
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

That's Better

With a loud clang, the door swung open, revealing an empty house. Lore stepped inside, holding the door open for Soul and Nia.

"Come on in," Lore said, gesturing for them to enter. "Make yourselves at home."

Soul and Nia stepped into the house, kicking off their shoes by the entrance. Key's jacket hung by the peg, but his shoes were gone.

Lore sighed in frustration and closed the door behind them. "My brother is out again – as usual."

As they made their way further into the house, Lore led them down a narrow corridor toward her room. Along the way, they passed a cozy living area with mismatched furniture and shelves filled with books and trinkets.

"Sorry my room's a mess," Lore apologized, standing in front of the door. "I'll tidy up a bit. Give me a sec."

Nia nodded understandingly. "No problem. Where's the kitchen? I'm parched."

"Soul can show you the way," Lore said, disappearing into her room and closing the door behind. "Like I said, I 'really' have to tidy up my room. It's a mess."

"Wait..." Nia whispered. "Have you been here before?"

"Hmm," Soul confirmed.

"You..." Nia was taken aback. "Huh... wow."

"Why surprised?"

"It's... nothing. Forget it."

They sat quietly at the table. The sound of the heavy rain outside filled the room, a steady drumming against the windows. Through the glass, they could see people hurrying along the street, seeking shelter from the rain. Some ran with jackets pulled tight around them, while others dashed beneath awnings and overhangs to avoid getting soaked.

Nia shifted uncomfortably, then looked at Soul. She hesitated to talk, so she just coughed and drank her water.

"So…" she began after a moment. "You were locked in a cell when you were younger?"


"Why though?"

"It's personal stuff," Soul replied, his gaze drifting toward the window, where rain poured down outside.

"Don't 'personal stuff' me. Just tell me, why are you creating unnecessary mystery?"

"Maybe I don't like you." His eyes locked with her. "Or maybe – I just want to create unnecessary mystery."

"Fine, don't tell me. I don't care." She took the last sip of her water. "Idiot…"

As he stood up from his chair and closed the curtains, he saw the man with the bald spot once more. This time, the man didn't move or avert his gaze from Soul; instead, he just waved at him while wearing a creepy smile. Soul with his dull eyes kept looking at the stranger, he knew him from somewhere but couldn't make out who.

He stared at the ground, trying to remember the man. After ten or twenty seconds, he looked outside again. He was gone, but at least Soul was able to remember who he was.

"Melissa's landlord," Soul muttered under his breath. "Why is he following me?"

"What?" Nia leaned in. "Who is following who?"

"Nothing." Soul waved it off, sinking back into his chair. "Just a feeling. Something might go wrong. Be ready."

"Is it Ur?" Nia asked, her tone growing serious.

"No. The Topple… probably."

"Ugh. That pervert is the least of my worries right now. We have a god on our tail." Nia slumped back, a heavy sigh escaping her lips. "Gods – this is so bad. I agreed to fight alongside Hyun-Ki and his sister for the money. But look at us now. Hunted by a god."

"Hmm. What a day."

"Hey, you guys can come here!" Lore's voice rang out from the other room. "Let's hang out in my room. I tidied up – I think. Just don't look under the bed and we'll be fine."

"We're coming," Nia called back, rising from her seat.

In Lore's bedroom, Soul leaned against a bookshelf, while Nia and Lore settled on the edge of the bed. The room was filled with the steady patter of rain, its sound dominating the space. Each raindrop cast a shadow on the opposite wall from the window, where dark clouds obscured the sun.

"We should take a bath. My clothes are soaked," Lore said. "Nia, would you like to go first? I think I have some spare clothes for you."

"That'd be great. Thank you." She moved closer to her. "Will you be okay being alone with Soul?"

"Y-yeah." She chose to hide the fact that Soul stayed with her. "You go in. I'll get you fresh clothes and a towel."

"Okay, sweet."

Nia stood up and followed Lore to the bathroom. When he was left alone, Soul walked up to the window and looked outside. The man wasn't there.

After a minute or so, Lore came back with a smile on her face. Soul watched her with his dull eyes as she sat on the bed again. He was okay with not muttering even a word and let silence take over this moment. But, he knew Lore had other ideas.

"So…" she said, her voice hesitant as she looked at Soul.

He met her gaze with his usual impassive expression.

"I never said it – congratulations. You held your ground against someone like Marcy," Lore offered, trying to break the tension.

"I did nothing. Hyun-Ki, Nia, and Ji-Hy… Ms. Ran did all the work," Soul replied, deflecting the praise.

"Yeah, but still, congrats."

"Thanks," Soul murmured, his attention shifting to the rain outside.

"Umm…" Her voice faltered. "I hea…" she took a deep breath. "I heard there was another woman in your room. Besides Ruby, I mean."


"Only y-yeah?" Lore pressed, her curiosity getting the better of her. "Who was she? I mean, I wouldn't want to stick my nose into your personal life. I was just curious, that's all."

"She was no one."

Lore's frustration boiled over as she stood up abruptly. "Hey, did I do something wrong? Why are you so cold toward me?"

"I'm not," Soul insisted, his voice devoid of emotion.

"You sure act like it!" Lore said, her anger mounting.

"Why does it bother you if I'm cold toward you or not? I'm nobody. You'll probably forget my face in a month or so."

"What?" Lore's voice rose with incredulity. "Is that how you think of me?"

Soul's eyes remained closed as he spoke calmly, "Let's be clear – I'm not your friend. Quit pretending to be all chummy and digging into my personal affairs. Please."

"After all that we've been through?"

"After what, Lore?" He asked with a dull voice, opening his eyes. "A rapist chased us down, almost killed us, that's it. I barely know you, you barely know me. We have nothing in common. You have friends, people who love you. Stick with them. Leave me out of your world, please."

"You… you're an animal."

Lore bit her lips in frustration and stormed out of the room. Soul listened to her footsteps as she made her way to the kitchen, the scrape of a chair indicating her seating herself.

'That's better. I Hope she'll leave me alone from now on.'