
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasy
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81 Chs

An Unlikely Partner

After two days, the Academy was open again.

The number of students severely declined as a result of the high elves' assault on the School. Additionally, Professor Yuu and the others mistakenly believed that the Nethraxes which attacked the boys' dormitory were the work of the high elves.

Soul, with dull eyes, watched as the students got in line. In total, there were only four classes and eleven teachers. Each class consisted of ten students and one class leader.

As he could not cast any type of magic other than some basic enchantment spells, He was put to Class D, which was the lowest rank.

"Hello, class," Ji-Hye announced, her voice ringing through the clearing. "I'm your Spellcasting Fundamentals teacher. Today, we'll be using this part of the forest as our training grounds."

They were in the forest near the Academy, encircled by towering bushes and snow-laden trees. Despite the overcast sky, the morning air held an unexpected warmth.

"We will begin without any unnecessary boring talk. Now, I want everyone to find a partner." Ji-Hye looked at Soul. "Is there anyone Dierman-blessed here?"

"Here." Lore held her hand up.

"Okay, great. I want you to…"

Soul stopped listening to Ji-Hye as his head was overflowing with thoughts.

Lilith was nowhere to be found. The only cure for her sister was missing and he had exhausted all of the options in his head about where she might've gone. He had checked everywhere in Redhaven twice – and came back empty handed both times.

Ji-Hye loudly snapped her fingers near Soul's face and made him jump.

"Are you listening, Soul?" She asked.

Her demeanor was different; she sounded enthusiastic and almost happy to teach. However, Soul could sense her underlying anger – the anger that she was desperately trying to hide from others.

"Yes, I'm listening." he answered with a boring voice.

"Then I'll be your sparring partner. Let's try that spell now, Lore. And you, others, get yourselves a partner and start casting healing spells every ten seconds."

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Follow me, Soul." ordered Ji-Hye with a cold voice. "We will train over there, far away from the students."

"Hmm…" His face showed no emotion, as always. "Of course, ma'am."

He didn't trust Ji-Hye one bit.

As they started walking, Soul realized Lore was following them behind. He had no idea why a Dierman-blessed student was coming with them. He wasn't a paranoid person – but he wasn't a fool, either. Something seemed amiss.

If they were to attack him two versus one, he could easily be overpowered. Yes, all he had to do was open a cut on both of their bodies, even a small one. However, with a Dierman-blessed student continuously healing Ji-Hye's wounds, she would surely have the upper hand against Soul.

"Enough." Ji-Hye stopped walking. "Lore, cast that illusion spell I told you about and go back to your friends."

"Yes, ma'am." She smiled at Soul, adjusting her black glasses. "Good luck. Hope she goes easy on you."


"And… sorry."

After she uttered the word "sorry," Lore's lips curled into a faint smile as she whispered a spell under her breath. She extended her hand toward Soul, palm facing outward, and a shimmering wave of energy rippled from her fingertips, aimed directly at him.

But, instead of succumbing to the spell, Soul stood his ground. It was a high level manipulation magic, even Soul had a hard time resisting its effects.

Lore's brown eyes opened widely. Clearly, she wasn't expecting him to be able to resist the spell.

"Ma'am… he resisted." Lore scratched her right temple. "But how?"

"Let your mind go, Soul. Don't resist it." answered Ji-Hye. "We'll be here until that spell works."

Soul didn't say anything and kept his emotionless face straight. They were only an arm's length apart.

"It's a manipulation spell," Lore explained, "first I'll cast it on you, then our teacher. It's safe, I guarantee it."

Again, Soul stayed silent.

"Memoria spell lets you see into one's memories." Ji-Hye continued to explain, "But a Dierman-blessed person can enchant the spell – make it so two people see each other's memories."

"What's your plan, Ji-Hye?" Soul asked.

"What?" Lore was shocked. "You can't just say your teacher's name like that! Haven't you learned any manners?"

His dull eyes were on Ji-Hye's despite Lore's question.

"I'm just trying to teach my student about magic. Is that wrong? Lore, use it again."

A wave of energy hit Soul – it didn't work.

"Again, Lore."

The same thing happened.

"Once more, Lore."

Soul bit his lip, letting a drop of blood stain the snowy ground beneath him. Lore, lost in her concentration on the magic, remained unaware of Soul's action. Ji-Hye, who caught the moment, opted not to move or do anything. She knew Soul was trying to bluff.

Lore used Memoria yet again. This time, the spell worked… but on herself. She fell down and passed out.

Unbeknownst to them, the blood on the ground had triggered an enchantment Soul created. It glowed with latent power, shaping itself into a towering, translucent dome that enveloped the immediate area, forming an imposing barrier that deflected the magic back onto Lore, causing her to collapse unconscious.

"Oh?" Ji-Hye's hand drifted towards her sheathed sword. "You can deflect magic too?"

"What's your plan, Ji-Hye?"

"Just trying to understand my 'partner'. After all, you're going to be on our team for the next Family Match." Ji-Hye replied, her tone slightly guarded.

"People usually have conversations to get to know each other, not try to peek at their memories without their knowledge." Soul remarked, his expression remaining impassive.

"This way is easier, no?"


A strong wind made the tree branches sway and rustle loudly.

"What did you do to Lore?"

"She'll be okay. Give her a few secon –"

"Ugh…" Lore groaned in pain as she tried to get up. Her short, pink hair was covering her face. "My head… did I – did I mess up the spell? Dierman, bless her name, must be so disappointed in me right now."

"No, you did great, Lore." reassured Ji-Hye. "Try it again."

"Of course, ma'am… I hope this time it works." She moved closer to Soul. "Please don't resist, Soul. You are embarrassing me here… oh, your lower lip is bleeding! Was that my fault?"

She took out a tissue and put it on his lips. They were close, and Soul's left elbow was slightly touching Lore's breasts.

He felt aroused – so he thought about cute kittens to calm himself down as Liana taught him. Soul lacked experience in adult matters, having only Ruby and Liana in his life. His understanding of such topics relied solely on Liana's guidance, which, clearly, wasn't enough.

He'd hate to do some weird stuff to betray Lore's trust. So he just stood there like a rock, waiting for her to move away.

"Aw, gods – I'm really sorry, Soul."

"It's good, thanks for the tissue." Her hair distracted Soul. "You have a pixie cut – like my sister. Though, her hair is brown. Not pink."

"I didn't know you had a sister. Is she in the Academy too?" She asked, leaning in slightly.

"In KCO."

"Oh, she's sick? Yeah, the weather in Gum'n is so bad!"

"No, she has a curse on her."

Lore didn't know how to react. She just backed away and took her bloodied tissue.

"I… I'm sorry. Hope she gets better."

"Hmm… anyway, you can cast the spell again."

"Okay. Pleaseplaseplease don't resist it. Please." Lore clasped her hands together, pleadingly.

"On one condition." He said, as usual, with a boring voice. "Become friends with my sister. She's alone, and doesn't have anyone to talk to."

"That's a weird condition – but sure. I'd be happy to. And hey, I'm Dierman-blessed. Maybe I can help your sister to get better?" She said with a smile.

"I'd appreciate it. Please do that."

"Okay, after this class ends, how about we meet at KCO? Or, we can go there together?"

Soul bowed, "Thanks, let's do the latter."

"Oi, any time now!" Ji-Hye's voice interrupted their conversation. "Come on, I haven't got all day!"

"So – ready yourself, Soul." She said, her lips twitching nervously. "Here it goes…"

A wave of energy surged from Lore's fingertips, striking Soul and causing him to fall down to the snowy ground. The sound of branches swaying in the wind began to sound muffled, and the chirping of birds came from afar. Then, his world went completely dark.

He woke up to the same white wall. The only light entering through the window wasn't enough to fully light his cell.

It was a cold night. He'd been shivering for about an hour, trying to get himself warm by hugging himself. Though, for some reason, at nights like these, he'd never get sick. It was like the world was refusing him to make him a part of its system.

"Hello?" Ruby's voice carried a warmth that contrasted sharply with the cold of the cell. "Soul? I brought you a blanket."

"That you?" said Ji-Hye watching Soul from the other side of the metal bars. "Still the same dull fucking eyes. Dierman's tits…"

"Hmm." Soul was inside the cell, watching himself. "When do I get to see your memo –"

"Shush! Be quiet!" Ji-Hye shut down Soul.

"The blanket really helps," said little Soul, smiling, "thank you, Ruby!"

"No problem. I borrowed it from Liana. You know, she wants to meet with you!" she kneeled down to see Soul from the window. "She's a good friend of mine."

"I…" It's been only two months since he got to talk to someone other than himself. "I'm not sure I can meet with her."

"What do you mean?"

"People think I'm a monster." his eyes were on the metal bars, in Ji-Hye's direction. "Drawing power from the Void."

"Just because you can control a little splash of blood doesn't mean you are a monster! Stop doing this to yourself!" She sounded angry.

"I have you. It's enough for me, Ruby. And – you shouldn't talk about me in the village. They'll punish you. Or worse, curse you!"

"Pfft." She laughed. "I'm Ruby Soul! No curse would be enough to kill me."


Ji-Hye gripped the metal bars. She could see Soul watching himself with dull eyes.

"So… you were locked away for how long?" Ji-Hye asked.

"Six years. Maybe seven, I don't know." He tried to touch Ruby, but his hand went through her as if he was a ghost. "Is that enough? I was locked away for the most of my life. Let's move on."

The cell went dark as if the moon and stars outside lost its lights. Then, in the blink of an eye, everything went back to normal. Ji-Hye immediately understood that they had transitioned to another fragment of Soul's memories.

This time, it was morning.

Little Soul crawled into a corner, pulling his hair and saying inaudible things to himself. It was as if he was hearing voices from the shadows, trying to eat his brain out – trying to drive him mad. He was drooling, his reddened eyes twitching like crazy.

"I'm not! Soul! Soul!" He hit his hand on the metal bars. "I'm not! I'm not!"

Soul watched himself in silence. His expression was the same.

"What's my name? My real name?"

He scratched his face, bit his lips and hit his head on the wall. His blood was everywhere.

"Please! Stop!" He started to laugh. "Stop! Ugh!"

"Umm… hello? Are you So…" a girl was at the window – and it wasn't Ruby.

"Ugh!" He turned his head toward the voice. "Shut the fuck up!" All the blood in the cell levitated and formed a dagger.

The dagger flew through the window and hurt the girl. She was bleeding from her right cheek, if that dagger was an inch closer to her, she'd have died.

"Liana!" Said Ruby, came running, "What happened!"

"Ruby?" Soul came closer to the window. He was a little calmer. "I'm… I'm sorry. I thought it was the… I'm…"

"Enough!" Ruby's voice cut through the air, her eyes blazing with anger as she directed her gaze at Soul. "I can't believe you just did that, Soul. Why? She was so eager to meet you!"

"No, no. No, I was –" Soul began, his voice faltering as he struggled to find the right words to explain himself.

"Come on, Liana. Let's go."

Ruby grabbed Liana by her shoulder and helped her walk to the village. The only thing Soul could do was watch their shadows moving away from the window.

"I'm..." He sat down on the cold floor, crying. "What am I?"

"Yeah," Ji-Hye said, "what are you?"

Everything went dark, the spell ended.

After Soul opened his eyes, Lore waited for a few seconds to let him come to his senses. He felt terrible, like a horse-drawn wagon hit him at full speed, his surroundings spinning in disarray. The trees seemed to form a swirling circle, and the ground shifted from left to right.

Lore extended her hand, and at first, Soul hesitated to accept the offer. However, realizing he couldn't stand on his own, he finally reached out and took her hand for support.

Soul shook his head, causing snow to cascade from his hair.

"The spell ended early. Was that you, Soul?" Ji-Hye asked. She was on the ground, sitting.

"Maybe." He closed his eyes. "Are we done?"

"For now… for now, 'student'."

"How did I do, ma'am?" Lore asked proudly, her hands resting on her hips. She was in between Soul and Ji-Hye.

"It was good." She praised her as she got up. "That's why you are the class leader."

"Thank you!"

"Well – we're done here. Let's head back to others."

"Ji… Ma'am," said Soul, "you lied, right? I haven't got to see your memories."

Ji-Hye left his question unanswered and turned her back.

Lore and Soul began to walk, trailing behind their teacher in silence. Neither of them said a word, and they stubbornly avoided glancing in each other's direction. Soul felt like he was doing something wrong, so he slightly moved away from her.

"Hey –" Lore chuckled softly before continuing, "A tiger and a bear. Who'd win?"

"In a... fight?" He pondered the question, gazing at the sky. "I think the bear. They're stronger, aren't they?"

"But tigers are faster than bears. Also, they are strong too."

"I guess you are correct. The tiger would win." He said with a blank expression. "Why'd you ask?"

"I don't know… I just got bored. Sorry if my question bothered you."

"Don't get me wrong, Lore. You are a good person." He slowed his steps. "But I want you to be friends with my sister. Not with me."

She stopped walking. After two steps, so did Soul.

"Yeah I guess…" her face was red when she forced a smile. "I can be a nuisance sometimes. I'm sorry."

"No, I think you are a kind girl, Lore. I'm glad Gum'n still has people like you."

"You… you are giving me mixed signals, Soul." She laughed awkwardly. "Anyway, we should keep going."


When they reached where the rest of the Class D were, Soul saw Professor Yuu with Ayame from Class A, slowly making their way to the training grounds. It seemed like they had some important news to announce, as they had a serious look on their faces.

Professor Yuu put his hand up, shifting students' focus to him. Ayame was next to him, two or three steps behind, waiting patiently.

"Hello, Class. Hope you're having a good morning." said Professor Yuu. "You may all continue practicing magic. Ms. Ran, may I talk to you in private?"

"Of course, sir." She answered.

"Thank you. It won't take too long."

Soul found himself a tree and stayed in its shadow. From there, he observed Professor Yuu and Ji-Hye engaged in conversation, with Ayame listening attentively and occasionally nodding in agreement with Professor Yuu. They were far from the students, positioned near a large, 'C'-shaped rock adorned with little flowers sprouting from its crevices.

Lore hesitated to approach Soul, fearing she'd annoy him. So instead, she just waved her hand as a goodbye and joined her group of friends.

He was glad that Lore accepted his offer. For the last few weeks, Ruby seemed as if she'd had enough of Soul and Liana. Of course, that didn't make him heartbroken or anything – he understood her.

'Seeing the person every day probably messed with her head. She needs new people in her life.'

The tree he was under had birds on its branches. And, as unlucky he can be, one of them defecated on Soul's shoulder.

"Great." He sighed with a dull face. "Thank you, mother nature."

"Oi, Soul." Ji-Hye walked in front of him. "Professor Yuu is asking for you."


"You deaf? Profes…" Once she realized what that one naughty bird did, she gave off a faint smile for a split second. "Shithead."

"What kind of a teacher are you?"

"Huh? You should be thankful I'm not laughing my lungs out right now."

'Now that I think about it… She's right. I never saw her laugh or smile.'

"Ji-Hye!" said Professor Yuu. "Please, hurry up! I'll be in the library."

"Oh yeah…" She faked a cough. "Come with me, shithead. Professor Yuu is going to talk to you about something."

"About what?"

She folded her arms before answering his question: "About the Demon Queen."