
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

She's Back

Soul dropped to the ground, panting heavily. An hour of training had worn him out, he was done.

Ji-Hye conjured small orbs of water, letting them float around her before they burst, creating a fine mist that cooled the air around her. As the droplets settled on her skin, she took slow, deep breaths to calm her racing heart.

Hyun-Ki acted as if they were just getting started, his energy seemingly endless. While the others rested, he swung his sword through the air with precise movements, practicing different forms. Each swing was sharp and controlled, the blade cutting through the wind with a faint whistle.

"I think I'm done," Nia said, collapsing onto the grass. "We've been training nonstop for an hour."

"Yeah, we worked up a good sweat," Ji-Hye agreed. "But the match is tomorrow. We aren't ready."

"Yes, we are!" Hyun-Ki countered confidently, sheathing his sword. "We will win no matter what."

The snow stopped, giving way to a steady rain. Redhaven's weather was as unpredictable as ever.

"Any news on The Topple?" Soul asked, changing the subject.

"Nothing," Ji-Hye replied. "No news. He's still missing."

"Missing?" Nia looked puzzled. "What's that creep got to do with anything? Isn't he under a curse?"

"The curse is gone." explained Hyun-Ki. "For some reason – he is free."

"How… how can that be possible?"

"We don't know," he continued, "it's baffling."

"Enough chit-chat. Let's continue." Ji-Hye ordered. "Come on."

The two teams took their positions again. Nia and Soul formed a team, while Ji-Hye and Hyun-Ki made up the opposing side once more.

"Ready?" Ji-Hye asked, her voice sharp and focused.

"Let's go." Nia replied.

Ji-Hye wasted no time. She launched forward, her water-based magic sending a quick burst of liquid energy toward Nia. The attack was fast, but Nia deflected it with a wave of her hand, redirecting the water into a nearby bush.

Hyun-Ki dashed in from the side, his sword swinging low toward Soul's legs. Soul leaped back, avoiding the blade by inches.

Ji-Hye attempted to entrap Nia in a vortex of water, but Nia countered with a quick side-step and a low sweep, tripping her. Ji-Hye rolled with the momentum, avoiding a follow-up attack, and sprung back to her feet, her water forming protective tendrils around her.

Meanwhile, Soul and Hyun-Ki engaged in a fast-paced exchange of strikes and parries. Hyun-Ki was strong and precise, his swordsmanship refined. Soul was having a hard time, as most of his attacks were getting blocked.

Ji-Hye launched a spinning jet of water toward Nia, forcing her to dodge. Nia tried to counter with a quick strike, but Ji-Hye's water tendrils wrapped around her arms, restricting her movement. With a twist of her wrist, she threw Nia to the ground, her water tendrils dispersing upon impact. Nia tried to get up, but Ji-Hye stood over her, holding a water blade to her throat, signaling her defeat.

Hyun-Ki continued his assault on Soul, his strikes coming faster and heavier. Soul barely managed to deflect a particularly forceful blow, his dagger bending under the pressure. Seeing Soul's struggle, Hyun-Ki feinted a high slash and then swung low, tripping Soul. As he fell, Hyun-Ki brought his sword down, stopping just short of Soul's neck, the blade hovering menacingly above him.

"Yield," Hyun-Ki said, his voice calm but authoritative.

Soul, breathing heavily, knew he was beaten.

Ji-Hye helped Nia up with a small smile. "Good fight. You almost had me."

Hyun-Ki extended a hand to Soul, waiting for him to take it. "You did well, but you need to work on your timing," he said. "If you want to keep up, you have to be faster."

"Right?" He took his hand and got back up on his feet.

"Small break. We'll go again in twenty minutes." Ji-Hye ordered. "Oi, Soul, come here for a sec?"

He did as she told him. Soul started walking toward her, maintaining his calm demeanor despite the anger in her tone. Nia and Hyun-Ki didn't miss the change in Ji-Hye's voice and began watching them more closely.

"You really can't cast any spell?" she asked.

"No," he replied flatly.

"Then what were those black branches rising from the ground?"

"I don't know."

"Don't ever lie to me, Soul," she snapped, her patience wearing thin.

"Okay – " Soul sighed, his eyes locking with hers, "I don't want to tell you. I don't know you. You don't get to act like my teacher, my friend, or anything. You should know your place. Don't bother me. Don't bother my sister. Stay away from us." He closed his eyes briefly, then opened them, his gaze colder. "Those weren't lies. Feel better?"

"You fucking shithead. You don't deserve my help." Ji-Hye spat on the ground. "You don't change, do you? You're still the little scared child in that cell. You're here, but your soul is in there."

Soul's expression remained unmoved. "What is your point, Ji-Hye?"

Saying her name instead of 'Teacher' or 'Ma'am' caught Nia and Hyun-Ki off guard. They exchanged glances, surprised by the sudden drop in formality

"You don't deserve anything." She pulled him by his shirt. "Void spawn."


Esvor, with his hood up, walked the streets of Redhaven. People didn't seem to recognize him, which worked to his advantage; he wasn't expecting a red carpet or champagne popping anyway. That kind of attention never suited him.

He entered an inn called Icy Hearts and took a seat. Yuki and Tamiko were on the other side of town, assisting Gale as she infiltrated the district captain's home. They were searching for documents that might confirm whether the high elves had been there – and, if so, why.

Rumor had it that the high elves frequented this very inn, which was why The Rebel-King had chosen it as the meeting point. But the stories changed with each retelling, making Esvor wonder if there was any truth to them at all.

He ordered a beer and pulled back his hood. No one seemed to notice him – his reputation in Gum'n was based on his deeds and words, not his face. Only a few knew what he looked like, and most of them were from Snow Fallen, a northern city far from Redhaven.

"Here's your order, honey." said the old waitress. "Anything else?"

"Yes, actually. Have you heard of any high elv –"

"The Topple? Yeah, honey," the waitress said, setting down his beer with a casual shrug. "He escaped from his cell – word is… he's somehow cured himself. The curse is... poof, gone."

"Huh?" He froze, caught off guard.

"Weren't you asking about The Topple? Sorry, my ears aren't as good as they used to be."

"I – yeah, I was asking about the Topple," he said, leaning forward. "He is here?"

"Yes. Attacked four women," she said, lowering her voice and looking around as if to make sure no one was listening. "Killed one of them. The others... Ur's beard, the others are missing. I hope they're okay." She shivered as she said it, her eyes full of concern.

"Curses being removed left and right – what's happening in Gum'n?" he muttered to himself, shaking his head. "Erm, thanks for the beer, ma'am," he added, giving the waitress a polite nod.

"Of course, honey. Let me know if you need anything else... oh, another customer," the waitress said as she looked at the customer door. "Welcome. I'll be right with you in a moment."

"Thanks." came a familiar voice from behind Esvor. Even without looking, he knew it was Gale.

Gale chose the seat across from Esvor, pulling it out with a smooth motion. She settled in, her posture relaxed yet alert, her eyes scanning the room as if she were cataloging every face and detail. She placed her hands on the table, fingers interlaced, but the tension in her shoulders revealed that she was ready for anything.

"What got you worked up, Gale?"

"Have you heard about The Topple?" Gale leaned forward, her eyes intense. "The fucking Topple."

"Yeah. Curses are being lifted off… Something is up." He took a big sip from his beer.

Gale nodded, exhaling a frustrated breath. "Let's deal with the high elves first," she said, her voice steady but urgent. "We should Talk to my husband, Yuu, and check if the Academy is okay. After that, we can focus on this Topple mess."

"What have you found from that captain's home?"

"Nothing." Gale's reply was clipped. "The elves must've come unannounced. No legal documents, no anything, no orders."

"You think it was random? The high elves heading to Redhaven, finding the Academy, and all that?" Esvor asked, tilting his head as he watched Gale's reaction.

She frowned, her fingers tapping the table in a nervous rhythm. "I don't know. Maybe they haven't found the Academy yet?" she replied slowly. "They could be linked with all these – these curses being lifted."

"The fucking High-Pristess is an elf. They wouldn't be working against their own kind. This is different, Gale. I can feel it."

"You're right…"

"Where's Yuki and Tamiko?"

"They went to the Academy. We should, too."

"Yeah. Let's…"

"Gods!" A young man burst into the inn, visibly distressed. "We're doomed! Doomed, mother! Doomed!"

"What happened?" asked the old waitress.

"The… champion – Hero-God Take's champion – our High-Priestess is dead! They found her dead in the palace!"

"Oh, fuck." Esvor whispered under his breath. "It's Lilith, the Demon Queen. She's back. She's fucking back…"