, then shrugged. "I don't know why you'd want to enter a temple through the back entrance, but... good luck." With that, he turned and headed back to his stall, leaving them to their plans.

"So... what's the plan after entering the temple?" Ji-Hye stepped back. "We're not going to kill any innocent guards or worshippers, right?"

"Nope, we're just going to observe. That's all."

"Are you sure? Because I can't let you disrespect Ur or his followers, Demon Queen." Ji-Hye shook her head. "I'm one of his followers, an Ur-blessed."

"Like I said, I won't do anything. We're just there to observe."

"Okay... I hope so."

"Just relax." Lilith pointed out the bridge. "Let go and see that alley the merchant was talking about."