
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Kill Some Time

After walking for a while, Soul decided to enter an underground club where all the illegal quests were posted. It was similar to the Guild, but the quests were more dangerous and mostly illegal. From assassinations to kidnappings, at Black Cat, every type of quest was available.

Soul made his way through the crowded streets, eventually arriving at a small, unremarkable shop. The sign above the door read 'Antique Curiosities.' He stepped inside, nodding to the shopkeeper, an elderly woman who gave him a knowing glance. She pressed a hidden button under the counter, and a door at the back of the shop swung open.

"Welcome, Soul. It's been a minute," the old woman said with a sly smile.


"Still cold as ever," she remarked.

"Still curious as ever," he shot back.

"Hence the shop's name!"

Soul walked through the door and descended a narrow staircase. At the bottom, he entered an underground club with low ceilings and flickering lights. The walls were lined with dark wood, and the tables scattered around were occupied by people engrossed in quiet conversation.

The quest board took up an entire wall, covered in flyers offering high rewards for dangerous tasks. Behind a counter, a burly man with a scarred face watched over the room, his eyes scanning every newcomer with suspicion.

"Oi, Soul," the man behind the counter called out. "What's up, man?"

"Good, Ewun. How about you?" Soul replied, approaching the counter.

"Shit. I'm shit. Got a quest that needs accepting. Fast. Interested?"

"Sure, how's the payout?"

"A whole 250 gold. It was 300, but I take 50 for my compensation, as always."

"What's the quest?" Soul asked, leaning against the counter.

"Assassination of a rapist fuck. Word is – he is friends with The Topple. Helped him find innocent targets and stuff."

'That sounds familiar...'

"Hmm… is he bald, greasy-faced, and fat?"

"Yeah! How did you know?"

"Killed him already. Mark that as done."

"Oi, I could kiss you on the lips, ya beautiful bastard," the man said with a grin. "Phew. I'm not gonna ask for proof. Consider it handled."

Soul took the pouch the man handed to him. "Thanks."

"Looking for another quest?" the man asked, leaning forward on the counter.

"Yeah. Need to kill some time before heading to Arcane Grovel," Soul replied, weighing the pouch in his hand.

"Kill some time – and kill some goblins, would ya?" The man smirked, sliding another flyer across the counter.

"Kill some goblins where, exactly?" Soul asked, glancing at the flyer.

"Some miners posted this quest. They were ambushed by goblins in the mine. Some managed to escape, but others are still trapped down there. One of the survivors claims to have seen at least fifty goblins, while another estimates around thirty. So, we're not certain about the exact number."

"Where's this mine?" Soul inquired, folding the flyer and tucking it into his pocket.

"It's…" the man fake coughed, looking around. "They were mining illegally near Thoughtwoods. You know there?"

"Yeah, I know the place. How will I find this mine?"

"Talk to the residents. They're a bunch of bad people – but they are trying to reform. Don't be afraid of them."

"Reform by illegally mining?" Soul asked.

"Hey, you gotta do what you gotta do. Am I right?" The man laughed. "Anyway, it's 300 gold. I take 50, and you get 250. Same deal."

"Okay… Well, I'm off to Thoughtwoods," Soul said, turning to leave.

"Nice. Don't keep me waiting," the man called after him.

After a few hours of walking, Soul arrived at the edge of Thoughtwoods. The trees here were tall and ancient, their branches forming a natural archway that led deeper into the forest. He followed a winding trail, the sounds of wildlife becoming more prominent with each step.

Eventually, he came upon a small cluster of hunter cabins among the trees. The cabins were rustic, made of embelwood and covered with moss. Smoke curled from a few chimneys, and the faint scent of cooking meat spread through the air.

Soul approached the nearest cabin and knocked on the door. A wary-looking man opened it, his eyes narrowing as he took in Soul's appearance.

"I'm here about the miners," Soul said, holding up the flyer he had taken from the club.

The man's expression softened slightly. "You're here to help? Come in, then."

Soul stepped inside the cabin, where a small group of people were gathered around a table, discussing the situation. The man who had let him in closed the door behind them.

"I'm Darrin. I was there when the goblins attacked," he introduced himself.

"Hmm," Soul said. "Can you explain what happened?"

"We were ambushed in the mine," Darrin explained, pointing to a map on the table. "Some of us managed to get out, but a few of our friends are still trapped down there. We saw anywhere from thirty to fifty goblins. It was hard to tell in the chaos."

As Darrin spoke, the other men in the room sized Soul up, their expressions skeptical. One of them, a tall man with a thick beard, stepped forward.

"You're alone?" he asked, his tone doubtful. "And you think you can handle this?"

Soul met his gaze steadily. "Yes."

Another man, younger and leaner, shook his head. "You're just a kid. This is a job for a man, not a boy."

"I've dealt with worse," Soul replied calmly. "Just show me the way to the mine."

The men exchanged glances, clearly unconvinced. An older man, sitting by the fire, spoke up. "We've lost too many already. Sending you in alone might be sending you to your death."

Soul shrugged. "If I don't come back, you're no worse off than you are now. But if I do, your friends get rescued."

Darrin sighed, looking at the others. "He's right. We don't have any better options. Besides, he made it here alone. That counts for something."

The tall man grunted. "Fine. But don't say we didn't warn you."

"Where's the mine?" Soul asked, studying the map.

"About an hour's hike from here, near the heart of the forest," Darrin replied. "We can guide you there, but we're not going back in."

"I don't need you to," Soul said. "Just show me the way."

Darrin gathered a couple of other men. They led Soul out of the cabin and through the forest, following a hidden trail that twisted and turned among the trees. The deeper they went, the quieter the surroundings became, as if even the wildlife knew to avoid the area.

About an hour of hiking, they reached the entrance to the mine. It was a dark, yawning hole in the side of a rocky hill, with makeshift barricades and abandoned equipment scattered around.

"This is it," Darrin said, stopping at a safe distance from the entrance. "Be careful in there."

"I will. You should clear the area, there might be more goblins."

"Oh, you didn't have to tell me that. Come on, boys! Let's head back… and hope this silver-haired kid comes back alive."