
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

Beggars Can Be Choosers

Esvor, getting the elf to safety, readied his sword. Gale and her daughters came running to where the dragon was last heard. Seeing them at the end of the street, the Rebel-King ran toward them. Gale and her daughters also ran to meet him, and they converged in the center.

People ran away, trying to reach their loved ones. The old folk were being escorted by Dierman-blessed staff into KCO. Citizens were trying to run indoors, hiding from the beast.

Gale used a spell, causing Esvor's sword to flash with blue fire as it ended. Yuki nocked an arrow, while Tamiko cast an enchantment spell on herself that made her slightly run and jump higher.

"Why's there a dragon?" Yuki asked. "I've never seen one attacking a person… or a city!"

"I don't know," Gale replied. "But we've got to take it down."

"Not 'it,' 'she.' She isn't attacking the people," Tamiko observed. "The beast is avoiding harming anyone. Look at her, she's just there on the wall, not moving an inch."

"We can't risk it," Esvor said. "We just can't."

"Please listen to me, King." Tamiko said with a serious tone. "Lindworm? Maybe you can win against that. But a dragon? Impossible. We have no means of harming that monster. No tools, no nothing."

"So we're just going to wait?" Esvor asked. "Wait and let her kill the innocent, destroy the whole city?"

"No... you're right. It's just… dragons don't attack people unless they are provoked." Tamiko paced back and forth. "Why is it attacking…"

"Attack now, think later, my dear sister." Yuki smiled. "Let's go!"

Tamiko jumped high into the air, her enchantment spell giving her incredible agility. She threw a dagger at the dragon, aiming for its giant body. The blade struck the beast, causing it to roar in anger.

Yuki nocked an arrow and let it fly. The arrow found its mark, hitting the dragon's side. The creature, now angered, spread its icy wings and landed heavily on the road. It opened its massive jaws, releasing a blast of ice towards them.

Gale quickly cast a barrier spell, creating a shimmering shield that deflected the icy blast. The force of the spell left her panting, but the group remained unharmed.

"Ugh…" Gale leaned on her mace for support, her breath heavy. "That was strong…"

Esvor charged at the dragon. He swung his flaming sword at its face, but the blade barely left a scratch. The dragon's scales were too tough.

Yuki, seizing the opportunity, nocked an arrow and aimed carefully. She released it, and the arrow struck the dragon's head. The beast roared in pain, the sound vibrating through the streets.

Tamiko, using her speed, leaped into the air, ready to strike. Just as she was about to land her attack, the dragon swung its tail and struck her mid-air, sending her hurtling toward a nearby house. She crashed into the wall, bursting through it and emerging on the other side before finally coming to a stop against the grimy rear wall.

"Sister!" Yuki's cry pierced the chaos. "I'll go after her!"

"We'll cover you!" Esvor declared, his expression unwavering. "Gale, with me!"

"Yes, King," Gale affirmed, readying his stance. "Keep your sister safe, Yuki!"

Esvor dashed toward the dragon. With quick and careful steps, he closed the distance between them and swung his blade at the creature's flank. As his sword made contact, Gale chanted a spell, causing flames to erupt around Esvor's blade, engulfing it in fire.

The dragon roared in agony as the fiery blade seared its scales, causing it to stagger back. Sensing an opportunity, Gale unleashed another spell, sending a torrent of flames toward the dragon's head. The intense heat struck the monster squarely, forcing it to retreat further with another loud roar.

"We can win!" Esvor yelled. "Let's keep the beast busy until Tamiko and Yuki come back."

"Yes, King."

"Zyrruk dorag azhur, kinmara!" The dragon's voice echoed in the streets. "Y'thun dakhom dozh krashtur! Y'thun krashtur klaszh zyrruk y'drashtur!"

"What's that thing saying?" the Rebel-King asked.

"I don't know. Must be the language of the Void."

"Hey, dragon!" Esvor exclaimed. "How about we don't fight? If you want to kill for fun, kill elves! They have big ears and big mouths!"

The dragon roared and raised its claw, attempting to strike the Rebel-King. But he was able to dodge out of the harm's way and retreated next to Gale. They needed more time before Yuki and Tamiko returned to the street.

"Sister needs healing!" Yuki yelled from the back alley, where Tamiko had landed. "She's bleeding bad!"

"I'll take care of her." Briar, the little girl, exited from KCO sprinted toward Gale's daughters.

"No!" Esvor yelled, noticing the dragon's attention shifting toward the small elf.

He launched himself forward, swinging his sword and striking the dragon's legs. But Gale wasn't able to react in time to engulf his sword in flames. His blade bounced off the creature's scaly body, and the dragon retaliated by slashing him with its claws, Sending him crashing through a window and tumbling into the bedroom of a second-floor house.

The Rebel-King had three marks on his body where the dragon's claws had struck. Despite his attempts to rise, he found himself unable to do so. Trying once more, he leaned against the nearby bed for support, uttering a curse through gritted teeth as he got up.

"Damn... That hurts."

"Esvor, are you okay?" Gale's voice carried concern. "Esvor!"

"Fuck me… agh, I'm fine!" he called back, making his way to the balcony. "How about the girls?"

"The elf healed Tamiko!"

"Okay... I'll…" His head began to spin. "I'll come down."

"No, stay there and wait for the elf! She'll heal you."

"No time! I'm coming down."

He leaped from the balcony, landing on his feet with a heavy thud. However, his balance faltered and he fell, tumbling to the ground before managing to rise once more.


Before he could ready himself, the dragon lunged at him. But Tamiko dashed forward, placing herself between Esvor and the dragon's claws. Despite her efforts, the sheer force of the beast's attack sent her sliding backward, but not before pushing Esvor out of harm's way and ensuring his safety.

Gale conjured an earth spell, raising the ground beneath Tamiko to lift her out of the dragon's immediate reach. As she landed safely, she immediately positioned herself in front of Esvor.

"You good, King?"

"Yeah… you?"

"I'm not. It hurts like hells."

"Heh…" he chuckled weakly. "Same."

"Big icy breath coming up!" Yuki warned. "Be ready, people!"

Tamiko cast a barrier to deflect the dragon's attack. However, the dragon, feigning the icy blast, quickly changed tactics. With a deceptive move, it lunged forward and swung its tail, striking Tamiko and Esvor in the stomach.

They tumbled along the road, their bodies bouncing and rolling until their momentum finally came to a halt. The dragon, its rage evident in its burning eyes, slowly crept closer to them.

"Zyrruk razh ikal! T'krashtur zyrruk ikal, kinmara!" The beast bellowed.

A circle materialized on the ground, and in seconds, Soul appeared, teleported right into the chaos. His gaze swept over Esvor and Tamiko before fixing on the dragon.

"Krysta na'dar, wyrm?" Soul asked, looking at the dragon in the eyes.

The beast lowered its voice. "Kyr... krysta vyx na'dar?"


"Kinmara zyrruk klaszh ikal. Zyrruk ikal klaszh!"

"Someone took her egg." Soul translated. "She just wants her baby back."

Gale and Yuki walked toward Esvor, Tamiko and Soul, listening to the conversation without understanding even a word of it. The little elf, hiding behind the building, chose to not show herself. Her whole body was trembling with fear and shock.

"Thorn ikal zyrruk klaszh rogar ikal. Rogar vyx zyrruk. Dorag ikal blu." The dragon said.

"A man with long hair, long face. He also had a blue knife. The beast says he stole it." Soul continued. "Zyrruk dorag thra'town?"


"And he is still in Redhaven." He said. "Dorag zyrruk tu'shnar klaszh vyr'thory. Vyks i'tihory?

"Na!" The dragon roared in anger.

"Kinmara na'dar dorag thra'mor, dorag ikal." Soul suggested. "How about that, huh?"


Soul created a rift, and from within it, a tentacle slithered out, larger even than the dragon. Seeing the rift and what emerged from it, the dragon fell silent for a moment, its attention captured by the unexpected sight.

"Zyshyr... zyshyr... Zyr'sha'kalar, kinmara. If kyr na'dar dorag ikal byshyn, krysha vyx na'dar dorag klaszh rogar thra'town."

The dragon unfurled its majestic wings and soared into the distance, disappearing from view. Soul and the others watched in silence as the monstrous creature departed.

"She wants us to find her egg," Soul explained. "I struck a deal with her. If we can't find her baby by tomorrow… she'll destroy the whole city."

"Man, what a deal," Yuki applauded ironically. "Bravo, blood mage."

The rift closed. "Hmm," he said without looking at her. "I suppose beggars can be choosers after all."