
The Blood Magic User

Soul, a forbidden blood magic user, is driven by a desperate need to save his cursed sister. To break the curse, he dares the unthinkable: resurrecting the Demon Queen Lilith and asks for her help. But Lilith's assistance comes at a cost, one that only the most self-centered would agree to pay. 'She leaned forward and pressed her forehead against mine. I thought I was about to get lost in the blackness of her eyes. “Become my champion.” she had a frightening smile on her beautiful face. “You and I… We will kill all the worthless idiots that call themselves gods. The false gods.”'

Niemena_eyes000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
81 Chs


Hyun-Ki knocked on the door, then took a few steps back. From inside, he heard quick footsteps approaching.

When the door opened, Lore greeted them with a smile that was forced and stiff, her eyes lacking warmth. Hyun-Ki seemed oblivious to the tension in the air and simply smiled back, but Soul immediately sensed that something was off.

Soul, with his dead eyes, nodded. There was something unsettling about Lore – like the lights were on, but nobody was home. She didn't appear to be ill; she just seemed adrift, like someone who'd lost her way and had no idea what to do next.

"Oh, hey. Welcome, Hyun-Ki. Soul," Lore greeted them, her voice warm as she opened the door wider. "Is that a... pillow, Soul?"


"Hi," Hyun-Ki replied, holding out the cup. "Brought you some hot tomato soup. You should drink it before it gets any colder. Heard you were sick." He handed it to her with a slight smile.

"Aw – thanks. I really appreciate it." Lore took the soup with a grateful nod.

Soul stood beside Hyun-Ki, his expression impassive. He said nothing, his eyes fixed on a spot just beyond Lore's shoulder – a family painting from her childhood. Her father was carrying her on his back while making a funny face. She appeared to be five years old in the photo, maybe six.

"Want to come inside, boys?" Lore asked, stepping back to make room.

Hyun-Ki hesitated, glancing at Soul. "No, we should –"

"Please," Lore interrupted, her voice suddenly serious, "come on in."

Hyun-Ki looked at Soul again, who remained stone-faced, barely reacting. "I… Eh, sure."

They both entered the house, with Lore quietly closing the door behind them. Soul removed his shoes, lining them neatly against the wall with a precise, almost mechanical motion. He looked around, taking in his surroundings.

The corridor they were in was narrow but inviting. A modest runner rug stretched along the length of the hallway, its deep shades adding a touch of warmth to the space. Along the walls, simple yet elegant decorations -family photos, framed art prints, and small hanging plants- gave it a welcoming feel.

Near the entrance, a small table held a delicate vase filled with fresh flowers. The table featured decorative diamond-shaped patterns on both sides.

"I just made some tea. Would you like some?" Lore asked.

"Umm... sure," Hyun-Ki replied. "By the way, where's your brother?"

"He's in the kitchen," she said with a slight tilt of her head.

"I'll go say hi," Hyun-Ki removed his shoes. "Come on, Soul. I'll introduce you to him."

Soul gave a silent nod, his expression unreadable. Without a word, he followed Hyun-Ki toward the kitchen.

The kitchen had a rustic charm that stood out against the house's more modern aesthetic. The walls were painted a muted sage green, and the farmhouse-style table in the middle of the room was surrounded by a mix of wooden chairs, each with its own unique finish and design. It gave the space a casual, inviting vibe.

The scent of freshly brewed tea mixing with the aroma of just-baked bread. A ceramic teapot rested on a trivet, accompanied by a set of mismatched teacups and a plate of assorted cookies. A stack of neatly folded napkins sat nearby, and a hanging lamp cast soft light over the entire room.

"Key?" Hyun-Ki said with a grin. "What's up?"

"Ki? Now that's a face I'd hoped never to see again," Key shot back, his tone playful.

"You're breaking my heart, old man," Hyun-Ki replied.

"Old man, you say? I'm only twenty, calm down with the insults, man."

"Yeah, yeah," Hyun-Ki said with a dismissive wave of his hand. "Oh, this is Soul. Soul, this is Key – Lore's brother."

Soul gave a nod in greeting, his expression neutral. "Hey," he said simply.

Key sized him up, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "Hey. Nice to meet you." He stretched out his hand for a handshake.

Soul shook Key's hand with a firm grip. "Yeah. Nice to meet you, too."

Key nodded and released Soul's hand, then turned back to Hyun-Ki. "So, what brings you here? Lore's been complaining that it's too quiet around the house," he said with a chuckle.

Hyun-Ki shrugged, playing it cool. "I brought some hot soup for your sister. Lore invited us in, and we thought, why not?"

Key's demeanor shifted, his eyes growing serious. "Yeah –" he started, pausing to collect his thoughts. "I think I know why she invited you."

Hyun-Ki raised an eyebrow. "And why would that be?"

Key stood up from his chair. "She's paranoid. She thinks she's being stalked by – by The Topple."

"The Topple?" Hyun-Ki's eyes widened in surprise. "You mean that creep who was cursed by the High-Priestess? I heard he couldn't even get out of bed, let alone stalk someone."

"Yeah, I told her the same thing," Key replied, rubbing his temples. "But she's convinced. Says she's seen him lurking around after her school ended."

"How can she be so sure?"

"She told me he had a neck tattoo. Bald head. Crimson eyes. Long nose. It fits the description."

"Huh," Hyun-Ki said, his expression darkening. "But curses are supposed to be permanent. They don't just wear off."

"Exactly. That's what I've been trying to tell her. Curses don't just disappear," Key said with a sigh. "But she's really freaked out. I think it's just her mind playing tricks on her."

"Hormones can do that – I think?" Hyun-Ki said.

The Topple was a powerful Ur-blessed psychopath, a monster in every sense of the word. There was a reason he had to be cursed instead of imprisoned: he was too strong to be contained. Many women suffered and died at his hands, enduring horrific and unspeakable torture. His first crime, killing his pregnant mother then eating her and his unborn brother, sent shockwaves through Gum'n almost a decade ago.

Soul looked at the ceiling with half open eyes.

'Shit. Lilith lifted the curse on Ruby. But did she also accidentally remove the other curses, too? Is that even possible?'

"Hey, why not just talk with her, Ki?" Key asked. "Tell her it's just – tell her she's wrong and stuff."


"Thanks. Oh – tea?"

"I'll have one. You, Soul?"

Soul barely glanced down, "No, thanks," he said, his gaze drifting elsewhere as if already disengaged from the conversation.

"He's not much of a talker, is he?" Key whispered to Hyun-Ki, his voice barely audible.

"Yeah, he's not," Hyun-Ki replied, "but don't worry about him, he's harmless."

"Got it."

"So, uh, Soul, right?" Key said. "By which god you've been blessed with? Oh, wait, wait. Let me guess – Ur?"

"No one from the six blessed me."

"According to Professor Yuu," Hyun-Ki continued, filling in the silence after Soul's curt response, "he was blessed by a 'small' god."

"Hey, sorry about that," Lore said as she entered the kitchen. "I had to make sure all the windows and doors were locked. You never know what could happen, right? It's a dangerous world out there."

"Ur's beard, Lore," said her brother with a touch of exasperation. "You need to chill out. No one's going to –"

"Anyway!" she interjected, cutting him off. "I'll get you guys some tea."

"Actually, Lore," Key said, "could you go out and get some groceries? We don't have anything for breakfast tomorrow."

"What? It's night! I can't, brother. You go."

"Come on, cutest sister ever," Key pleaded, his voice taking on a playful tone. "Don't make me beg – and besides, these 'fine young gentlemen' here can go with you."

"Yeah," Hyun-Ki chimed in. "We'd be happy to keep you company. Let's go, Lore."

"I..." Lore hesitated, glancing at Key and then at Hyun-Ki. "Fine... okay. Fine!" She rolled her eyes and headed for the kitchen door.

"Man, I'm begging you." Hyun-Ki whispered to Soul. "Leave that damned pillow here. Don't bring it with us, it's embarrassing."

"Okay. Fine."

Lore walked between Soul and Hyun-Ki, her steps cautious and her eyes darting nervously across the dimly lit streets. Her left hand was tucked into her pocket, clutching a small dagger, a precaution against the lurking danger she feared. Each time she heard a strange sound from an alley or a distant rustling, she'd flinch and let out a sharp gasp, her tension palpable in the cold night air. The city felt different after dark, hostile, even menacing.

Hyun-Ki gave off a nervous chuckle, about to say something to lighten the mood. But before he could speak, Lore suddenly flinched and spun around, her eyes wide with alarm. The sudden noise, a cat snarling as it fought with a dog in a nearby alley, sent her heart racing.

She stopped in her tracks and shut her eyes, taking a deep breath to calm herself. Her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

"Okay, Lore," Hyun-Ki said, his voice gentle but firm. "We need to talk."

"I know my brother told you about it," Lore replied, her tone defensive. "I swear to the gods – it was The Topple. I saw him with my own eyes."

"Yeah, but he was cursed. Like, cursed-cursed," Hyun-Ki emphasized. "No way he'd be up and running, stalking girls."

"So you don't believe me, just like my brother..." Lore's voice wavered, her eyes seeking reassurance. "What about you, Soul? Please, at least tell me you believe me."

Soul paused, considering her words. "I do."

"Thank you! Finally someone gets it."


"Anyways, there's the shop. You guys wait here; I'll go grab the groceries."

The shop was a modest wooden structure with a thatched roof, its walls were built from Embelwood. The entrance was a simple wooden door, held together with iron straps and fitted with a basic latch.

Inside, the shop had a compact and slightly cramped feel, with shelves made from wooden planks lining the walls. The shelves were stocked with various goods, including sacks of grain, bundles of herbs, and simple earthenware jars filled with dried beans and other staples. A small counter at the front of the shop served as a checkout area, where a brass scale and a stack of parchment for tallying sales could be seen.

"Hey, I've never seen her this paranoid before, Soul." Hyun-Ki watched through the shop's window as Lore picked out some groceries, her movements quick and cautious.

"If I were a girl and saw The Topple, I'd be scared shitless, too," Soul replied.

"Yeah, but... The Topple is out of commission," Hyun-Ki insisted, his brow furrowing. "He's bedridden with that curse. There's no way he'd be out and about, stalking women."

"I don't know," Soul said, his eyes scanning the street for any signs of trouble. "These days, anything's possible, I guess."

"I wonder what's got her so worked up," Hyun-Ki mused, watching Lore through the window as she checked out.

"Maybe she's telling the truth, and you're just being an idiot," Soul replied, his tone blunt and unwavering.

"I'm done," Lore said as she joined them, "let's head home. Are you guys hungry? I can cook up some delicious rice"

"No, it's late. We wouldn't want to bother you. We'll head out after we drop you off." Hyun-Ki replied, shaking his head.

"Okay, sure."

They began walking back toward Lore's house in silent. The night was quiet except for a soft wind that rustled the leaves in the nearby trees.

All of a sudden, a relaxing tune started playing, its notes drifting through the air as if carried on the breeze. Soul couldn't pinpoint the source – it felt like someone was playing a flute, but the sound seemed to come from inside his own mind. He turned his head toward Hyun-Ki to see his reaction, only to find him slumped on the ground, unconscious. The soothing tune wasn't just music – it was a level four manipulation spell, and it was already taking effect. Luckily, Soul was able to resist it.

All the guards lay sprawled on the ground, completely incapacitated. The only one who seemed unaffected was Lore, who stood looking confused but alert. Soul quickly deduced that the manipulation spell targeted only the opposite sex, sparing the women while knocking out the men.

"Oh – finally." A man said from the shadows. "I got you. You charmed me with those tits of yours, whore."

"Oh, no. No, no, no." Lore's expression shifted, her eyes widening with fear. "You're real. The Topple! Ki, please wake up! Ki!"

"You, silver-haired fuckwit, resisted the spell, huh?" The man from the shadows spat on the ground, his laughter creeping up like a chilling wind. "Fine. I'll make you watch as I fuck her brains out. Maybe I'll put my hands on you, too. I'm always open to new things, after all."

The Topple stepped out into view. Just as Lore had described, he had a colorful neck tattoo, a bald head that shone even in the dim night, and a large nose that nearly touched his upper lip. The old man looked horrible.

'Great. I think I'll be able to hold my promise to Ruby.'