
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs

Not Talkative

Ayame sat at a table in the poorly lit interior of Icy Hearts, surrounded by a clutter of books. Her table had open volumes and scattered parchment, each filled with her meticulous notes and observations. Outside, the darkness of the night had settled, the rain having ceased, leaving behind a crisp, cool atmosphere. Despite the late hour, the inn was full. Most of its patrons were still talking about the blood mage killing The Topple.

She paused for a moment and took a sip of her apple juice, the sweet taste momentarily distracting her from her task. Setting the glass down gently, she resumed her study, her focus returning to the notes spread out before her.

"Blood magic, blood magic..." Ayame muttered to herself, flipping through the pages of one of the books before her. "There's nothing... Just legends."

"There was another blood mage in the fifth era," one man remarked to his friend. "You knew that, right?"

"Uh-uh. She lived as a nomad. Going places to places, never settling anywhere."

Ayame stopped reading the notes, her interest piqued by their discussion of blood magic. She listened intently as they continued.

"She couldn't open rifts like this new guy – new blood mage, I mean. What's his deal I wonder?"

"Right? That was scary. Creating rifts to the Void like that? Gods protected us, let me tell you. Gods above protected us. That was… unhinged."

Gathering her books, Ayame carefully stowed them away in her bag before leaving a few silver coins on the table to cover her expenses. She made her way to the exit, the door swinging shut behind her as she stepped out into the cool night air.

She spotted Nia sitting alone on a bench nearby, her eyes on the ground, lost in thought.

"Nia?" Ayame called out as she approached. "What are you doing here?"

Nia turned her head toward her. "Oh, hey. Just got bored."

"Shouldn't you be at KCO? I was going to visit you," Ayame said, settling beside her friend.

"Eh, I'm good. Just a few scratches, nothing serious."

"Are you sure? I heard it got pretty rowdy with The Topple."

"I'm good, don't worry about me."

"Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Sure," Nia replied, turning her attention to her friend.

"Was Soul there? I know you guys have fought in the Family Match – you guys gotta be close to each other. Was he there when The Topple attacked? How did he perform in the Family Match? What happened in that smoke – smoke that you've cast onto Marcy?"

Nia chuckled lightly, trying to think of an answer. "C-calm down. You're going to break my brain, girl."

"I just… I suspect Soul." Her tone remained serious, sharply different from her friend's light-hearted demeanor.

"Of what?"

"Of him killing the students in the boys' dormitory. Of him being a – a, I don't know. A bad person. He isn't right, Nia. He resisted The Topple's spell, your charm… am I the only one who sees that?"

"I…" Nia gave off another nervous chuckle and stood up. "I think you're being paranoid, Ayame."

"No. I know everything I say about him is true… I hope."

Soul settled into his seat as Professor Yuu gestured toward him, their eyes meeting. The library appeared to have been repaired; the door was fixed, and the only window had been replaced.

"I think you know why you are here, Soul," began Professor Yuu. "You joined the Family Match. And as if that wasn't enough, you had girls in your room – which is strictly forbidden. Have you got anything to say for yourself, young man?"

"I'm sorry," he said, bowing his head.

"Sorry doesn't cut it, I'm afraid," he replied calmly. "Family Match – I can forgive you. I should punish Ji-Hye, not you. But having girls in the boys' dormitory? This isn't a hotel, Soul. You can't just have guests whenever you please."

"They had nowhere to go. Ruby, I see her as a sister. And Melissa is her nurse."

"So, how do you think I should punish you, Soul?"

"Knock, knock," Esvor announced as he entered, breaking the tension in the room. "Yuu? Is that the silver-haired boy you were talking about? The one who resisted The Topple's spell?"

"Oh, Esvor," Yuu greeted. "Yes, he is."

"King," Soul addressed respectfully, rising from his seat. His voice and face remained emotionless. "It's an honor."

"Sit down, not a king yet, remember?" Esvor replied with a warm smile. "You were talking about a punishment, right? If so, can I steal him for a bit? Gale is sleeping, and – I'm tired of bunking in the boys' dormitory. I thought I might tackle some Guild quests, earn a bit of coin, and rent a room at the Old World Hotel."

"That'd be a fitting punishment," Yuu concurred, nodding. "You heard the man, Soul."

"Hmm," Soul responded, his eyes meeting Esvor's." Hope I won't disappoint you, King."

"I'm sure you won't. Come, let's get going."

"Of course."

Soul followed the Rebel-King as they left the room, descending the stairs together at a slow pace. The corridors they passed through were deserted, only a few teachers engaged in conversation about the blood mage killing The Topple.

"What do you make of the blood mage, Soul?" Esvor slowed his steps to walk beside Soul.

"I don't make anything of it, King. I prefer to stay out of these kinds of things."

"I get it. Not so talkative, are you?"

"Didn't mean to disrespect, King."

Esvor waved a hand dismissively. "I know, I know. I was just making a point."


As they reached the ground floor, Esvor pushed open the door, and a blast of cold air greeted them. They continued on their path, their footsteps crunching on the snow-covered ground. As they walked quite a bit, the cats that had been sheltering inside the little burnt-out cabin caught sight of Soul and began to meow excitedly, running toward him with tails held high.

They weaved around his legs, brushing against him affectionately.

Esvor stopped, watching the cats with amusement. "Seems like they like you. Mother and her kitten. Cute cats."

Soul remained still, his gaze fixed ahead. "Hmm. Should we move on, King?"

"What, are you not going to pet the cats? You'd be branded as a criminal if you don't," Esvor teased.

"I don't like animals, King," Soul replied flatly.

"Afraid of them?"

"In a way. Yeah."

"King Esvor?" Nia's voice drew their attention. Ayame and her friend, a few feet ahead, altered their course and approached them. "Good evening, King. Soul."

"Evening, ladies. Going to the girls' dormitory?" Esvor inquired.

"Yes, King," Nia affirmed with a nod. "Soul, are you bothering the king?"

"No, actually. I'm bothering him. We'll take a quest from the Guild," Esvor replied casually.

"May I join?" Ayame interjected eagerly. "Please?"

"Uh…" Esvor was taken aback by her sudden request. "Sure, why not."

"I'm beat," Nia said, rubbing her eyes. "I'll go and sleep. Good luck, all of you." With that, she bid them farewell and continued on her way.

"Well – to the Guild I guess, right?" Ayame's eyes were full of suspicion as she looked at Soul. "Mm?"

"Hmm…" He met her gaze with his usual impassive stare. "I guess…"